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         Bill Kobren, Director

Bill Kobren
Logistics & Sustainment Center

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   Home Skip Navigation LinksAT&L Functional Gateways > Life Cycle Logistics > Director Bill Kobren's Blogs

Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy 

Tags: Acquisition Workforce, Human Capital , Leadership, PSM, Product Support Manager

On September 6, 2012, General Martin E. Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff presided over the activation of the Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy as the successor to the venerable Industrial College of the Armed Forces (ICAF). The short name for the school is now “The Eisenhower School.” According to their official history,  “the institution has has served the Nation for over 86 years, preparing military officers and civilian government officials for leadership and executive positions in the field of national security. Established in 1924 in the aftermath of America’s mobilization difficulties in World War I, its predecessor, the Army Industrial College, focused on wartime procurement and mobilization procedures.” For details of 2012 transition from what had been ICAF to the new Eisenhower School, encourage you to view the program from the event.


Why is this important to you as a life cycle logistician? For several reasons, not the least of which that as current or aspiring future Product Support Manager (PSM), whether military or DoD civilian, that the Eisenhower School is a potential Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) option for senior leader professional development. See the Life Cycle Logistics Level III iCatalog “Core Plus Development Guide” for desired training, education, and experience, which includes a recommendation to consider JPME. For current and future senior leaders in this business, encourage you to take the time to look into this as an important educational option to prepare you for the challenges that lie ahead.

Posted by Bill Kobren CPL on 26-Sep-12
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