Collaboration Strategies

Community partnerships can help ensure that fatherhood programs have the financial, organizational, and human resources they need to support practitioners and meet the needs of families. Additionally, successful fatherhood programs often work with community leaders, agencies, and other organizations to increase community support for fathers and their families. Strategic community partnerships are part of a comprehensive approach to support fathers participating in fatherhood programs.

On this Page

Online Resources

Welfare Peer TA Network: Collaboration and Partnerships

This section provides information from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families on how State and county welfare, social service, and welfare to work agencies can work together to assist low income families. Sections include research and evaluation reports and links to innovative programs.

A result of multiple Federal partnerships, this website offers interactive tools and resources to help you form effective partnerships, assess community assets, understand risk factors and protective factors, generate maps of local and Federal resources, and search for evidence-based youth programs. Sections on forming partnerships and community assessments can benefit all programs, even those not directly targeting youth.

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Other Relevant Resources

NRFC Resource: Building Community Partnerships: What's Important for Fatherhood Programs? (2009)

Maximizing Program Services Through Private Sector Partnerships and Relationships (DOC - 644 KB)
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.

Successful Strategies for Recruiting, Training, and Utilizing Volunteers (PDF - 909 KB)
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Faith-based and Community Initiative.

Engaging families
Source: University of Denver, Institute for Families.
This issue of a newsletter for child welfare workers in Colorado describes strategies for developing a rapport with families from other cultures, fathers, and teens. The articles review the importance of client-worker collaboration to the success of assessments and services. Professionals who are working with culturally diverse families are advised to learn about values and experiences from a variety of resources, including parents themselves.

Fatherhood programs and public policy. Technical assistance series
Source: Center on Fathers, Families, and Public Policy.
Designed for social service providers, this document reviews public policies affecting fatherhood programs and offers recommendations for programs. It begins by discussing the impact of federal public policy on fatherhood programs and the inclusion of marriage promotion in social welfare policy.

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White House logo
In response to President Obama’s call for a national conversation on responsible fatherhood and healthy families, learn how you can join the President's Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative.
Información en Español
En respuesta al llamado del presidente Obama para una conversación nacional sobre la paternidad responsable y las familias saludables, aprender cómo usted puede unirse a la Iniciativa Presidencial de Padres y Mentores.