United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Recently Released Commission Documents for 2009

Commission documents are filed in the collections based on the year issued, not on the release date of the document.  For example, SECY-08-0011 will be listed in the 2008 collection, COMSECY-07-0035 in the 2007 collection and an SRM or CVR associated with a particular SECY Paper will be found in the year that corresponds to the SECY Paper number (e.g. SRM on SECY-08-0001 will be found in the 2008 collection).

This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools for more information.

Release Date SECY
Description SECY Paper SRM CVR Trans-
12/31/2009 SECY-09-0187 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 18, 2009 PDF Icon      
12/30/2009 SECY-09-0185 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 11, 2009 PDF Icon      
12/30/2009 SECY-09-0182 Legal Constraints of Relying on Vendor Inspection Results of Foreign Regulators and the Need for Additional Resources to Achieve the Appropriate Number of NRC Vendor Inspections PDF Icon      
12/30/2009 SECY-09-0181 Proposed Rule: Physical Protection of Byproduct Material (RIN 3150-AI12) PDF Icon      
12/28/2009 SECY-09-0180 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Interaction with Native American Tribes PDF Icon      
12/28/2009 SECY-09-0179 Proposed Rule: Distribution of Source Material to Exempt Persons and to General Licensees and Revision of General License and Exemptions (RIN 3150-AH15) PDF Icon      
12/23/2009 SECY-09-0178 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Implementation Plan for the Radiation Source Protection and Security Task Force Report PDF Icon      
12/18/2009 SECY-09-0184 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 4, 2009 PDF Icon      
12/17/2009 SECY-09-0174 Staff Progress in Evaluation of Buried Piping at Nuclear Reactor Facilities PDF Icon      
12/17/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Thomas R. Carper regarding the NRC's efforts related to the review of new nuclear reactor applications PDF Icon      
12/16/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Jeff Bingaman submitting NRC's comments regarding S. 2052, the "Nuclear Energy Research Initiative Improvement Act of 2009," and S. 2812, the "Nuclear Power 2021 Act." PDF Icon      
12/14/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 11/17/09 Briefing on Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Small Business Programs   PDF Icon    
12/11/2009   12/08/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on the Proposed Rule: Emergency Preparedness Regulations       PDF Icon
12/10/2009 SECY-09-0170 Addition of a Diagnostic Radiologist on the Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
12/10/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 11/03/09 Briefing on Fire Protection Lessons Learned from Shearon Harris   PDF Icon    
12/09/2009 SECY-09-0177 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending November 27, 2009 PDF Icon      
12/09/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 12/04/09 Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)   PDF Icon    
12/08/2009   12/04/09 Commission Meeting: Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)       PDF Icon
12/02/2009   12/08/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on the Proposed Rule: Enhancements to Emergency Preparedness Regulations       HTML Icon
12/01/2009 SECY-09-0173 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending November 20, 2009 PDF Icon      
12/01/2009 SECY-09-0167 Status of Decommissioning Program — 2009 Annual Report PDF Icon      
11/27/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress, transmitting the Semi-Annual Status Report on the Licensing Activities and Regulatory Duties of the U.S. NRC, April 2009 – September 2009 PDF Icon      
11/24/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward Markey responding to concerns about NRC's regulation involving the treatment of patients with radioisotopes PDF Icon      
11/23/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 11/10/09 Briefing on NRC International Programs   PDF Icon    
11/23/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to The President and Congress enclosing the NRC's Fiscal Year 2009 Performance and Accountability Report PDF Icon      
11/20/2009 SECY-09-0169 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending November 13, 2009 PDF Icon      
11/19/2009   11/17/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Small Business Programs       PDF Icon
11/18/2009   12/04/09 Meeting Slides: Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards       PDF Icon
11/18/2009 SECY-09-0162 Proposed Rule: 10 CFR 73.37, “Physical Protection of Irradiated Fuel in Transit” (RIN 3150-AI64) PDF Icon      
11/18/2009 SECY-09-0161 Closing Fire Protection Issues—Semiannual Update PDF Icon      
11/17/2009   11/17/09 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
11/17/2009 CLI-09-23 David Geisen PDF Icon      
11/17/2009 CLI-09-22 Detroit Edison Company PDF Icon      
11/17/2009   11/10/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on NRC International Activities       PDF Icon
11/17/2009   11/17/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Small Business Programs       PDF Icon
11/16/2009 SECY-09-0168 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending November 6, 2009 PDF Icon      
11/12/2009 SECY-09-0159 Annual Update of the Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Plan PDF Icon      
11/09/2009 SECY-09-0156 Status Of Applying Lessons Learned From Pressurized Water Reactors To Emergency Core Cooling System Suction Strainer Performance For Boiling Water Reactors PDF Icon      
11/06/2009 SECY-09-0164 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 30, 2009 PDF Icon      
