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  • Pennsylvania’s Large-Scale Pilot Project

    Article courtesy of IEEE Smartgrid The initial focus is on improved distribution management in the area around Harrisburg. Ultimately, monitoring devices and wireless communications will be installed throughout the utility's operating area to improve reliability and efficiency and allow for more flexible and capable management. The U.S. Department of Energy...(more)

  • U.S. Department of Energy Releases Recovery Act Smart Grid Progress Report

    The U.S. Department of Energy Recovery Act Smart Grid Progress Report is now available on This report provides background information and the status of the smart grid projects that received funding through the Smart Grid Investment Grant Program. The Smart Grid Investment Grant Program (SGIG) is a $3.4 billion initiative that seeks to accelerate...(more)

  • Chattanooga: A Small City With A Smarter Grid

    Article courtesy of It’s hard to over-emphasize how antiquated much of the electricity grid is. Electricity companies typically have no idea when parts of the network go down, when customers are without power, or how much electricity they are using. They have to wait for customers to report a fault, and they have to send out expensive...(more)

  • Energy Department Develops Tool with Industry to Help Utilities Strengthen Their Cybersecurity Capabilities

    Article reposted from WASHINGTON -- As part of the Obama Administration’s commitment to protecting America’s critical energy infrastructure, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced the release of a new Cybersecurity Self-Evaluation Survey Tool for utilities that will strengthen protection of the nation’s electric grid...(more)

  • Entergy Enters App World

    Full article at New Orleans, La. – Entergy has been a leader in the utility industry in providing Web transaction services, including My Account, outage and transaction texting, outage maps and mobile Web access. Now, Entergy adds a new tool to its digital communications: The Entergy App for iPhone. Combined with other recently launched...(more)

  • Duke Energy Consumers in Ohio Benefiting from Smart Grid Investments

    Full article available at Duke Energy News Duke Energy has for several years been installing digital smart meters and other equipment to modernize the power grid to improve reliability, increase efficiency and to give customers more control over their energy usage and costs. And our customers are benefiting as the technology has helped reduce the number of...(more)

  • Honeywell gets Smart Grid division

    Article courtesy of Star Tribune  Honeywell's Golden Valley-based Building Solutions unit announced the establishment of separate "smart grid" division Monday that will help utilities and building owners better manage energy demand, save money and solve grid and equipment problems that lead to electrical brownouts. The new stand-alone unit...(more)

  • 2 Minute Expert Briefing: Smart Grid Technology

    Article reposted from NRG Expert After reviewing NRG Expert’s latest report on Smart Grid technology and reading about the industry in general, Edgar van der Meer highlights some interesting facts: Top 5 Smart Grid stats* $2 trillion – estimated total investment needed to achieve full smart grid penetration $480 billion - maximum cost of...(more)

  • More On Smart Meters

    The smart meter is an essential component to modernizing our energy delivery grid. Its two-way communication ability enables customers and BGE to better understand usage patterns and allows customers to better manage energy use and control costs. Before we installed the first smart meters earlier this month, we communicated to our customers about this new...(more)

  • Critical Infrastructure Communications Policy Summit

    Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Washington Renaissance Hotel Dupont Circle Washington, DC Ensuring a communications network capable of meeting current and future policy and operational goals is becoming increasingly difficult. Technology is trying to catch up with policy mandates and policies are trying to support emerging technologies - all in the hope of getting it...(more)