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SWPC HOME -> Data and Products -> GOES Data at SWPC

SWPC GOES Satellite Designations

Instrument Primary Secondary
X-ray GOES 15 GOES 14
Proton GOES 13 GOES 15
Electron GOES 13 GOES 15
Magnetometer GOES 13 GOES 15
Solar X-ray Imager GOES 15 GOES 14

September, 2012
GOES-14 Online as Secondary X-ray Sensor and Imager

GOES-14 has been brought online to provide additional operational coverage during the GOES eclipse season, the period where Earth comes between the GOES spacecraft and the Sun, obscuring the measurement for a brief period each day. After the eclipse season (on or around October 16th), GOES-14 will become the primary, and only, operational X-ray measurement platform (both XRS and SXI) during planned maintenance for GOES-15. After the GOES-15 maintenance (on or around October 30th), GOES-14 will return to storage and GOES-15 will once again be the primary, and only, operational X-ray measurement platform.

Late February 2011
GOES 15 will Replace GOES 11 as
Secondary SWPC GOES Proton, Electron and Magnetometer Satellite

January 10, 2011 -- GOES-11 is the SWPC Secondary GOES satellite for particle and magnetometer measurements. Due to resource constraints, SWPC will stop collecting and processing GOES 11 space weather data on February 28, 2011 at 1800 UT. This is eight months prior to the currently scheduled official September 2011 replacement of the GOES 11 spacecraft, . In February, GOES 15, at 90 degrees longitude, will become the SWPC Secondary GOES particle and magnetometer satellite.

The primary impact will be on the longitudinal spacing of the in situ Magnetometer and Energetic Particle data which currently come from the two geosynchronous locations GOES-13 at 75 degrees longitude (GOES East) and GOES-11 at 135 degrees longitude (GOES West). From February to September 2011, SWPC will provide particle and magnetometer data from GOES-13, the primary satellite at 75 degrees longitude and GOES 15, the secondary satellite, at 90 degrees longitude. This change effectively decreases longitude spatial separation between observations from 60 degrees to 15 degrees.

This situation will exist until around September 2011 when a new GOES satellite is brought from the storage location near 100 degrees longitude to the GOES West position at 135 degrees longitude, and will become the SWPC Secondary GOES satellite for particle and magnetometer data. From that point forward, it is anticipated that the nominal magnetometer and particle data will once again be available from the two operational GOES satellites; GOES-13 located at 75 and GOES-14 at 135 degrees.

The GOES 11 X-Ray Sensor on was turned off several years ago.

The following SWPC products will be effected:

Comments and questions are welcome:

GOES 15 Designated Primary Satellite for X-ray and SXI data
No Secondary Satellite for X-rays or SXI

October 28, 2010 -- GOES 15 became the Primary SWPC GOES X-ray and SXI satellite replacing GOES 14. GOES 14 will be put into storage mode. There are only minor differences in the appearance of the GOES 14 and GOES 15 X-ray data at the lowest flux levels.

There is no SWPC Secondary GOES X-ray or SXI satellite.

GOES 13 Designated Primary SWPC GOES Satellite
for Protons, Electrons and Magnetometer

April 14 , 2010 -- GOES 13 became the Primary SWPC GOES Satellite for the Proton, Electron and Magnetometer instruments and GOES 11 is designated the Secondary Satellite.
GOES 12 is being decommissioned.

GOES 13 HEPAD data -- channels P8 - P11 are temporarily unavailable until calibration issues are resolved.

Revised Geometrical Factors for GOES 13, 14 and 15 EPEAD Electron Channels

Starting with GOES 13, SWPC is using new geometrical factors for processing two of the three Energetic Proton, Electron and Alpha Detectors (EPEAD) electron channels (E1 and E3) and a new energy threshold for one of the electron channels (E1). The processing of the most heavily used channel (E2) remains unchanged. The changes are summarized as follows:

  GOES 8-12 EPS GOES 13-15 EPEAD
Channel Energy
Geom. Fact.
(cm^2 sr)
Geom. Fact.
(cm^2 sr)
E1 >0.6  0.078 >0.8   0.75 (9.6x increase)
E2 >2.0 0.05 >2.0   0.05
E3 >4.0 0.0175 >4.0   0.056 (3.2x increase)

These changes represent reevaluations of the instrument performance, not design changes.  There are currently no plans to reprocess the GOES 8-12 electron data.