11/06/2009   11/03/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Fire Protection Lessons Learned from Shearon Harris       PDF Icon
11/04/2009 SECY-09-0163 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 23, 2009 PDF Icon      
11/03/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 09/29/09 NRC All Employees Meeting   PDF Icon    
11/03/2009 COMSECY-09-0022 Response to Staff Requirements Memorandum SECY-06-0144 - Proposed Reorganization of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation and Region II PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
11/03/2009   11/10/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on NRC International Activities       PDF Icon
11/03/2009   Staff Requirements – Union Electric Company d/b/a Amerenue (Callaway Plant Unit 2), Docket No. 52-037 COL   PDF Icon    
11/03/2009   11/03/09 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
11/03/2009 CLI-09-21 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC
Tennessee Valley Authority
PDF Icon      
11/03/2009 SECY-09-0152 Annual Update on the Status of Emergency Preparedness Activities PDF Icon      
11/03/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Christopher H. Smith regarding the NRC staff's review of the 3-D finite element analysis of the Oyster Creek drywell shell PDF Icon      
10/28/2009 SECY-09-0155 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 16, 2009 PDF Icon      
10/28/2009   11/03/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Fire Protection Lessons Learned from Shearon Harris       HTML Icon
10/23/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress responding to questions regarding the current status of the processing of combined license applications (COL) for new nuclear plant applications. PDF Icon      
10/23/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Dennis Kucinich responding to a request that the NRC maintain independent and intensified scrutiny over FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company's (FENOC) management of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. PDF Icon      
10/22/2009 SECY-09-0151 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 9, 2009 PDF Icon      
10/22/2009 SECY-09-0101 Licensing of a Babcock and Wilcox Medical Isotope Production System PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
10/22/2009 SECY-09-0146 2009 Summary of Decommissioning Funding Status Reports for Nuclear Power Reactors PDF Icon      
10/19/2009 SECY-09-0148 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending October 2, 2009 PDF Icon      
10/19/2009 SECY-09-0075 Staff Requirements – Safety Culture Policy Statement   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
10/19/2009 SECY-09-0143 Status of the Accident Sequence Precursor Program and the Standardized Plant Analysis Risk Models PDF Icon      
10/16/2009 SECY-09-0140 Rulemaking Related to Decoupling an Assumed Loss of Offsite Power from a Loss-Of-Coolant Accident, 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, General Design Criterion 35 (RIN 3150-AH43) PDF Icon      
10/16/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 09/22/09 Periodic Briefing on New Reactor Issues - Progress in Resolving Issues Associated with Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC)   PDF Icon    
10/15/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Eric H. Holder, Attorney General, notifying the Department of Justice that NRC has issued the "Guidelines on the Use of Firearms by Security Personnel in Protecting U.S. NRC-Regulated Facilities, Radioactive Material, and Other Property" PDF Icon      
10/13/2009   10/13/09 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
10/13/2009 CLI-09-20 Calvert Cliffs 3 Nuclear Project, LLC, and Unistar Nuclear Operating Services, LLC PDF Icon      
10/06/2009 SECY-09-0144 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending September 25, 2009 PDF Icon      
10/06/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) providing a written statement of actions taken regarding the GAO Report "Information Technology:  Federal Agencies Need to Strengthen Investment Board Oversight of Poorly Planned and Performing Projects" (GAO-09-566) PDF Icon      
10/05/2009 SECY-09-0035 Chairman Jaczko's vote on SECY-09-0035: Proposed Rule: Requirements for Distribution of Byproduct Material, Parts 30, 31, 32, 40, and 70 (RIN 3150-AH91)     PDF Icon  
10/01/2009 SECY-09-0114 Section 274b Agreement with the State of New Jersey PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
10/01/2009   09/29/09 Commission Meeting: NRC All Employees Meeting       PDF Icon
09/30/2009   09/03/09 Commission Meeting: Periodic Briefing on New Reactor Issues -- Progress in Resolving Inspections, Tests, Analysis, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC)       PDF Icon
09/29/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 09/03/09 Meeting with Organization of Agreement States (OAS) and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD)   PDF Icon    
09/29/2009 SECY-09-0129 Annual Review of the Lessons-Learned Program PDF Icon      
09/28/2009 SECY-09-0138 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending September 18, 2009 PDF Icon      
09/28/2009 SECY-09-0090 Chairman Jaczko's vote on SECY-09-0090: Final Update of the Commission's Waste Confidence Decision     PDF Icon  
09/28/2009 SECY-09-0075 Chairman Jaczko's vote on SECY-09-0075: Safety Culture Policy Statement     PDF Icon  
09/28/2009 SECY-09-0042 Chairman Jaczko's vote on SECY-09-0042: Final Rule: Decommissioning Planning (10 CFR Parts 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, and 72; RIN 3150-A155)     PDF Icon  
09/25/2009 SECY-09-0090 Commissioner Klein's vote on SECY-09-0090: Final Update of the Commission's Waste Confidence Decision     PDF Icon  
09/24/2009   10/13/09 Discussion of Security Issues (Closed - Ex. 3) - Full Written Explanation       PDF Icon
