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No Leadership From the President

President Obama inherited a tough economy. But instead of providing the leadership our country needed to get back on the path to prosperity, President Obama's policies have just made things worse. After four years of the Obama presidency, more than 23 million Americans are out of w... Read More

America Deserves Better

Republicans took to the Senate floor today to address the failure of leadership from the president and Senate Democrats. Never before have a president and a Senate done so little when America's challenges are so great. Democrats' response to a host of challenges, from an unemployme... Read More

The Senate is not in session.

Republican senators continue to focus on creating jobs, lowering the deficit, reducing gas prices, and replacing the Democrats' health care bill with reforms that will actually lower costs.... Read More

The Obama Economy: It's Not Working

President Obama recently claimed that America tried the Democrats' economic plan, "and it worked." The dismal economic growth we're experiencing - just 1.5 percent in the second quarter of 2012 - tells a different story. With 41 straight months of unemployment above 8 per... Read More

ObamaCare Was the Wrong Medicine

Three years ago, Republicans warned that the president's $2.6 trillion health care law was the wrong medicine for our nation's health care system. Today it's clear that Republicans were right. The president's $2.6 trillion health care bill not only shows no signs of fixing the prob... Read More

The Obama Economy Isn't Working

President Obama may have inherited a tough economic situation, but he's made it worse. From gas prices to home values to unemployment, Americans are worse off today than they were when the president took office in 2009. The Obama Economy has been bad for American families and... Read More

Weekly Republican Address
Today's downward reduction of 2nd-quarter #GDP is yet another sign that the #ObamaEconomy isn't working. My Statement: http://t.co/D1t1b2PJ
.@SenJohnThune: "[D]ownward reduction of 2nd-quarter GDP is yet another sign that the #ObamaEconomy isn't working." http://t.co/3UCETD4z
New GDP Data: Economy 'Sluggish,' 'Slow,' 'Far Weaker Than Previously Believed' http://t.co/1KuthELd
Today's weak #GDP numbers combined w/largest drop in durable goods since Jan '09 confirms #ObamaEconomy is not working http://t.co/yJ61A4gA
Gas prices continue to remain above average, yet the administration continues to block solutions to bring down the price at the pump. #idpol
Weak Economic Data Is Casting A Shadow On Democrat Plans To Raise Taxes http://t.co/1KuthELd
RT @kaybaileyhutch: .@nytimes: Senate Republicans Challenge Obama's Recess Appointments http://t.co/8etSsVX6
Senate Republicans File Amicus Brief in Suit Over Unconstitutional Recess Appointments http://t.co/8exyaYTx
Joined 41 #Senators filing an amicus brief in suit over Pres Obama's #unconstitutional recess appointments to the NLRB: http://t.co/n8ZxAUuv
The #Obamacare Effect: According to a survey by The Physicians Foundation, 6 in 10 docs would quit today if possible. http://t.co/8K6njx9f
Middle-class families face record prices at the pump due to the president's failed policies: http://t.co/Dp2AXx2n #ObamaEconomy #tcot
In four years, the amount of national debt per person has increased from $34,731 to $50,929. We must get this under control. #FiscalCliff
Mainstream media is playing trivial pursuit by failing to cover serious issues. See my recent remarks on Senate Floor: http://t.co/FmWpIt2B
RT @JohnCornyn: 99 days till Taxmagedon
Gas prices have gone up by a whopping 106% since Pres Obama took office (INFOGRAPHIC): http://t.co/9y6yeuci #ObamaEconomy #ItsNotWorking
ICYMI: @SenatorSessions Delivers Weekly GOP Address on Senate Dems' Refusal to Pass a #Budget http://t.co/qxGEjp4x #tcot
Ranking Member Sessions delivered today's weekly Republican address: http://t.co/3r7iUws9
.@SenatorWicker: "The president's budget was so unpopular it didn't get a single vote [in the #Senate]." It failed 0-99 this year.
.@SenatorSessions: "[W]e have to have a plan to get us off the course to financial disaster, and a budget is the way you lay that plan out"
The #FiscalCliff is coming if Congress does not act. CBO says it will cause a significant recession and raise unemployment above 9%. #idpol
RT @JohnCornyn: Sunday will mark 100 days till Taxmageddon
Growing unemployment, shrinking incomes, record debt, but Obama says his "biggest failure" is on immigration? http://t.co/6gQJ0GNQ
Unemployment Grows, Incomes Shrink But Pres. Obama Says His 'Biggest Failure' Is Not Making An Effort On Immigration http://t.co/6gQJ0GNQ
+1 for using the correct #Twitter handle. #FF RT @JoshMontavon: @lisamurkowski longest commute from home state #SenGOPtrivia
Correct! Thanks for participating. #FF MT @SeanVera: Sen. Lisa Murkowski #SenGOPtrivia
The #Senate is in session. LIVE floor proceedings: http://t.co/iajKC7RL
This GOP senator has the longest commute between their home state and Washington, D.C. #SenGOPtrivia
#SenGOPtrivia question coming within the hour. 1st correct answer gets an RT. Bonus RT for 1st using the sen's #Twitter handle. Stay tuned!
More evidence that the #ObamaEconomy isn't working: http://t.co/W0juM8j8 #NotBetterOff (via @AP)
Today is National POW/MIA Recognition Day - a sober reminder that they are not forgotten: http://t.co/yTO8NRoU #UntilTheyAreHome