Name (click for metadata and to rate record) Description Agency Subagency Category Last updated date
Combined Statement of Receipts, Outlays, and Balances Starting with Fiscal Year 2001, the Annual Report and Annual Report Appendix have been combined and renamed the Combined Statement of Receipts, Outlays, and Balances of the United States Government (Combined Statement). The Combined Statement is recognized as the official publication of receipts and outlays with which all other reports containing similar data must be in agreement. It presents budgetary results at the summary and detail level. It is part of a triad of publications that includes: the Monthly Treasury Statement, a report of the government receipts and outlays that is based on agency reporting, and the Daily Treasury Statement, summarizing data on the cash and debt operations of the Treasury based on reporting of the Treasury account balances of the Federal Reserve banks.<br /> <br /> TREAS FMS Federal Government Finances and Employment 2011-10-07 09:02:27
Daily Treasury Statement (DTS) Summarizes the US Treasury's cash and debt operations for the Federal Government on a modified cash basis. Deposits are reported as received and withdrawals are reported as processed. <br /> TREAS FMS Federal Government Finances and Employment 2011-10-07 09:02:27
Monthly Treasury Statement (MTS) Summarizes the financial activities of the federal government and off-budget federal entities in accordance with the Budget of the U.S. Government. Presents a summary of: receipts and outlays, <br /> surplus or deficit, and means of financing on a modified cash basis. Data provided by federal entities, disbursing officers, and Federal Reserve Banks.<br /> TREAS FMS Federal Government Finances and Employment 2011-10-07 09:02:28
List of Permittees TTB is required to make available to the public records that are requested and released on a frequent basis. We have provided links to listings of alcohol industry members who hold permits under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act. These permits allow production, bottling, importation or distribution of beverage alcohol products. Internal Revenue Code (IRC) rules that protect taxpayer records from disclosure prevent the publication of lists for brewers, industrial alcohol producers and users, as well as all tobacco permit holders. Protected information concerning these types of businesses is not available to the public. <br /> <br /> TREAS Manufactures 2012-02-06 17:22:00
Mortgage Fraud Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) Data by State This dataset provides a geographic breakdown by state of subjects identified in suspicious activity report (SAR) filings on suspected mortgage fraud. Files contain metadata expanding on the derivation, use, and limitations of FinCEN Mortgage Fraud SAR data. The Excel files provide mortgage fraud SAR data from filings received by FinCEN from 2006 to the most recent data. <br /> <br /> TREAS FINCEN Banking, Finance, and Insurance 2012-02-06 17:22:00
Treasury Reporting Rates of Exchange (Current) This report promulgates exchange rate information pursuant to Section 613 of Public Law 87-195 dated September 4, 1961 (22 USC 2363 (b)) which grants the Secretary of the Treasury sole authority to establish for all foreign currencies or credits the exchange rates at which such currencies are to be reported by all agencies of the government. The primary purpose is to ensure that foreign currency reports prepared by agencies shall be consistent with regularly published Treasury foreign currency reports as to amounts stated in foreign currency units and U.S. dollar equivalents. This covers all foreign currencies in which the U.S. government has an interest, including receipts and disbursements, accrued revenues and expenditures, authorizations, obligations, receivables and payables, refunds, and similar reverse transaction items. TREAS FMS Banking, Finance, and Insurance 2012-07-19 11:05:08