09/24/2009 SECY-09-0090 Commissioner Svinicki's vote on SECY-09-0090: Final Update of the Commission's Waste Confidence Decision     PDF Icon  
09/23/2009   09/23/09 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
09/23/2009 CLI-09-19 Pa’ina Hawaii, LLC PDF Icon      
09/23/2009 CLI-09-18 South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company PDF Icon      
09/23/2009 SECY-09-0059 Final Rule Related to Alternate Fracture Toughness Requirements for Protection Against Pressurized Thermal Shock Events (10 CFR 50.61a) (RIN 3150-A101)     PDF Icon  
09/23/2009 SECY-09-0133 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending September 11, 2009 PDF Icon      
09/22/2009   09/22/09 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
09/21/2009 SECY-09-0131 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending September 4, 2009 PDF Icon      
09/18/2009   09/30/09 Discussion of Management Issues (Closed Ex. 2) - Full Written Explanation       PDF Icon
09/17/2009   09/22/09 Meeting Slides: Periodic Briefing on New Reactor Issues       HTML Icon
09/17/2009 SECY-09-0124 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 28, 2009 PDF Icon      
09/16/2009 SECY-09-0122 Response to Staff Requirements Memorandum M081215B to Assess Individual Initiatives Within the Disaster Recovery Plan to Determine and Initiatives on Which it May be Possible to Act in the Near Term to Bring Some Recovery Capabilities Online Sooner PDF Icon      
09/14/2009 SECY-09-0050/0050A Staff Requirements – Firearms Guidelines Implementing Section 161A. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and Associated Policy Issues   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
09/14/2009 SECY-08-0050A Firearms Guidelines Implementing Section 161A. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and Associated Policy Issues — Supplemental Information PDF Icon      
09/14/2009 SECY-08-0050 Firearms Guidelines Implementing Section 161A. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and Associated Policy Issues PDF Icon      
09/14/2009 SECY-09-0121 Status of the Deviation From the Reactor Oversight Process Action Matrix for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station and Indian Point Energy Center PDF Icon      
09/14/2009 SECY-09-0119 Staff Progress in Resolving Issues Associated with Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria PDF Icon      
09/08/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Harry Reid confirming that the NRC does not have a policy in place that prohibits or discourages employees from traveling to specific destinations in the U.S. to conduct official business or attend meetings PDF Icon      
09/08/2009   09/03/09 Commission Meeting: Meeting with the Organization of Agreement States (OAS) and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD)       PDF Icon
09/04/2009 SECY-09-0116 Periodic Assessment of the Activities of the Committee to Review Generic Requirements from June 1, 2008 through May 31, 2009 PDF Icon      
09/03/2009 SECY-09-0113 Update on the Development of Construction Assessment Process Policy Options and the Construction Inspection Program Information Management System PDF Icon      
08/31/2009 SECY-09-0120 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 21, 2009 PDF Icon      
08/27/2009 SECY-09-0069 Proposed Rule: 10 CFR Part 72 License and Certificate of Compliance Terms (RIN 3150-AI09)   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
08/26/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 08/11/09 Briefing on Research and Test Reactor (RTR) Challenges   PDF Icon    
08/24/2009 SECY-09-0115 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 14, 2009 PDF Icon      
08/21/2009 SECY-09-0112 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending August 7, 2009 PDF Icon      
08/14/2009   08/11/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Research and Test Reactor Challenges       PDF Icon
08/13/2009   08/13/09 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
08/13/2009 CLI-09-17 Pa’ina Hawaii, LLC PDF Icon      
08/13/2009 SECY-09-0106 Summary of Activities Related to Generic Issues Program PDF Icon      
08/11/2009 SECY-09-0110 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 31, 2009 PDF Icon      
08/11/2009 SECY-09-0064 Regulation of Fusion-Based Power Generation Devices PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
08/06/2009   08/11/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Research and Test Reactor Challenges       HTML Icon
08/05/2009 SECY-09-0109 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 24, 2009 PDF Icon      
08/03/2009 SECY-09-0095 Long-Term Plan for Enhancing the Reseach and Test Reactor License Renewal Process and Status of the Development and Use of the Interim Staff Guidance PDF Icon      
08/03/2009 SECY-09-0105 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 17, 2009 PDF Icon      
08/03/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman John H. Adler responding to concerns about a leak in buried piping at the Oyster Creek Generating Station (Oyster Creek) PDF Icon      
07/31/2009 CLI-09-16 Southern Nuclear Operating Co. PDF Icon      
07/31/2009   07/31/09 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
07/23/2009 CLI-09-15 Areva Enrichment Services, LLC PDF Icon      
07/23/2009   07/23/09 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
07/23/2009 SECY-09-0103 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 10, 2009 PDF Icon      
07/20/2009 SECY-09-0102 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 3, 2009 PDF Icon      
07/16/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Peter Orszag, Director, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), reporting the total size of NRC's workforce PDF Icon      
07/14/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress submitting  NRC's proposed legislation which authorizes appropriations for Fiscal Year 2010 PDF Icon      
