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YRBSS - Trend Fact Sheets - DASH/HealthyYouth
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National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

Healthy Youth

National Trends in Risk Behaviors

National Trends in Risk Behaviors

These fact sheets show trend data from 19912009 for selected risk behaviors. Each fact sheet provides
  • The percentage and confidence intervals for each year that has data available.
  • Changes from 19912009 based on multivariate trend analysis.
  • Changes from 20072009 based on t-test analyses.

See Interpretation of YRBS Trend Data [pdf 46k] for guidance on interpreting YRBS trend data analyses.

Trend Fact Sheets


All Students [pdf 176k]

By Race/Ethnicity
        Black [pdf 155k]
        Hispanic [pdf 174k]
        White [pdf 175k]

Topic Specific:

Alcohol Use [pdf 92k]
Behaviors that Contribute to Unintentional Injury [pdf 92k]
Behaviors that Contribute to Violence [pdf 134k]
Behaviors that Contribute to Violence on School Property [pdf 92k]
Marijuana, Cocaine, and Other Illegal Drug Use [pdf 101k]
Obesity, Dietary Behaviors, and Weight Control Practices [pdf 137k]
Physical Activity [pdf 96k]
Sexual Behaviors [pdf 127k]
Suicide-Related Behaviors [pdf 92k]
Tobacco, Alcohol, and Illegal Drug Use on School Property [pdf 92k]
Tobacco Use [pdf 101k]

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Page last reviewed: June 03, 2010
Page last modified: June 03, 2010
Content source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Adolescent and School Health

Division of Adolescent and School Health
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Department of Health and Human Services