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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Health Enhancement Products, Inc., Howard R. Baer and Kevin C. Baer

The SEC is providing notice to investors in Health Enhancement Products, Inc. (HEPI).� On March 15, 2012, the Court in SEC v. Howard R. Baer and Kevin C. Baer, 06-CV-2792-FJM (D. Ariz.) entered two orders.

The first order approved the Amended Distribution Plan.� The second order ordered that the funds on deposit with the Court be transferred to the SEC for distribution.

Investors should contact the distribution agent for further information:

Rust Consulting, Inc.
625 Marquette Avenue, Suite 880
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Attention: Eric Miller

or by e-mail to emiller@rustconsulting.com.

Questions may be directed to the SEC at the following address:

John J. Graubard, Senior Attorney
Securities and Exchange Commission,
New York Regional Office
3 World Financial Center, Room 400
New York, NY 10281-1022

or by e-mail to graubardj@sec.gov.


Modified: 3/23/2012