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Complexity of the New Healthcare Law
Posted by Randy | August 13, 2010

I thought you might be interested to see this chart from the Joint Economic Committee minority detailing a bewildering number of new government regulations, mandates, and agencies resulting from the recently passed healthcare bill.

Click the chart to view a high-resolution copy or click here for more details.

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  • Laurie Powell commented on 8/13/2010
    Looks like a complicated flowchart done by a jack of all trades, master of none who is a legend in HIS own mind. We do not have a President - we have an aspiring "Dictator" !!!!
  • Jody Bung commented on 8/13/2010
    Looks like a game where we try to pop all the bubbles. I wish we could pop this bubble. Keep up the good work and keep fighting the good fight Randy. 2012 can't come soon enough.
  • Jeff Griffin commented on 8/20/2010
    I knew we had a mess on our hands but this really looks like an entirely cumbersome new government in and of itself. Can you just imagine trying to work through THIS system to get to the doctor and healthcare you need in a timely manner; it simply won't happen. It looks similar to a major computer board of high complexity but now where near as efficient. It looks like some serious red tape for healthcare is in our future. There’s probably not a single doctor in this whole schematic.
  • Jonathan the Fresno website guy Printing commented on 8/21/2010
    We passed this form out as a place-mat at one of our last mixers at our business networking club. We also posted it on our website awhile back, http://www.websitefresno.com and had alot of response. If it really is that complex now, what was it before, it could only have been worse. I hope it gets better, they need a gr eat website that fixes our healthcare system so anyone can get it.
  • Jimmy Carter commented on 8/21/2010
    A recent article just came out on the website http://www.politico .com . It pretty much sums up what many Americans already knew. The title is "Dems Retreat From HealthCare Claims." The Democrats knew they were selling a scam/farce but continued to lie and are planning to continue their lying with the promise of we will make it better. Wake Up America!! The Democrats are not giving you a free serving of AFLAC DUCK.
  • Deanna Powell commented on 8/22/2010
    Based on the chart, this healthcare reform looks really confusing. Healthcare has always been complex, but reform is about simplifying processes rather then adding to them. I worked for a national managed healthcare organization, and if all of us Americans only knew how we never had a choice concerning our health care, we’d be standing on the steps of Congress. The insurance companies base all there decisions on medical necessity criteria rather than the needs of the person. I‘ve had my medical claims denied before and it was not fun paying for what I thought my insurance company was suppose to cover. In addition, it’s not fair that us hardworking Americans have to pay for these high price health care plans due to other peoples’ unhealthy lifestyles. I want my healthcare plan to be specifically tailored to me and my healthcare needs rather than based on someone else’s. Managed healthcare has been around way before this current president, and it seems like nobody is willing to stand up against the insurance companies who are robbing us blind. As an independent voter, I would like to see our politicians put aside the partisan politics and stop cutting deals that compromise our healthcare and money. Healthcare reform wouldn’t be so complex, if health insurance valued the people that they serve over the money they receive. We need more healthcare options instead of more regulations. We can do better and we deserve better!
  • DARRYLL JOHNSON commented on 1/18/2011
    The Government cannot run Health care. Take a look at Medicare. It cannot be supported in the future, it reeks with fraud, but well-meaning politicians thought they were doing a good thing. case 1: true story. elderly lady in assisted living, mostly in and out of a coma, was given a new hip by a thoughless medical system. She died 2 weeks later, She was in her early 90's. case 2: true story. elderly lade in assisted living, waking hours spent in a wheelcar, insisted She did not want a knee replacement. It took all the power of the family to turn the medical profession off. THIS IS TANTAMOUNT TO MEDICARE FRAUD. AND ITS HAPPENING ALL OVER THIS COUNTRY EVERY DAY.
  • Eric Letada commented on 4/1/2011
    If the Act is as muddled up as the graph here, then Americans are headed towards trouble for sure. The Act is under a lot of debate and when it is finally implemented, I hope it is free of all this clutter, confusion and complexity. Only then will the reforms truly make sense.
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