Junior Marine Training Course Resource Library

Welcome to the Marine Corps Junior Marine Suicide Prevention Resource Library.

Minimum software requirements to access the course files are:

Microsoft Windows 2000
PowerPoint 2003
Windows Media Player version 9
Adobe Reader

NOTE: When multiple files are downloaded at once, a PowerPoint file plus associated video files, for example, all files will be included in one zipped file.

To download files, right-click on any blue link below and
choose "Save Target As..."

Training Guides

  • Junior Marines Suicide Prevention Training Instructor Guide (5.4 MB) PDF
  • Jr. Marines Suicide Prevention Training Train-the-Trainer Guide (102 KB) PDF


  • USMC Suicide Prevention Resources (112 KB) PDF
  • R.A.C.E. Bi-fold (723 KB) PDF

Course Files

  • Entire Presentation (586 MB) PPT + WMV | (3.2 MB) PPT

  • Leadership Message and Movie (396 MB) PPT + WMV
    This segment contains a message from the Commandant of the Marine Corps and Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps as well as a short video depicting a Marine struggling to deal with mounting stress and how his fellow Marines respond.

  • Introduction (1.1 MB) PPT
    Suicide is a real problem in the Marine Corps, and a risk to all Marines. This segment of the course instructs Junior Marines on their responsibility to look out for each other.

  • Being a Marine (15.5 MB) PPT + WMV
    This segment explains that Marines take care of each other, whether it's on the battlefield or in dealing with emotional stress. Marines should be encouraged to ask for help when they need it.

  • The Impact of Suicide (44.5 MB) PPT + WMV
    This story demonstrates the devastating impact that a suicide can have on a Marine's family, his peers, and his leaders.

  • The RACE Method (99.4 MB) PPT + WMV | (1.6 MB) PPT
    This segment deals with the importance of recognizing the risk factors and warning signs associated with suicide; the importance of asking a distressed Marine if he or she is contemplating suicide; the importance of caring for that Marine through active listening and other nonjudgmental actions; and the importance of getting that Marine the proper professional help.

  • The Resilient Marine: Taking Care of Yourself (31.6 MB) PPT + WMV
    Marines should look out not only for their buddies but for themselves.


  • Leadership Message (27.6 MB) WMV
    Message from the Commandant of the Marine Corps and Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps.
  • Movie: Never Leave a Marine Behind (371.3 MB) WMV

  • Be a Marine (15 MB) WMV
    Marines have a sense of pride and honor that has its roots in their training. However, one of the toughest things for a Marine to determine is when and where to seek help. Marines need to understand that asking for help is a sign of strength.(documentary)
  • The Impact of Suicide (44.3 MB) WMV
    Leaders, friends, and family members share their memories of the deceased Marine and their reactions to his suicide. (documentary)
  • The RACE Method (98.8 MB) WMV
    Fellow Marines and family members recount the behavior of a Marine prior to his suicide. This segment also details the four aspects of the RACE intervention technique: Recognize, Ask, Care and Escort. Each of these techniques is critical to identifying and helping Marines who may be considering suicide. (documentary/movie)
  • The Resilient Marine: Taking Care of Yourself (15.4 MB) WMV
    Marines serve in a profession requiring unique abilities. Because of this fact, it's important for them to have an outlet to relieve their stress, whether it's hanging out with friends, enjoying a favorite activity, or talking with someone. (documentary)
  • Never Leave a Marine Behind (15.3 MB) WMV
    Marines look out for each other, whether it's on the battlefield or in everyday life. This may involve getting help for fellow Marines who are in distress and may be contemplating suicide. (documentary)

Instructor Resources

  • Class Roster (19 KB) XLS