ORNL in the News

Wireless electric vehicle charging in future thanks to ORNL project

(WBIR-TV) An electric car that gets a charge just by driving down the road? It may sound impossible, but it could happen in the not too distant future thanks to a project at the Oak Ridge Nuclear Laboratories. "We're developing this to the point where it's so convenient, we wouldn't think about it," said John Miller, a researcher with ORNL...9/21

UT-Battelle giving $60K to Second Harvest

(Knoxville News Sentinel) UT-Battelle, the partnership that manages Oak Ridge National Laboratory, today gave Second Harvest Food Bank a $20,000 check, the first installment on a three-year commitment of $60,000. The donation came at the annual United Way Leadership Giver's Breakfast, where leading employee donors to United Way are recognized...9/26

Project set to explore biofuel potential of desert plants

(The Engineer) Newcastle University is taking part in an £8.8m project to explore the biofuel potential of plants found growing in some of the world’s harshest environments...The principal investigators on the UK-US project are Dr John Cushman (project director) at the University of Nevada, Reno; Xiaohan Yang at Oak Ridge National Laboratory; and James Hartwell at Liverpool University...9/27


Corporate America sweats as U.S. nears fiscal cliff

(Reuters) Top U.S. executives have less confidence in the business outlook now than at any time in the past three years - and a key reason is fear of gridlock in Washington over the fiscal deficit and tax policy...9/26


229 cars turned back, reported to FBI in six months at Y-12

(Knoxville News Sentinel) According to documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, a total of 229 vehicles were "turned around" at Y-12 barricades during the six-month period that concluded March 31. Information on the unwelcome visitors was then reported to the "FBI Fusion Center," where it apparently was evaluated to see if there were any terrorist or criminal links...9/27

The Growing Web of Open Data

(Energy.gov) Across the federal government, Open Data Initiatives aim to “liberate” government data to empower entrepreneurs, improve the lives of Americans, and create jobs...9/26

East Tennessee

Building a Bat Cave to Battle a Killer

(NY Times) The University of Tennessee and Southern Illinois University are collaborating with the Nature Conservancy in collecting data on bat behavior in the cave using video cameras and temperature sensors...9/24

TVA argues against mediation in ash-spill case

(Knoxville News Sentinel) TVA said in a court filing Tuesday it opposes plaintiffs' call for mediation in the Kingston coal ash lawsuits at least partly because TVA might still be exposed to additional claims until 2014 under the statute of limitations involving damage claims...9/26

State and Regional

Tennessee Looks To Adopt New Fracking Regulations, But Do They Go Far Enough?

(Metro Pulse) The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation has been meeting with industry representatives and environmental groups for the past year and a half to introduce hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, regulations in the state—which will be a first since the state currently has zero regulation on the practice...9/26

energy & science policy

US science: The Obama experiment

(Nature) On 15 December 2008, president-elect Barack Obama made clear to the world that science would have a central seat in his administration...9/26

UN, other experts warn of 'water bankruptcy' for many regions after reviewing 200 major global projects

(PhysOrg) A study of almost 200 major international water-related projects over the past 20 years has identified a suite of existing and emerging challenges and how science can offer remedies...9/24

science & technology

Meet Mira, the Supercomputer That Makes Universes

(The Atlantic) Next month, one of the world's fastest supercomputers will run the largest, most complex universe simulation ever attempted...9/25

Research yields promising breakthrough in solar cells based on nanocarbon

(PhysOrg) An exciting advance in solar cell technology developed at the University of Kansas has produced the world's most efficient photovoltaic cells made from nanocarbons, materials that have the potential to dramatically drop the costs of PV technology in the future...9/27

Search for Element 113 Concluded at Last

(Science Daily) The most unambiguous data to date on the elusive 113th atomic element has been obtained by researchers at the RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-based Science (RNC)...9/26

Other Stories

Why are journals so expensive?

(Scientific American) This morning, at minute 48 of a 50 minute information literacy session for an introductory biology class, a student asked me one of those seemingly innocuous questions, “Why are journals so expensive?”...9/26