Background: On GOES 13, 14 and 15, the Energetic Proton, Electron and Alpha Detectors (EPEAD) are essentially the same as the Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS) on GOES 8-12.  There are two EPEADs on each satellite, one looking east and one looking west.  Of the three electron channels, E1 and E2 are derived from the D3 Dome detector and E3 is derived from the D4 Dome detector.  For more information, please see T. G. Onsager et al. (1996), Operational uses of the GOES energetic particle detectors, in GOES-8 and Beyond, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 2812, edited by E. R. Washwell, pp. 281-290, Bellingham, WA.
For operational processing at SWPC, a single geometrical factor is applied to the count rates for each channel regardless of the shape of the electron spectrum.  Based in part on recharacterizations of the EPEAD performed for GOES 13, 14 and 15, the instrument contractor recommended effective single geometrical factors and energy thresholds for the three electron channels.  SWPC has adopted the recommended changes for E1 and E3. (For E2, the most heavily used electron channel, the recommended geometrical factor was only 10% lower than the old factor; therefore, for consistency, the old factor has been kept in use for GOES 13-15.) The new factors result in lower fluxes for E1 and E3.
The old geometrical factors for E1 and E3 were derived by SWPC, not by the contractor.  The difference between the old and new energy thresholds for E1 reflects a gradual “turn-on” of the channel response to electrons.  The new factors do not account for inter-calibration between units on the same spacecraft or on different spacecraft.

There is currently no Secondary satellite for X-rays. GOES 14 Solar X-ray Imager (SXI) On Orbit Checkout images are available at SWPC.

Product Changes

Data plots: Satellite Environment, Electron Flux, Proton Flux, and Magnetometer. See Today's Space Weather, SWPC Real-time Monitor Displays. Plus Plots of Solar-Geophysical Data accessible via the web or anonymous FTP

Data Lists: GOES Proton and Electron, Proton Channel, and Magnetometer
accessible via the web or anonymous FTP

GOES 13 data appears in Daily Particle Data, Current Space Weather
values, and Yesterday's Space Weather Values.
See and

In 'The WEEKLY', the Daily Particle Data table and the 7-day Proton and Electron plots show GOES 13 data beginning in PRF 1807.

Starting March 19, 2012, 'The WEEKLY' is issued on Monday, not Tuesday.

Older notices about GOES data

GOES Satellite Data at SWPC

Real-time GOES Displays, Plots,
and Images
Info Update Latest Older Archive
GOES Solar X-ray Imager (SXI) Info 1 min web page
images, movies
GOES X-ray Flux 1-min data -- 1 min updating no NGDC
Satellite Environment Plot -- 5 min updating, latest recent or
GOES X-ray Flux 5-min data -- 5 min updating, latest recent or
GOES Magnetometer, Hp-component -- 1 min updating,
recent or
GOES Integral Proton Flux -- 5 min updating, latest recent or
GOES Electron Flux -- 5 min updating, latest recent or
ASCII Text Lists          
GOES X-ray Flux 1-min data Info 1 min latest 15 days NGDC
GOES X-ray Flux 5-min data Info 5 min latest 45 days NGDC
GOES Energetic Integral Protons and Electrons Info 5 min latest 45 days NGDC
GOES Differential Proton Channels Info 5 min latest 45 days NGDC
GOES Magnetometer Info 1 min latest 15 days NGDC
GOES Satellite Location -- daily latest no no

