What is a Success Story?

Your success story will showcase positive results from your work…whether it’s a program, a research project, an activity…or whatever your prevention effort may be.

All you’ll need to do is complete a form which automatically transfers to the template you select.

It’s a simple process, and I’ll be giving you lots of helpful tips.

The first field you’ll complete is the title. Then you’ll fill out a field we call “question” which summarizes the main idea and will set the stage for the story of your program or activity.

As you continue, you’ll complete a few more fields. You’ll write about your challenges, solutions, and the results of your work.

As you move though the form, we will help you capture your information as concisely as possible without forgetting memorable, colorful examples of your positive results.

The definition of a “success story” covers a wide range of possibilities. You can feature a new activity with early indications of positive results or, a project that’s moved beyond the planning and implementation stage into an evaluation phase. Of course, you can also present the results of a research project.

If you have any specific examples or statistics that demonstrate the impact of your project, you’ll also want to share those. They can help readers better understand your experience – help them relate - make it real.

Now, let’s take a look at the Success Story Authoring Application. At the end of this short demo, you can sign-on and start writing!

Helpful Writing Tips Start Your Worksheet

Intro to Success Stories