07/10/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress submitting the 2008 "Report to Congress on the Security Inspection Program for Commercial Power Reactor and Category I Fuel Cycle Facilities:  Results and Status Update" PDF Icon      
07/02/2009 SECY-09-0099 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending June 26, 2009 PDF Icon      
07/01/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 6/25/09 Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Medical Uses of Isotopes (ACMUI)   PDF Icon    
07/01/2009 SECY-09-0086 Staff Requirements – Final Rule: Expansion of the National Source Tracking System (RIN 3150-A129)   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
06/30/2009   06/30/09 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
06/30/2009 CLI-09-14 U.S. Department of Energy PDF Icon      
06/30/2009   06/04/09 Commission Meeting: Meeting with Advisory Committee on Medical Uses of Isotopes (ACMUI)       PDF Icon
06/29/2009 SECY-09-0096 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending June 19, 2009 PDF Icon      
06/26/2009 SECY-09-0094 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending June 12, 2009 PDF Icon      
06/25/2009 SECY-09-0090 Final Update of the Commission's Waste Confidence Decision PDF Icon      
06/25/2009 CLI-09-13 Southern Nuclear Operating Co. PDF Icon      
06/25/2009 CLI-09-12 Crow Butte Resources, Inc. PDF Icon      
06/25/2009   06/25/09 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
06/25/2009 SECY-09-0086 Final Rule:  Expansion of the National Source Tracking System (RIN 3150-A129) PDF Icon      
06/24/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey responding to concerns expressed about a leak in buried piping at Indian Point Unit 2 PDF Icon      
06/23/2009 SECY-09-0051 Staff Requirements – Evaluation of Radiological Consequence Models and Codes   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
06/16/2009 SECY-09-0082 Update on Reprocessing Regulatory Framework - Summary of Gap Analysis PDF Icon      
06/16/2009   06/25/09 Meeting Slides: Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Medical Uses of Isotopes (ACMUI)       PDF Icon
06/15/2009 SECY-09-0088 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending June 5, 2009 PDF Icon      
06/12/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 6/3/09 Periodic Briefing on New Reactor Issues -- Component Fabrication and Oversight   PDF Icon    
06/11/2009   06/04/09 Commission Meeting: Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)       PDF Icon
06/11/2009 SECY-09-0085 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending May 29, 2009 PDF Icon      
06/11/2009   06/04/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Digital Instrumentation and Control       PDF Icon
06/09/2009   06/03/09 Commission Meeting: Periodic Briefing on New Reactor Issues -- Component Fabrication and Oversight       Part 1
PDF Icon
Part 2
PDF Icon
06/09/2009 SECY-09-0029 Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences: Fiscal Year 2008 PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
06/08/2009 SECY-09-0065 Proposed Agreement Between the State of New Jersey and the Commission Pursuant to Section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as Amended PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
06/08/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 6/4/09 Briefing on Digital Instrumentation and Control   PDF Icon    
06/08/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 6/4/09 Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)   PDF Icon    
06/08/2009 SECY-09-0079 Closing Fire Protection Issues—Semiannual Update PDF Icon      
06/08/2009 SECY-09-0078 Status Report on Power Uprates PDF Icon      
06/08/2009 SECY-09-0077 Information Security Strategic Plan PDF Icon      
06/08/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 5/27/09 Briefing on External Safety Culture (SECY-09-0075)   PDF Icon    
06/05/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 5/27/09 Briefing on Internal Safety Culture   PDF Icon    
06/04/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress transmitting the "Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences: Fiscal Year 2008" PDF Icon      
06/04/2009 CLI-09-11 Entergy Nuclear Generation Company and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. PDF Icon      
06/04/2009 CLI-09-10 Entergy Nuclear Generation Company and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC, and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
PDF Icon      
06/04/2009   06/04/09 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
06/04/2009 SECY-09-0083 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending May 22, 2009 PDF Icon      
06/03/2009 COMSECY-09-0013 Request to Solicit for the Appointment of a New Member to Replace Otto Maynard on the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
06/03/2009   05/27/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Internal Safety Culture       PDF Icon
06/03/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Kevin Neyland, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) enclosing the NRC's Fiscal Year 2009 Regulatory Plan PDF Icon      
06/03/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress transmitting the NRC's FY-2010 Performance Budget PDF Icon      
06/02/2009   05/27/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on External Safety Culture       PDF Icon
06/01/2009 SECY-09-0011 Staff Requirements – Deferral of Rulemaking: Expansion of National Source Tracking System (RIN 3150-AI29)   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
06/01/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 5/14/09 Briefing on Results of the Agency Action Review Meeting (AARM)   PDF Icon    
