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Industry Circular

Number: 80-3

Date: March 10, 1980

Department of the Treasury

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

Washington, D.C. 20226


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Brewers and Others concerned:

Purpose. The purpose of this circular is to advise you that a new list of "Adjuncts Reported to be Employed in Brewing" (referred to below as Adjunct Report) has been compiled. The Adjunct Report is based on the results of a survey of American brewers which was conducted in 1977 under the auspices of the United States Brewers Association, Inc. and the Brewer's Association of America. It is ATF's under- standing that a copy of the Adjunct Report has been supplied to all brewers.

Use of adjuncts listed in the Adjunct Report. Brewers who wish to continue or commence the use of an adjunct listed in the Adjunct Report should file a notice with the appropriate ATF regional regulatory administrator. The notice will be treated as part of the Brewer's Notice (Form 27-C) and should state that the brewer: (1) has received a copy of the new Adjunct Report, and (2) proposes to use (without specificity) one or more of the adjuncts listed therein. Each brewer must maintain commercial records detailing the receipt and use of adjuncts. Adjuncts listed in the Adjunct Report are suitable for use in beer and cereal beverages when used in accordance with the conditions described in the report.

Adjuncts not listed in the Adjunct Report. Any brewer desiring to use an adjunct not included in the Adjunct Report should, prior to commencing the use of such adjunct, submit complete documentation to the Director concerning the appropriateness of the adjunct for the use proposed. If it is found that the pro- posed material is suitable for use in beer and cereal beverages, the brewer will be so notified.

Amendments. As additional adjuncts are recognized as being suitable for use in beer and cereal bever- ages, amendments of the Adjunct Report will be issued for the information and guidance of brewers, by means of dated page inserts identifying the additional item or items. It will not be necessary for brewers to again file the notice referred to in the second para- graph, above, as to adjuncts identified on such page inserts.

Requests for copies of the report. All requests for copies of the Adjunct Report should be sent to the United States Brewers Association, Inc., 1750 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006.

Inquiries. Inquiries regarding this circular should refer to its number and be addressed to the Assistant Director (Regulatory Enforcement), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20226.

G.R. Dickerson


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