U. S. Sentencing Commission’s
2011 Annual Report

Table of Contents

U.S. Sentencing Commission - Year In Review
Chapter One - Commission Overview
A Brief History of Federal Sentencing Reform
Agency Overview
Budget and Expenditures
Chapter Two - The Sentencing Guidelines
  Policy Issues
Fair Sentencing Act
Drug Disposal Act
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010
Illegal Reentry
Supervised Release
  Amendment Promulgation Process
Assistance to Congress
Chapter Three - Legal Issues
United States Supreme Court Cases on Sentencing Issues
Petitions for Certiorari Granted
Decisions of the United States Courts of Appeals
Chapter Four - Guideline Training and Education, Public Affairs
Annual National Seminar on Federal Sentencing Guidelines
Organizational Guidelines Training
High-Tech Approaches to Training
Temporary Assignment Programs
Internet Website
Public Information
Publications and Training Materials
Chapter Five - Research
Statutory Requirements
Document Submission
Data Collection
Data Collection Issues
Summary of 2011 Findings
Sentencing Individual Offenders
Offender Characteristics
How Offenders Were Sentenced
Guideline Application
Sentences Within the Guideline Range and Outside the Range
Immigration Cases
Drug Cases
Death Penalty Cases
Organizational Sentencing Practices
Offense Characteristics
Offender Characteristics
Sanctions Imposed on Organizational Offenders
Appeals Data
Summary of Information Received
Issues and Guidelines Appealed
Overall Offense and Offender Characteristics
Data on Resentencings and Other Modifications of Sentence
Summary of Information Received
Data Analyses for the Courts and Congress, and Others