06/01/2009   06/04/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Digital Instrumentation and Control       HTML Icon
05/28/2009   06/04/09 Meeting Slides: Meeting with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)       PDF Icon
05/28/2009   06/03/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on New Reactor Issues -- Component Fabrication and Oversight       HTML Icon
05/27/2009 SECY-09-0080 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending May 15, 2009 PDF Icon      
05/27/2009 SECY-09-0013 Staff Requirements – Review of Proposed Rule Package, “Export and Import of Nuclear Equipment and Material; Updates and Clarifications (10 CFR PART 110, RIN 3150-AI16)   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
05/27/2009 SECY-09-0075 Safety Culture Policy Statement PDF Icon      
05/22/2009 SECY-09-0074 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending May 8, 2009 PDF Icon      
05/22/2009   Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress transmitting NRC's report on the status of its licensing and other regulatory activities PDF Icon      
05/20/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 4/23/09 Briefing on Radioactive Source Security   PDF Icon    
05/20/2009   05/27/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Internal Safety Culture       PDF Icon
05/20/2009   05/27/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on External Safety Culture       PDF Icon
05/19/2009   05/14/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Results of the Agency Action Review Meeting (AARM)       PDF Icon
05/19/2009 SECY-09-0072 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending May 1, 2009 PDF Icon      
05/19/2009   Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Senator Byron Dorgan providing a report on the status of the NRC's fire safety requirements for nuclear power reactors PDF Icon      
05/18/2009   05/18/09 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
05/18/2009 CLI-09-09 Crow Butte Resources, Inc. PDF Icon      
05/18/2009 CLI-09-08 Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. PDF Icon      
05/14/2009   Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Robert I. Cusick, Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics informing him of the designation of Stephen G. Burns as the Designated Agency Ethics Official for the NRC PDF Icon      
05/13/2009 SECY-09-0070 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending April 24, 2009 PDF Icon      
05/12/2009 SECY-09-0005 Staff Requirements – Options for Accelerating the Completion of the Various Fire Protection Tasks and Applicable Budget Implications   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
05/12/2009   06/26/09 Discussion of Security Issues (Closed Ex. 3) - Full Written Explanation       PDF Icon
05/12/2009 SECY-09-0069 Proposed Rule: 10 CFR Part 72 License and Certificate of Compliance Terms (RIN 3150-AI09) PDF Icon      
05/12/2009 SECY-09-0068 Report of the Task Force on Internal Safety Culture PDF Icon      
05/12/2009 SECY-09-0019 Transfer of the Licenses for the Permanently Shutdown Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2, from Exelon Generation Company, LLC to ZionSolutions PDF Icon      
05/01/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 4/16/09 Briefing on NRC Human Capital and EEO   PDF Icon    
05/08/2009   05/14/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Results of the Agency Action Review Meeting (AARM)       HTML Icon
05/06/2009 SECY-09-0034 Staff Requirements – Proposed Rulemaking - Environmental Protection Regarding the Update of the 1996 Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
05/06/2009 SECY-09-0006 Staff Requirements – Critical Research Facilities for Severe Accident Research at Light Water and Advanced Reactors   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
05/04/2009 SECY-08-0137 Staff Requirements – Proposed Rule: Limiting the Quantity of Byproduct Material in a Generally Licensed Device (RIN 3150-AI33)   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
05/01/2009 SECY-09-0067 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending April 17, 2009 PDF Icon      
05/01/2009 SECY-09-0061 Status of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Efforts to Improve the Predictability and Effectiveness of Digital Instrumentation and Control Reviews PDF Icon      
05/01/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 04/17/09 Briefing on Low-Level Radioactive Waste   PDF Icon    
05/01/2009   Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, providing NRC's Fiscal Year 2008 Annual Federal Performance Report on Executive Agency Actions to Assist Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) PDF Icon      
04/29/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 04/15/09 Briefing on NRC Corporate Support   PDF Icon    
04/28/2009   04/23/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Radioactive Source Security       PDF Icon
04/27/2009 SECY-09-0059 Final Rule Related to Alternate Fracture Toughness Requirements for Protection Against Pressurized Thermal Shock Events (10 CFR 50.61a) (RIN 3150-AI01) PDF Icon      
04/23/2009   Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress providing a summary of actions taken by the NRC in responses to recommendations contained in various U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports that address NRC activities PDF Icon      
04/22/2009 COMSECY-09-0008 Periodic Update on the Technological Developments Concerning the National Source Tracking System PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
04/22/2009   04/17/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Low Level Radioactive Waste       Part 1
PDF Icon
Part 2
PDF Icon
04/22/2009 SECY-09-0056 Staff Approach Regarding a Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Revision to Part 50 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations and Developing a Policy Statement on Defense-in-Depth for Future Reactors PDF Icon      
