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Industry Circular

Number: 61-17

Date: May 9, 1961

Office of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division


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Proprietors of bonded wine cellars, and others concerned:

Purpose. This circular is to inform you of the revisions being made to Form 702, Monthly Report of Wine Cellar Operations, and Form 2621, Record of Bottled Wine, and of the availability of the revised forms.

Revisions to Forms. Form 702 is being revised to provide separate summaries for bottled wine in bond and for domestic wines in taxpaid rooms. Also, Section IV, Monthly Summary of Still Wine Production, on the current revision of this form will be eliminated.

Form 2621 is being revised to facilitate preparation of the new summary of bottled wine in bond, Section B, Part I, of the new Form 702. The type of information required to be reported on the revised Form 2621 will be essentially the same as that being reported on the form which is now in use. The new form is greatly reduced in size and is so designed that a separate sheet will be used in reporting transactions in each tax classification.

Availability of Revised Forms. It is expected that sample copies of the revised Form 2621 will be distributed to assistant regional commissioners, alcohol and tobacco tax, about May 15, 1961, so that supplies of the form may be printed by commercial printers in time for you to purchase them for use beginning July 1, 1961.

It is also expected that the latest revision of Form 702 will be dis- tributed to assistant regional commissioners about July 1, 1961, so that he may supply you with copies in time for you to report your operations for the month of July 1961 and for subsequent months.

Inquiries. Inquiries regarding this circular should refer to its number and be addressed to your assistant regional commissioner, alcohol and tobacco tax.

Harold Serr

Harold A. Serr

Acting Director, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division

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