Welcome to Violence Prevention Success Stories

Welcome to the Success Story section of the Veto Violence Web site!

Here, you’ll find a growing collection of stories from all around the country about successful violence prevention projects. Take a look through the Success Stories’ archive. You’ll find real stories, written by real people like you…all working to help stop violence before it happens. 

We hope sharing these will spark ideas that save you time, money and, help you achieve even greater success!

You’ll also find another great feature here; free use of special software that guides you through the creation of your own success story. It’s easy and the end result is a polished story in a professionally designed template. It’s good for creating interest in your activity and for public relations, and fund raising.

If you are currently a CDC Grantee, you’ll be able to submit your final version for approval into the permanent archive. It’s a great way to showcase your work on a national platform.

Grantees and Partners, we’re counting on you to give us your success stories.

You are the key to developing a great archive of successful practices. Together we will assimilate “what works” to prevent violence and help America become a healthier nation!

Please understand that we won’t be able to add all submissions to the archive, but yours may be one of those joining this permanent library!

Now, before you start writing, let me walk you through what you’ll be doing to complete the Success Story Authoring Application.


Intro to Success Stories