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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

About the Executive Session

"We take a talent-rich group of police executives and academics and ask them to leave their desks, to take two days to step back and think about the bigger and broader concepts of policing in society, to think about the needs of the field and business. This process is an opportunity for key thinkers in the field to discuss and change police management frameworks and strategy. It is vital for advancing policing in the 21st century."

—Christine Cole, Executive Director, Program in Criminal Justice Policy and Management, Harvard Kennedy School of Government


What is an Executive Session?

An Executive Session brings together the leading thinkers on a particular topic. The Harvard and NIJ partnership to form an Executive Session on Policing and Public Safety has assembled 28 executives and academic professionals to explore issues in policing and crime control.

Participants are selected for the sessions based on a combination of factors, including experience, ability to work cooperatively and potential for helping with dissemination.

Sessions take place over three days. Session participants direct the meetings and guide the discussion. Ultimately, the group examines how the discussion can influence public policy. Each session typically leads to the publication of several papers by expert panel members.

Date Created: March 4, 2009