04/21/2009   04/16/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Human Capital and EEO       PDF Icon
04/21/2009 SECY-09-0054 Reactor Oversight Process Self-Assessment for Calendar Year 2008 PDF Icon      
04/20/2009   04/15/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on NRC Corporate Support       PDF Icon
04/20/2009 SECY-09-0052 Annual Report to the Commission on Licensee Performance in the Materials and Waste Programs Fiscal Year 2008 PDF Icon      
04/20/2009   04/23/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Radioactive Source Security       HTML Icon
04/20/2009 SECY-09-0062 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending April 10, 2009 PDF Icon      
04/17/2009 SECY-09-0007 Staff Requirements – Proposed Rule Related to Enhancements to Emergency Preparedness Regulations (10 CFR Part 50) (RIN 3150-AI10)   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
04/17/2009 COMSECY-09-0007 March 2009 Quarterly Update and Proposed Discontinuation of Updates on Increased Control of Sources PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
04/16/2009   Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Daniel O. Hill, Acting Under Secretary for Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce, providing a copy of NRC's United States Additional Protocol Vetting Record confirming NRC licensees' information for the United States declaration to the IAEA PDF Icon      
04/16/2009   Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congressman Edward J. Markey responding to concerns about the potential outcome of the pending lawsuit between the Northwest Interstate Compact on Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management and EnergySolutions, Inc. PDF Icon      
04/16/2009   Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding concerns about the safe and secure disposal of depleted uranium (DU) and the impacts of a recent NRC decision about the disposal of DU PDF Icon      
04/15/2009 SECY-09-0060 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending April 3, 2009 PDF Icon      
04/15/2009 SECY-09-0051 Evaluation of Radiological Consequence Models and Codes PDF Icon      
04/15/2009 SECY-08-0184 Staff Requirements – Strategy for the Security and Use of Cesium-137 Chloride Sources   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
04/13/2009 SECY-09-0048 Fiscal Year 2008 Results of the Industry Trends Program for Operating Power Reactors and Status of the Ongoing Development of the Program PDF Icon      
04/10/2009   04/17/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Low Level Radioactive Waste       HTML Icon
04/09/2009   04/16/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Human Capital and EEO       PDF Icon
04/08/2009 SECY-08-0174 Fiscal Year 2009 Proposed Fee Rule and Advance Rulemaking for Grid-Appropriate Reactors Fees PDF Icon      
04/08/2009   04/15/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on NRC Corporate Support       PDF Icon
04/08/2009 SECY-09-0053 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending March 27, 2009 PDF Icon      
04/08/2009 SECY-09-0041 Staff Requirements – Recommendation for Future Replenishment of Potassium Iodide   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
04/03/2009 SECY-09-0049 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending March 20, 2009 PDF Icon      
04/03/2009 SECY-09-0042 Final Rule: Decommissioning Planning (10 CFR Parts 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, and 72; RIN-3150-AI55) PDF Icon      
04/02/2009 SECY-08-0197 Staff Requirements – Options to Revise Radiation Protection Regulations and Guidance with Respect to the 2007 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
04/02/2009   Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress providing the NRC's FY-2008 Annual Report on the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation (NO FEAR) Act of 2002 PDF Icon      
04/01/2009   04/01/09 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
04/01/2009 CLI-09-07 Amergen Energy Company, LLC PDF Icon      
03/31/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 03/20/09 Briefing on the Nuclear Education Program   PDF Icon    
03/31/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 03/17/09 Briefing on State of Nuclear Reactor Safety Programs   PDF Icon    
03/31/2009 SECY-09-0041 Recommendation For Future Replenishment of Potassium Iodide PDF Icon      
03/31/2009   Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress regarding NRC's acquisitions supporting the Buy American program. PDF Icon      
03/27/2009 SECY-08-0196 Staff Requirements – Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - Requirements for Fingerprinting for Criminal History Record Checks of Individuals Granted Unescorted Access to Research and Test Reactors (NRC-2008-0619) (RIN-A125)   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
03/27/2009 SECY-08-0161 Staff Requirements – Review of Research and Test Reactor License Renewal Applications   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
03/27/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 03/16/09 Briefing on State of Nuclear Materials and Waste Safety Programs   PDF Icon    
03/25/2009 SECY-09-0044 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending March 13, 2009 PDF Icon      
03/25/2009   03/20/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on the Nuclear Education Program       PDF Icon
03/24/2009 SECY-06-0028 Recommendations for Streamlining the Appointment Process and Enhancing the Overall Effectiveness of the Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
03/23/2009 SECY-09-0038 Periodic Assessment of the Activities of the Committee to Review Generic Requirements from June 1, 2007, Through May 31, 2008 PDF Icon      
