Commander's Vision and Priorities

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Gen. James D. Thurman

Commander UNC/CFC/USFK

Gen. James D. Thurman

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Commander’s Priorities


  • Fight Tonight
  • Readiness / Sustainment
  • Counter  Provocation / Maintain Armistice
  • Mission Command / C4I
  • Joint and Combined Focus
  • Establish Mutual Trust
  • Maintain Transparency
  • Promote Peace and Stability
  • Whole of Government
  • Quality Joint / Combined Exercise Program
  • Transition to ROK Led Defense
  • SA 2015
  • Enhance ROK-US Interoperability
  • LPP / YRP
  • Quality of Life
  • Disciplined, Trained, Physically and Mentally Tough
  • Instill Pride and Warrior Spirit
  • Maintain a Caring Attitude
  • Tough Realistic Joint / Combined Training
  • Treat Everyone with Dignity and Respect


Commander’s Vision

Lead trained and ready joint, combined forces, capable of deterring external aggression and defending the Korean peninsula while strengthening the ROK-U.S. alliance, maintaining the Military Armistice in Korea, and seamlessly conduct OPCON transfer in accordance with Strategic Alliance 2015.  Decisively defeat aggression if necessary.



Our mission is to defend the Republic of Korea against external aggression and to maintain stability in East Asia.  In order to credibly deter aggression and preserve stability, readiness is essential.  To stay ready our combined forces must be led by strong leaders; trained across the spectrum from engagement to major conflict; and conditioned to be mentally and physically tough. I have always believed leaders should do “what is legally and morally right”.  Leaders create an environment of mutual trust and respect that enables members of the alliance to achieve their full potential. 

Leaders live by the “Golden Rule,” which puts caring, respect, and fairness first.  We must be ready to respond in a disciplined, decisive, and precise manner.  If necessary we must seize the initiative rapidly and execute effectively.   Ever vigilant, we must ensure the stability of the Military Armistice in Korea.   To build on the successes of our ROK–U.S. security partnership, we must instill teamwork.  The command’s priorities lay the foundation for this, strengthened by seven key imperatives.


Commander’s Imperatives

  • Discipline
  • Leading
  • Combined Training and Leader Development
  • Transforming
  • Maintenance
  • Risk Management
  • Caring