
Protesters shout slogans during a demonstration against cuts in public education, in central Madrid, September 27, 2012.

Further Austerity Measures Specified in Spain's Budget

Deep cuts likely to agitate vocal, active demonstrators who have promised 'heated fall' More

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange addresses a meeting via videolink from Ecuador's London embassy during the United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters, September 26, 2012.

Britain, Ecuador Fail to Reach Deal on Assange's Fate

WikiLeaks founder concerned Sweden may extradite him to US to stand trial for releasing classified US military documents, diplomatic cables More

Greece's Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras makes statements after a meeting with Greece's PM Antonis Samaras and the heads of the two junior coalition parties in Athens, Sept. 27, 2012. Stournaras says the heads of the three parties in the governing coal

Greece, Spain Seek More Austerity

Nearly a quarter of Spaniards are unemployed, jobless rate only slightly better in Greece More

Band of former Soviet paratroopers performing anti-Putin song got more than 1 million views on YouTube, Moscow, Feb. 4, 2012.

Moscow Threatens YouTube Over Anti-Islam Video

Critics say newly proposed law is just another way for Kremlin officials to stifle Russia's political opposition More

Protesters shout slogans during a demonstration outside Madrid's Parliament, September 26, 2012.

Greece, Spain Seek Further Austerity Steps

Citizens of Spain, Greece demonstrate in streets against budget cuts as nations finalize more stringent plans More

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Video Police Clash with Thousands of Protesters in Greece

Tens of thousands of Greeks took to the streets Wednesday to protest fresh austerity measures, and clashes erupted between police and some demonstrators. As Selah Hennessy reports, the country was also brought to a virtual halt as workers carried out a general strike.