Photo of Solar Decathlon Director Richard King cutting a blue ribbon. He is surrounded by sponsors and cheering team members.

U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon

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Solar Decathlon Sponsors

The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon depends on the generosity of sponsors to ensure the success of its event and teams.

Sponsorship Options

Solar Decathlon 2013 sponsorship options include:

A) Team Sponsorship — Work directly with individual collegiate teams to support them with in-kind donations, cash contributions, resources, etc. Teams may be contacted directly for donations.

B) Event Sponsorship — Support the overall event through in-kind contributions. Sponsorship categories are defined by the total dollar value of a sponsor's contribution based on the official DOE event needs list.

Sponsorship levels:

  • Sustaining
  • Supporting
  • Contributing
  • Association

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for Solar Decathlon 2013, please contact: Betsy Black, U.S. Department of Energy, 202-287-1860,

Solar Decathlon 2011 Highlights

Event Highlights:

  • More than 2 billion total media impressions
  • 357,000 house visits
  • An estimated 5,000 middle school students and teachers toured the houses
  • Sponsor media support — over 16 million impressions through partner support
  • VIP involvement: Capitol Hill Members and staff visited

Media Highlights:

  • Online — over 1,200 online articles covered Solar Decathlon
  • Print — 250 articles in nearly 150 print publications around the world
  • Broadcast — 500 television interviews worldwide and 87 radio interviews
  • Onsite — hundreds of media checked-in onsite and covered the event

Digital Highlights:

  • Facebook — More than 7,600 fans
  • Twitter — Over 5,200 followers, including two hosted "TweetChat" events and an exclusive blogger webcast
  • YouTube — hundreds of videos uploaded, bringing the total channel views to over 600,000
  • Flickr — hundreds of photo uploads
  • Other — Foursquare, QR Codes, mobile sites