Bureau of Reclamation Banner

Student Programs

Want to gain valuable work experience--with pay--while you're still attending school? Reclamation has a variety of programs that help you do just that.

All students in good standing--whether they're in high school or seeking a vocational, technical, associate, baccalaureate, graduate, or professional degree--can participate.

We offer temporary employment opportunities while you're attending school. Or, we have a career program that lets you work in your field of study to explore career options and gain valuable experience. Upon graduation, you may be eligible for permanent employment or other benefits such as tuition assistance, paid holidays, accrued vacation time, sick leave, health benefits, life insurance, and coverage under the federal government's retirement program. Have questions on these student programs? Get more details at http://www.usajobs.opm.gov/students.htm.


Vertical Line

Administrative Support Specialists


Civil EngineeringTechnicians

Computer Specialists


Engineering Equipment Operators

Hydroelectric Plant Mechanics


Natural Resource Specialists

Powerplant Control Room Operators

Student Programs

. . . and more

For Questions and Comments
Last revised: March 10, 2009