03/19/2009 SECY-09-0034 Proposed Rulemaking - Environmental Protection Regarding the Update of the 1996 Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal PDF Icon      
03/19/2009 SECY-09-0035 Proposed Rule: Requirements for Distribution of Byproduct Material, Parts 30, 31, 32, 40, and 70 (RIN 3150-AH91) PDF Icon      
03/19/2009   03/17/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on State of the Nuclear Reactor Safety Programs       PDF Icon
03/18/2009 SECY-08-0147 Staff Requirements – Response to Commission Order CLI-05-20 Regarding Depleted Uranium   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
03/18/2009   03/16/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on State of Nuclear Materials and Waste Safety Programs       PDF Icon
03/17/2009 SECY-09-0039 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending March 6, 2009 PDF Icon      
03/10/2009   03/20/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on the Nuclear Education Program       HTML Icon
03/16/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 03/06/09 Briefing on Guidance for Implementation of the Security Rulemaking   PDF Icon    
03/10/2009 SECY-09-0037 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending February 27, 2009 PDF Icon      
03/10/2009   03/17/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on State of Nuclear Reactor Safety Programs       PDF Icon
03/10/2009   03/16/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on State of Nuclear Materials and Waste Programs       PDF Icon
03/09/2009   03/06/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Guidance for Implementation of the Security Rulemaking       PDF Icon
03/05/2009 CLI-09-06 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. PDF Icon      
03/05/2009 CLI-09-05 Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. PDF Icon      
03/05/2009   03/05/09 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
03/03/2009 SECY-09-0032 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending February 20, 2009 PDF Icon      
03/03/2009 COMGBJ-09-0001 Indian Point Sirens - Final Enforcement Action PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
03/02/2009   03/06/09 Briefing on Guidance for Implementation of the Security Rulemaking (Public Meeting followed by a closed portion -- Ex. 3) - Full Written Explanation       PDF Icon
02/27/2009 SECY-09-0022 Staff Requirements – Section 274B Agreement with the Commonwealth of Virginia   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
02/27/2009 COMSECY-09-0003 Designation of the Office of New Reactors as Lead Office for New and Advanced Reactor-Related Rulemakings PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
02/27/2009   03/06/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Guidance for Implementation of the Security Rulemaking       HTML Icon
02/26/2009 SECY-09-0028 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending February 13, 2009 PDF Icon      
02/26/2009   Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress transmitting NRC's Annual Report on the Administration of the Government in the Sunshine Act for Calendar Year 2008. PDF Icon      
02/25/2009   03/04/09 Discussion of Security Issues (Closed-Ex. 1) - Full Written Explanation       PDF Icon
02/25/2009 SECY-09-0022 Section 274b Agreement With the Commonwealth of Virginia PDF Icon      
02/23/2009 SECY-09-0026 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending February 6, 2009 PDF Icon      
02/20/2009 SECY-09-0020 Annual Report on Court Litigation (Calendar Year 2008) PDF Icon      
02/19/2009 COMSECY-08-0041 Staff Recommendation Related to Reinstatement of the Construction Permits for Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
02/19/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 02/04/09 Briefing on Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Regulation   PDF Icon    
02/18/2009 SECY-08-0170 Final Rule: 10 CFR Part 63, “Implementation of a Dose Standard after 10,000 Years" (RIN 3150-AH68)     PDF Icon  
02/18/2009 SECY-08-0152 Final Rule—Consideration of Aircraft Impacts for New Nuclear Power Reactors (RIN 3150-AI19)     PDF Icon  
02/18/2009   02/17/09 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
02/18/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: 02/05/09 Briefing on Uranium Enrichment   PDF Icon    
02/17/2009 CLI-09-04 Detroit Edison Co. PDF Icon      
02/17/2009 CLI-09-03 Tennessee Valley Authority PDF Icon      
02/17/2009 SECY-09-0018 Streamlining Design Certification Rulemakings PDF Icon      
02/13/2009 SECY-09-0023 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 30, 2009 PDF Icon      
02/12/2009 SECY-08-0187 2008 Annual Threat Environment Review (U)     PDF Icon  

02/04/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Risk-Informed, Performance Based Regulation

      PDF Icon
02/10/2009   02/05/09 Commission Meeting: Briefing on Uranium Enrichment       Part 1
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Part 2
PDF Icon
02/09/2009 COMSECY-09-0001 Internal Safety Culture Task Force Interface with Office of the Inspector General Safety Culture and Climate Survey PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
02/09/2009 SECY-09-0013 Review of Proposed Rule Package, “Export and Import of Nuclear Equipment and Material; Updates and Clarifications (10 CFR Part 110, RIN 3150-AI16) PDF Icon      
02/06/2009 SECY-08-0059 Staff Requirements – Rulemaking Plan: Part 74 - Material Control and Accounting of Special Nuclear Material   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
02/05/2009   02/04/09 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
02/04/2009 CLI-09-02 Shaw Areva Mox Services, LLC PDF Icon      
02/04/2009 SECY-09-0012 Status of Reactivation of Construction and Licensing Activities for the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 PDF Icon      
