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Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is here to help you and your family in a number of ways.   The EAP is physically located at Carlyle, Jefferson Building, Lobby Level, Suite 1B76, though you can always reach us at the toll-free phone number.  Office hours are available by appointment.   Part of Federal Occupational Health (FOH), our services include:

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Counseling and Problem Solving

The EAP provides initial assessment and short-term counseling of up to six sessions (per problem, per year) to employees and their immediate family members.  Telephone consultations are available through the toll-free number.

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Toll-free Telephone Access

To receive immediate assistance, 24 hours a day, call (800) 222-0364 from anywhere in the United States.  A toll-free TTY number for the hearing impaired is also available at (888) 262-7874.  Business hours are 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST.

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Legal Service Program

You can easily access our legal support services by calling the toll-free EAP telephone number at (800) 222-0364.  You will be connected with a licensed attorney who will provide consultation at no cost to you.  This attorney – who practices in state applicable to your legal issue – will listen to your concerns and discuss your options under the laws that apply.  Referrals, office visits or services from a participating attorney at discounted rates are also available for a wide range of legal issues.  Some examples of the legal services provided by EAP include:

  • Healthcare Power of Attorney
  • Living Wills
  • Housing or real estate matters
  • Estate planning
  • Family law – such as divorce, child custody and child support
  • Car accidents and related matters
  • Financial concerns
  • Consumer concerns
  • Criminal matters

The Legal Service Program does not provide advice on issues regarding the EAP, its employees or other providers of attorneys associated with the program, or on matters relating to your job.  The Legal Service Program does not provide advice on any matter that is frivolous, harassing or otherwise a violation of ethical rules.

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Financial Service Program

The Financial Service Program is available at no cost to you.  Call the toll-free EAP number and a financial counselor will help you identify your needs as well as provide personal financial guidance and education.

We all strive to eliminate debt and obtain financial security.  Sound information and financial planning are critical to achieving financial success.  Designed to provide you with just that, the EAP’s Financial Service Program offers you objective, targeted information on a wide range of issues such as retirement planning, education funding, estate planning, and savings and investment strategies.

Our financial counselors will help you identify your needs and explore your options on a variety of topics, including:
  • Buying a car vs. leasing a car
  • Selecting which credit card to pay off first
  • Family budgeting
  • The basics of financial planning
  • Savings and investment strategies
  • Determining how much you will need to save to retire comfortably
  • How to identify a financial planner in your community
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Federal Occupational Health Website

At www.foh4you.com, you’ll find a wealth of EAP-related resources to help you navigate life, including:

  • Online tools including self-assessments, a medication interaction database and a medication information center
  • Life events information, including resources on adopting a child, caring for elderly parents, getting married and more
  • Mental health resources, including information on helping you cope and deal with life’s challenges

Once you’re on the home page, simply click on the “enter member website” button.  You will go directly into the site with no need to log on.

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All counseling is strictly confidential; exceptions such as threats of harm to self or others, child or elder abuse or neglect will be explained to you in your initial session.  Supervisors are only permitted to know if you attended your appointment during duty hours.  No information about your appointment can be given to anyone without your written permission.

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Convenient Service

Counseling is available in the Jefferson Building Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. After work hours, counselors are available at non-work sites at a location convenient to you.

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Personal and Work-related Problems

EAP counselors can help you with personal issues such as depression, anxiety, relationship problems, parenting concerns, life transitions and chemical dependency, to name just a few.  They can also assist with any job-related problems that may or may not be impacting your performance.

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Referral and Follow-up

If you require counseling beyond the limits of what the EAP can provide, the counselor will help you find affordable care through your health plan or other community resources, and will follow your progress where appropriate.

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The EAP offers educational workshops, which are approximately one to two hours in length, throughout the year.  Topics include: time management, conflict resolution, substance abuse, balancing family needs, stress management, managing employees with performance problems, dealing with sexual harassment and how to cope with transitions.

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Identity Theft Program

The EAP has partnered with our legal/financial services programs to assist victims of identity theft.   This free benefit is also available by calling our toll-free phone number.   Specialists in identity theft will provide information and step-by-step guidance to help restore the victim’s good name and credit standing.

Identity theft involves the unauthorized use of someone’s identity information, such as a credit card, social security number or driver’s license to steal money or commit fraud.  Each year, millions of Americans are victims of identity theft.  And with more people and companies putting information online, the number of identity theft cases continues to rise.

Responding to identity theft is expensive, time consuming and emotionally draining for employees.   On average, identity theft victims spend over 175 hours and $1,000 in out-of-pocket expenses to clear their names and re-establish good credit.  The cost to employers is also significant due to victim stress, absenteeism and lost productivity.

Our identity theft specialists provide members with:
  • Assistance in issuing Flash Credit File Alerts to report suspicious or fraudulent incidents to all three major credit bureaus and to request notification of new credit inquiries.
  • Help notifying credit card companies to report missing or stolen cards, obtain replacement cards and correct credit reports.
  • Assistance with filing a police report.
  • Guidance in developing a recovery plan which may include contacting: banks, telephone companies, investment brokers, postal inspection service, check verification companies, state public utility commission, Social Security Administration, motor vehicle department, U.S. passport and U.S. Department of State.

Identity theft victims will receive a Victim Action Kit via Express Mail that includes forms, credit bureau contacts and step-by-step action plans to help eliminate hassles, headaches and the frustration of not knowing where to turn or what to do. The Victim Action Kit includes:

  • Critical information needed to handle identity theft cases quickly and effectively
  • Standard Fraud Declaration form
  • Instructions for contacting each of the national credit reporting agencies
  • Instructions for filing a complaint with the Identity Theft Data Clearinghouse
  • A chart to establish and document the victim’s recovery plan
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Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)

Professional trained CISM counselors assist in managing traumatic situations through defusing or debriefing immediately following a critical incident.  Such incidents may include threats or acts of violence, natural disasters, death or injury.

Work/Life Balance
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