Bureau of Reclamation Banner

Hydraulic Investigations and Laboratory Services Group

Photo of 1:48 scale model of Folsom Dam - Joint Federal Project
1:48 scale model of key features of the Joint Federal Project for Folsom Dam - video

Canal breach test #1
VIDEO: Hydrolox traveling
screen with debris pegs

Folsom Joint Federal Project - under construction
Joint Federal Project under construction (click for larger view)

The Hydraulic Investigations and Laboratory Services Group applies hydraulic modeling, analysis, and field testing expertise to the solution of water resources, hydraulics, and fluid mechanics problems. We operate Reclamation's only hydraulics laboratory, with an 83-year history of developing cutting-edge hydraulic engineering technologies. Our work is focused on ensuring the safety of Reclamation dams, managing and conserving water resources, constructing and maintaining essential infrastructure, and protecting and improving the environment. We address site-specific needs and conduct applied research studies that develop new water resource management tools for all Reclamation projects. We perform work for Reclamation and other organizations, including international clients, federal, state, and local governments, and private entities. We are part of Reclamation's Technical Service Center, which provides engineering and scientific services to all of Reclamation.

Active Projects




Quick Links

  • WinFlume - Software for design of long-throated flumes and broad-crested weirs
  • Training - Annual workshops related to water management and conservation
  • Our Staff - Learn about the specialties of our staff

Other Reclamation Offices

Staff Pages

Bob Einhellig      K. Warren Frizell       Tom Gill
Leslie Hanna      Bryan Heiner      Jim Higgs
Joe Kubitschek      Dale Lentz      Brent Mefford
Josh Mortensen      Connie Svoboda
Tracy Vermeyen      Tony Wahl


Mailing Address
Bureau of Reclamation
Hydraulic Investigations and Laboratory Services Group
Mail Code 86-68460
PO Box 25007
Denver, CO 80225-0007

Group Manager
Bob Einhellig, 303-445-2142

Group Secretary
Leah Lottes, 303-445-2180

Fax 303-445-6324

Package Delivery Address
Bureau of Reclamation
Hydraulic Investigations and Laboratory Services Group
Bldg. 67, Rm. 152, 86-68460
Denver Federal Center
6th Avenue and Kipling St.
Denver, CO 80225-0007

Large Freight Delivery Address
Bureau of Reclamation
Hydraulic Investigations and Laboratory Services Group
Bldg. 56, Entrance S8, Rm. 1950
Denver Federal Center
6th Avenue and Kipling St.
Denver, CO 80225-0007


Sending and Receiving Large Electronic Files

We cannot receive files larger than 25 MB via e-mail. To exchange single large files within the Reclamation Wide-Area Network (Reclamation users only), visit the intranet file transfer site. To exchange large files between Reclamation and non-Reclamation users, use our FTP site.

*Prior to 1994 we were the Hydraulics Branch, and from 1994 until November 2007 we were known as the Water Resources Research Laboratory.

Last reviewed: 09/26/12