02/04/2009 SECY-09-0011 Deferral of Rulemaking: Expansion of National Source Tracking System (RIN 3150-AI29) PDF Icon      
02/04/2009   Letters from Chairman Dale E. Klein to various Members of the United States Senate providing congratulations on election to the United States Senate. PDF Icon      
02/04/2009   Letters from Chairman Dale E. Klein to various Members of the United States Senate providing congratulations on appointment to the United States Senate. PDF Icon      
02/04/2009   Letters from Chairman Dale E. Klein to various Members of the United States House of Representatives providing congratualtions on election to the United States House of Representatives. PDF Icon      
02/03/2009 SECY-09-0016 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 23, 2009 PDF Icon      

02/05/09 Briefing on Uranium Enrichment (Public Meeting followed by a Closed portion -- Ex. 1) - Full Written Explanation

      PDF Icon
02/02/2009 SECY-08-0182 Denial of a Petition for Rulemaking (PRM-50-85) Submitted by Mr. Eric Epstein on Behalf of Three Mile Island Alert, Inc. PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
02/02/2009 SECY-09-0009 2008 Annual Report on Commission Adjudication PDF Icon      
02/02/2009   Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Margaret Spellings, Secretary of Education, providing a table of NRC FY-2009 Federal Agency Awards by Institution and Category PDF Icon      
02/02/2009 SECY-08-0144 Staff Requirements – Final Rule: Decommissioning Planning (10 CFR Parts 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, and 72; RIN: 3150-AH45) and COMSECY-08-0038 – Commission Approval to Withdraw SECY-08-0144, Final Rule - Decommissioning Planning (10 CFR Parts 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, and 72; RIN 3150-AH45)   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
01/30/2009   02/05/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Uranium Enrichment       HTML Icon
01/29/2009 SECY-09-0014 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 16, 2009 PDF Icon      
01/29/2009   02/04/09 Meeting Slides: Briefing on Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Regulation       HTML Icon
01/28/2009 COMSECY-08-0038 Commission Approval to Withdraw SECY-08-0144, “Final Rule: decommissioning Planning (10 CFR Parts 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, and 72; RIN 3150-AH45)” PDF Icon      
01/28/2009 SECY-09-0007 Proposed Rule Related to Enhancements to Emergency Preparedness Regulations (10 CFR Part 50) (RIN 3150-AI10) PDF Icon      
01/27/2009 CLI-09-01 Shieldalloy Metallurgical Corp. PDF Icon      
01/27/2009   12/09/08 Commission Meeting - Affirmation Session   PDF Icon   PDF Icon
01/27/2009 SECY-09-0006 Critical Research Facilities for Severe Accident Research at Light Water and Advanced Reactors PDF Icon      
01/27/2009 SECY-09-0005 Options for Accelerating the Completion of the Various Fire Protection Tasks and Applicable Budget Implications PDF Icon      
01/26/2009 SECY-08-0172 Denial of Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-87 Concerning Control Room Habitability Radiological Dose Requirements as Governed by Regulations Specified in Appendix a to 10 CFR Part 50 and in 10 CFR 50.67 PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
01/26/2009 COMGBJ-08-0004 Development of Description for Patients’ Rights Advocate PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
01/23/2009 SECY-08-0185 Options for Security Openness, Transparency, and Reactor Oversight Process Improvements     PDF Icon  
01/22/2009 SECY-09-0010 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 9, 2009 PDF Icon      
01/21/2009 SECY-09-0002 Revision to the Reactor Oversight Process Implementation Guidance PDF Icon      
01/21/2009 SECY-08-0185 Staff Requirements – Options for Security Openness, Transparency, and Reactor Oversight Process Improvements   PDF Icon    
01/16/2009 SECY-08-0179 Staff Requirements – Recommendations on Amending Preceptor Attestation Requirements in 10 CFR Part 35, Medical Use of Byproduct Material   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
01/15/2009 COMSECY-08-0041 Staff Recommendation Related to Reinstatement of the Construction Permits for Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 PDF Icon      
01/14/2009 SECY-08-0117 Staff Requirements – Staff Approach to Verify Closure of Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) and to Implement Title 10 CFR 52.99, “Inspection During Construction,” and Related Portion of 10 CFR 52.103(g) on the Commission Finding   PDF Icon PDF Icon  
01/12/2009 SECY-09-0004 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 2, 2008 PDF Icon      
01/09/2009 COMSECY-08-0036 Status of Decommissioning Program—2008 Annual Report PDF Icon PDF Icon PDF Icon  
01/09/2009 SECY-08-0197 Options to Revise Radiation Protection Regulations and Guidance with Respect to the 2007 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection PDF Icon      
01/09/2009 SECY-09-0001 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 26, 2008 PDF Icon      
01/09/2009 SECY-08-0196 Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - Requirements for Fingerprinting for Criminal History Record Checks of Individuals Granted Unescorted Access to Research and Test Reactors (NRC-2008-0619) (RIN-AI25) PDF Icon      
01/09/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: Meeting with Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)   PDF Icon    
01/08/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: Briefing on Protection of the NRC Information Technology Infrastructure and Related Topics   PDF Icon    
01/08/2009   Staff Requirements Memorandum: Briefing on Uranium Recovery   PDF Icon    
01/02/2009 SECY-08-0198 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending December 19, 2008 PDF Icon      
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012