COOL for You

Use Credentialing Opportunities On-Line (COOL) to:

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Currently on the RADAR at Navy COOL:

NEC 2735 Conversion

Time is running out to convert your NEC!

The 2735 NEC will be disestablished on 30 Dec 2012.  Accordingly, service members holding NEC 2735 must complete the delta training, certification, and NEC conversion package process no later than 01 Oct 2012. 

Security+ training sponsored by Navy Cyber Forces may be offered in limited Fleet concentration areas worldwide.  You may request your Security+ exam voucher via Navy COOL.  As a reminder, the Credentialing Program Office must receive your voucher request NO LESS THAN 7 business days prior to the exam date– to be safe, submit your voucher request a couple weeks or a month early.

To get a Navy COOL voucher request, go to:

NOTE: All links to other web sites require an active Internet connection. If you are browsing this web site offline using COOL to Go or if you lose Internet connectivity, the links leading to external web sites will not work.


Navy COOL is a continuously developing product for both active and reserve (less IRR) Navy service members that defines civilian credentials which best map to Navy ratings, jobs, designators, and collateral duties/assignments. It outlines the path, work, training and experience required to achieve them.

This web-based hub catalogs and defines comprehensive information on occupational credentials — including certifications, licenses, apprenticeships, and growth opportunities — correlating with every Navy rating, job, designator, and collateral duty/out of rate assignment. It provides "how to" instructions for pursuing these credentials, links to credentialing organizations, and cross-references to programs that may help service members pay for credentialing fees, such as Montgomery GI Bill. It also has links to the United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP), Navy Tuition Assistance Program, and college information.

This program was developed in coordination with the Departments of Defense and Labor as another tool in our inventory of blended training solutions.