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Public Comments


Comment Description

Proposed Rule  77 FR 52137  //  Open PDF Version PDF Version

Proposed Order and Request for Comment on a Petition From Certain Independent System Operators and Regional Transmission Organizations To Exempt Specified Transactions Authorized by a Tariff or Protocol Approved by the Federal Energy Commission or the Public Utility Commission of Texas From Certain Provisions of the Commodity Exchange Act

Open Date: 8/28/2012
Closing Date: 9/27/2012

Proposed Rule  77 FR 48207  //  Open PDF Version PDF Version

Commodity Futures Trading Commission 17 CFR Part 1 Securities and Exchange Commission 17 CFR Parts 230, 240 and 241 Further Definition of ``Swap,'' ``Security-Based Swap,'' and ``Security-Based Swap Agreement''; Mixed Swaps; Security-Based Swap Agreement Recordkeeping

Open Date: 8/13/2012
Closing Date: 10/12/2012

Public Information Collection  77 FR 49428  //  Open PDF Version PDF Version

Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection, Comment Request: Further Definition of ``Swap,'' ``Security-Based Swap,'' and ``Security-Based Swap Agreement''; Mixed Swaps; Security-Based Swap Agreement Recordkeeping: Book-out Agreement Confirmation

Open Date: 8/16/2012
Closing Date: 10/15/2012

Privacy Act Systems  77 FR 58814  //  Open PDF Version PDF Version

Privacy Act of 1974 System of Records Notice

Open Date: 9/24/2012
Closing Date: 10/24/2012