GOES data in SWPC Products

Title Info Update Latest Older Archive
SWPC Space Weather Alerts; watches, warnings, alerts, and summaries Info when issued latest Sept 2001 Sept 2001
"Today's Space Weather" -- 5 min updating no warehouse
"Space Weather Now" Info 5 min updating no no
Global D-region Absorption Info 1 min updating no no
SW for Aviation Service Providers Info 1 min updating no no
Solar Event Reports (Edited Events) Info 30 min latest 60 days warehouse
Daily Space Weather Indices ---10cm solar radio flux; SWO sunspot number, area, and new regions; GOES x-ray background flux; and x-ray and optical flare counts, GOES proton and electron flux; neutron monitor % of background; Fredericksburg, Boulder, College, and est. Planetary A&K indices Info hourly today,
75 days NGDC
Daily Particle Data--GOES proton and electron fluence, neutron monitor % of background -- 0230 UT 30 days,
1994 NGDC
Daily Solar Data--10cm solar radio flux; SWO sunspot number, area, and new regions; GOES x-ray background flux; and x-ray and optical flare counts -- 0230 UT 30 days,
1994 NGDC
Solar and Geophysical Activity Summary Info 0245 UT latest 75 days warehouse
The Weekly - Preliminary Report and Forecast of Solar Geophysical Data Info Monday latest 1997 SWPC

Column headings
     Info: information about the product; issue schedule, content & format descriptions, etc.
frequency of content updates, e.g. every 30 minutes
Latest: link to most recent file; sometimes multiple formats available; updating pages automatically update in a browser
Older: links to menu of most recent and older content and indicates how long content is retained online or earliest data, e.g. last 45 days or since 2000
Archive: links to official data or product archive

Non-SWPC web sites for GOES and other NOAA Satellite Program

National Geophysical Data System - GOES data archives

NOAA Satellite Services Division - A Division of the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) providing real time access to satellite data and products for the public and government.

GOES Office of Satellite Operations - Home page for News, Daily Updates, Operations Info, GOES, POES, DMSP, Contacts, and Help

GOES Office of Systems Development - OSD/NESDIS News, Info, Satellite Programs, Publications, Contacts

Notices about GOES data

GOES 14 Primary Satellite for XRS data
No Secondary Satellite for X-rays or Electrons and Protons

December 1, 2009 -- The GOES 10 satellite was decommissioned. GOES 14 became the Primary SWPC GOES X-ray Satellite.  Since the XRS data ceased from GOES 11 and GOES 12, there has been no Secondary SWPC GOES X-ray Satellite. There are minor differences in the appearance of the GOES 14 XRS data and at the lowest flux levels.

There is no Secondary Satellite for Electrons and Protons. 

Changes to the GOES XRS Data 

The GOES 10 and GOES 14 XRS instruments have very different electronics and therefore, there are some qualitative changes in the appearance of the data.  The main difference is the level of noise in the data at the lowest values.  When the background levels are low (less than 2E-7 W/m2 or A2.0), the GOES 10 data looked flat and the steps were very abrupt.   At these low flux levels, the GOES 14 data is quite noisy.  As the x-ray flux levels rise up above 2E-7, the noise decreases and the plots look very similar to the GOES 10 data. 

GOES 10 Decommissioning Dec 1, 2009
GOES 14 Becomes Primary Satellite for XRS data

No Secondary Satellite for X-rays or Electrons and Protons

November 17, 2009 -- On Tuesday, 01 December, the GOES 10 satellite will be officially decommissioned. At that time, GOES 14 will replace GOES 10 as the Primary SWPC GOES X-ray Satellite.  Since the XRS data ceased from GOES 11 and GOES 12, there has been no Secondary SWPC GOES X-ray Satellite. With the decommissioning of GOES 10, there will also be no Secondary Satellite for Electrons and Protons. There should be only minor differences in the appearance of the XRS data and only at the lowest flux levels.

Changes to the GOES XRS Data 

The GOES 10 and GOES 14 XRS instruments have very different electronics and therefore, there will be some qualitative changes in the appearance of the data.  The main difference will be the level of noise in the data at the lowest values.  When the background levels are low (less than 2E-7 W/m2 or A2.0), the GOES 10 data looks flat and the steps are very abrupt.   At these low flux levels, the GOES 14 data will be quite noisy.  As the x-ray flux levels rise up above 2E-7, the noise will decrease and the plots will look very similar to the GOES 10 data. 

