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Foreign Assistance Initiatives

Central to the U.S. Government approach to foreign assistance are several interagency targeted initiatives in critical sectors that play a role in overall prosperity and stability. Food security, sustainable improvements in health, and global climate change are significant initiatives of the Department of State and USAID within the interagency initiatives in foreign assistance.

The funds represented in the initiatives are part of each year’s broader foreign assistance budget. In other words, the funds shown in the Global Health, Feed the Future, or Global Climate Change Initiatives are not additional to the data shown on the other pages. A country program’s initiative funding will be built into the overall funding levels that are displayed on the country pages. It is important to note that the initiatives do not equal 100% of the foreign assistance budget because not all foreign assistance funding is attributable to an initiative.
Global Health
Through the Global Health Initiative, the U.S. is working to help partner countries, focus on the needs of the people it serves to improve health outcomes with a particular focus on bolstering the health of women, newborns, and children by combating infectious diseases and providing quality health services. The Global Health Initiative aims to maximize the sustainable health impact the U.S. achieves for every dollar invested.
Global Climate Change
Climate change is one of the century’s greatest challenges, and will be a priority of our diplomacy and development work for years to come. U.S. Government funding to combat global climate change will help the most vulnerable countries respond to the growing impacts of climate change, hasten the world’s transition to a low-carbon economy, and help forge a global solution to the climate crisis.
Feed the Future
Feed the Future, the U.S. Government’s global hunger and food security initiative, addresses the root causes of global hunger through accelerated agricultural development and improved nutrition. The U.S. Government’s commitment to catalyze agricultural-led growth will raise the incomes of the poor, increase the availability of food, and reduce malnutrition through sustained, long-term development progress.