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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

Technology Assistance and Funding

NIJ does not exercise control over external Web sites. Read our Exit Notice.

Funding for Technology and Equipment

NIJ's mandate does not allow us to provide direct funding for equipment purchases and training beyond that supplied under the Forensic Laboratory Enhancement program. However, NIJ has identified a number of other sources for new and surplus equipment.

See Funding for Equipment or Laboratory Enhancement Funding.

Excess and Surplus Property Programs

Weapons, vehicles, boats, aircraft, armored personnel carriers, computers, gym equipment, binoculars, tactical goggles and radios are just a few of the myriad types of gear available to law enforcement agencies for free or reduced cost through the Federal Excess Property Program, which consists of three individual programs:

  • 1033 Program — permits the Secretary of Defense to transfer, without charge, excess U.S. Department of Defense personal property (supplies and equipment) to state and local law enforcement agencies.
  • 1122 Program — allows state and local governments to purchase new law enforcement equipment for counter-drug activities through the federal government.
  • Surplus Property Donation Program — allows agencies to receive surplus federal property through their State Agency Surplus Property Program.

To help agencies navigate and use these programs, NIJ's Small, Rural, Tribal and Border Center serves as law enforcement program liaison and can help facilitate the acquisition process.

For assistance call contact NLECTC at (800) 248-2742 or asknlectc@nlectc.org.

Technology Assistance: The National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) System

NIJ brings technology closer to the frontlines through the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) System. Originally created in 1994, the NLECTC System plays a critical role in enabling NIJ to carry out its critical mission to assist state, local, tribal and federal law enforcement, corrections and other criminal justice agencies in addressing their technology needs and challenges.

The NLECTC System provides:

  • Scientific and technical support to NIJ’s research, development, test and evaluation projects.
  • Support for the transfer and adoption of technology into practice by law enforcement and corrections agencies, courts and crime laboratories.
  • Assistance in developing and disseminating equipment performance standards and technology guides.
  • Assistance in the demonstration, testing and evaluation of criminal justice tools and technologies.
  • Technology information and general and specialized technology assistance.
  • Assistance in setting NIJ’s research agenda by convening practitioner-based advisory groups to help to identify criminal justice technology needs and gaps.

Regional Centers

The NLECTC System has realigned its outreach efforts into three new centers serving different demographic regions of the public safety community:

NLECTC National Center


  • Provides information and referral services to anyone with questions about law enforcement and corrections equipment or technology.
  • Oversees NIJ's equipment standards and testing program.
  • Reviews and analyzes testing data, and publishes test results and consumer product reports.
  • Publishes TechBeat, an award-winning quarterly newsletter.
  • Operates JUSTNET, the NLECTC System's Website.
  • Coordinates NIJ’s Compliance Testing Program and standards development efforts for a variety of equipment used in the public safety arena.

Centers of Excellence

NIJ does not exercise control over external Web sites. Read our Exit Notice.

The Centers of Excellence support NIJ’s research, development, testing and evaluation efforts in these areas:

The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Law Enforcement Standards Office provides scientific and research support to these efforts.

Helping to Establish Research Priorities

The NLECTC System supports NIJ’s research, development, testing and evaluation process and goal of setting research priorities based on practitioner needs by sponsoring a series of Technology Working Groups and Constituent Advisory Groups, which provide input to the Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Advisory Council

Contact the NLECTC System

Website: www.justnet.org
Phone: 800-248-2742
E-email: asknlectc@nlectc.org.

Date Modified: July 12, 2012