June 23, 2009 -- GOES Spacecraft Occulted by Moon for 30 minutes

GOES 10, June 23 from 0136 to 0205 UT -- GOES 10 has the only X-ray detector
GOES 11, June 23 from 0509 to 0529 UT
GOES 12, June 23 from 0215 to 0247 UT

GOES 11 Becomes Primary Electron Satellite, GOES 10 Secondary Satellite

December 1, 2008 --On Friday, 28 November, the GOES 12 Electron sensor began experiencing periods of noisy data. Therefore, GOES 11 has been designated the SWPC GOES Electron Satellite and GOES 10 the Secondary.

The electron detector provides three energetic particle channels: >0.6 MeV electrons, >2 MeV electrons, and 15-40 MeV protons. These data are the basis for alerts and warnings that help to mitigate satellite failures due to spacecraft charging and to mitigate the radiation hazard encountered by astronauts during space walks.

GOES 11 Proton, Electron, and Magnetometer Outages Through Eclipse Season

April 14 , 2008 -- Beginning March 12, GOES 11 Proton, Electron and Magnetometer instruments was turned off during eclipse periods. Maximum eclipse times were March 18 0835 to 0945 UT. GOES 11 eclipse season ended April 10.

GOES 10 X-ray Outages During Eclipse Season

April 14 , 2008 -- GOES 10 X-ray outages due to spacecraft eclipse season started Feb. 20 and ended April 5. Maximum eclipse duration reached about 65 minutes on March 11. X-ray sensors (XRS) are not operational on other GOES satellites to fill in for the GOES-10 eclipses.

GOES 10 Becomes Primary X-ray Satellite, no Secondary Satellite

February 11, 2008 -- GOES 11 X-ray data has been unavailable since Feb. 10. The expectation is that GOES 11 X-rays will remain unavailable. Other GOES 11 data is still available.

GOES 10 has been moved to the primary SWPC X-rays data. There is no secondary GOES X-ray data at this time. GOES 10 data resumed at 1630 UT Feb 10 and will continue indefinitely.

No GOES 10 Data Beginning December 17, 2007

December 18, 2007 -- GOES-10, the SWPC secondary GOES Satellite for X-ray and Proton data, is again not being tracked at SWPC due to antenna problems. SWPC GOES-10 tracking is expected to resume in early February. GOES-10 data products continue to be created, but with missing data values.

December 5-17, 2007 -- GOES 10 tracking was restarted during the GOES 12 outage.
November 21 - Dec 5, 2007 -- GOES-10, the SWPC secondary GOES Satellite for X-ray and Proton data, was not tracked at SWPC due to an antenna problem.

GOES 12 Data Resumes After December 5-17, 2007 Outage

December 18, 2007 -- GOES 12 was unavailable at SWPC from 1010UT December 5 until 2040UT December 17, 2007 due to antenna problems at SWPC.

GOES-12 SXI and XRS Out of Commission Indefinitely

Impact: on XRS: GOES 11 designated Primary GOES satellite and GOES 10 Secondary. Routine GOES-12 XRS observations suspended indefinitely.

Impact on SXI: Routine GOES-12 SXI observations suspended indefinitely.

August 24, 2007 -- On 12 April 2007 the ability to point the SXI and XRS solar sensors aboard the GOES-12 spacecraft was lost due to the failure of a component in the electronics box that controls the north-south motion of both instruments. Although the SXI and XRS instruments continue to function, the Sun now enters the field of view only for a brief period twice a year at the equinoxes.

Since it appears highly unlikely that the pointing functionality can be ever be recovered, routine GOES-12 SXI and XRS observations have been suspended indefinitely. Some limited imaging may be attempted for engineering purposes during the equinoxes, but there is no plan at present to reactivate SXI and XRS in operational mode.


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Page last modified: Sept 17, 2010


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