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Broadband Info   |   House Bill 4613 Info   |   Friday, October 19, 2012 

Why You Should Demand Better:

West Virginia Broadband West Virginia currently lacks costly broadband infrastructure. The stimulus grant for high speed Internet is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our state to use federal funds to make West Virginia competitive.

West Virginia Broadband The current projected use of the stimulus grant under the State's Plan will not move the state forward.

West Virginia Broadband The State's Plan only uses stimulus dollars to provide access to certain government and school locations - at high prices they may not be able to afford - all with no benefit to business and residential consumers.

The State's Plan Kills Jobs

West Virginia Broadband The jobs of the future will require high-speed Internet. Without it, WV will fail in competition with other states to attract 21st century jobs.

West Virginia Broadband We can realize unprecedented job creation if the grant funds are used correctly. That means affordable high-speed Internet for a growing digital economy.

It's Too Expensive

West Virginia Broadband Despite the fact that the State's Plan gives Frontier $69 million in taxpayer money, the state has not established a reduced rate schedule for Internet access in exchange.

West Virginia Broadband Frontier will be able to use its existing rates, which are much higher than in surrounding markets.

West Virginia Broadband Taxpayers are being asked to provide $69 million in free money, only then to pay artificially high rates for the privilege.

Other States' Plans Include:               And West Virginia's Plan:

West Virginia Broadband Updating and expanding of their core Internet infrastructure to provide the highest Internet speeds of today...and in the future.

West Virginia Broadband Allows competition via open access - creating lower rates and better service.

West Virginia BroadbandGives consumers the ability to buy higher Internet speeds and lower costs.

West Virginia Broadband No improvement of its decaying Internet infrastructure. The current plan only creates extensions of old lines and outdated systems.

West Virginia Broadband Gives ownership of tax payer funded assets to a private company; locking out competition; creating a monopoly.

West Virginia BroadbandConsumers will have to pay many times more the amount for the same speeds than most other states.

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It Just Maintains the Status Quo

The current plan will not leverage the federal grant to help West Virginia business or homeowners gain access to high-speed Internet at capacities comparable to other areas of the country.

West Virginia consumers will continue to suffer from an ill-advised strategy that fails to provide infrastructure, competition and choice. There will be no open interstate system for high-speed Internet. West Virginia's digital highway will continue to be a one-lane road.

Comparative Maps and Information

Click here to see more comparative maps and information.

West Virginia Broadband West Virginia is an underserved state with no core Internet backbone facilities. West Virginia Broadband Broadband Expansion cannot flourish without Internet backbone expansion. West Virginia Broadband
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