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Effective Bullying Solutions: No One-Size-Fits-All Answer

A girl stands apart from her classmates

Throughout the bullying prevention world, the phrase, “I have the solution to bullying!” is all too common.  As attention to bullying has grown, so have the number of products and tools claiming to reduce or eliminate bullying in schools and communities. But do they work?  This question may seem simple, but there are a lot of factors to consider, including the specific situation and context. The same strategies that may see tremendous success in one school might have no Continue Reading

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Ready to make a difference? A new training resource can show you how.

Community GuideAcross the country, local leaders are stepping up to address bullying in their communities. Now that more and more people are taking a stand, many have asked for resources to help them become more effective. In response, pulled together research-based recommendations to provide some guidance. We know that every child, family, school and community is unique. So the real question is, “How can we connect the dots to find out what works for youth in my town?” Continue Reading


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