
2011 Europe cross country schedule

Sept. 17
Munich, Schweinfurt, Wiesbaden at Frankfurt International
Vicenza, Florence, Aviano at Milan
AOSR at Marymount
Naples 15, Sigonella incomplete
Lakenheath 25, Alconbury 32, Menwith Hill incomplete
SHAPE 24, International School of Brussels 38, St. John's of Waterloo 77, AFNORTH 105, Brussels incomplete
Ramstein 24, Kaiserslautern 43, Heidelberg 60, Baumholder 112, Bitburg incomplete
Patch 18, Vilseck 45, Black Forest Academy 83, Ansbach, and Hohenfels incomplete
Naples 15, Sigonella incomplete
Lakenheath 15, Alconbury and Menwith Hill incomplete
St. John's of Waterloo 33, Brussels 66, International School of Brusels 69, SHAPE 72, AFNORTH 111
Ramstein 25, Heidelberg 37, Kaiserslautern 71, Baumholder 111, Bitburg incomplete
Patch 15, Vilseck 50, Ansbach, Black Forest Academy, Hohenfels incomplete

Sept. 24
Naples, Marymount, Sigonella at AOSR, scores not available
Aviano 18, Milan 42
Heidelberg 23, Vilseck 34, Ansbach 138, Hohenfels incomplete
Ramstein 16, SHAPE 60, St. John's International 135, AFNORTH 252, Bitburg 420
Patch 38, Kaiserslautern 50, Wiesbaden 71, Frankfurt International School 100, International School of Brussels 117, Baumholder 156
Alconbury 27, Lakenheath 28, Brussels and Menwith Hill incomplete
Aviano 15, Milan 50
Heidelberg 17, Vilseck 44, Ansbach and Hohenfels incomplete
Ramstein 20, St. John's International 51, SHAPE 80, AFNORTH 120, Bitburg incomplete
Patch 19, Frankfurt International School 46, Kaiserslautern 80, Baumholder, International School of Brussels and Wiesbaden incomplete
Lakenheath 22, Brussels 61, Alconbury and Menwith Hill incomplete

Oct. 1
Brussels, Bitburg at ISB
Alconbury, Menwith Hill at Cobham
SHAPE 22, St. John's 71, Baumholder 78, AFNORTH unavailable
Patch 19, Vilseck 41, Ansbach 85, Hohenfels and International School of Munich incomplete
Vicenza 21, Marymount 21
Naples 15, Milan incomplete
AOSR 20, Aviano 48, Sigonella incomplete
Ramstein 34, Kaiserslautern 38, Heidelberg 62, Wiebaden 92, Lakenheath 145
SHAPE 31, St. John's 35, AFNORTH 70, Baumholder unavailable
Patch 15, Vilseck 48, Ansbach and Hohenfels incomplete
Marymount 23, Vicenza 33
Naples 15, Milan incomplete
Aviano 23, AOSR 36, Sigonella incomplete
Ramstein 23, Heidelberg 48, Lakenheath 77, Kaiserslautern 79, Wiesbaden 133

Oct. 8
Patch, Vilseck, Heidelberg, Munich, Schweinfurt, Hohenfels at Ansbach
AOSR 21, Sigonella 27
Naples 18, Vicenza 62
Wiesbaden 15, Lakenheath 74, Rota 106
Baumholder 16, AFNORTH 44
Aviano 21, Marymount International 36
Kaiserslautern 25, Ramstein 30, Black Forest Academy 86, Bitburg and Brussels incomplete
SHAPE 15, Alconbury 72, Menwith Hill incomplete
AOSR 15, Sigonella incomplete
Naples 15, Vicenza 65
Lakenheath 15, Wiesbaden 45, Rota 133
AFNORTH 15, Baumholder incomplete
Aviano 23, Marymount 36
Ramstein 21, Kaiserslautern 47, Brussels 65, Bitburg and Black Forest Academy incomplete
SHAPE 15, Alconbury and Menwith Hill incomplete

Oct. 15
Kaiserslautern 15, Baumholder 47, Bitburg 85
Naples 15, Marymount International incomplete
Vilseck 15, Ansbach 50, Hohenfels incomplete
Ramstein 21, SHAPE 34, AFNORTH 174
St. John's 29, British School of Brussels 55, Brussels and International School of Brussels incomplete
Aviano 22, Vicenza 35
Alconbury 27, Lakenheath 29, Menwith Hill incomplete
Patch 41, Heidelberg 52, Wiesbaden 58, Frankfurt International School 81, Black Forest Academy 145
AOSR 15, Milan and Sigonella incomplete
Kaiserslautern 15, Baumholder and Bitburg incomplete
Naples 22, Marymount International 46
Vilseck 15, Ansbach and Hohenfels incomplete
Ramstein 26, SHAPE 32, AFNORTH 87
Brussels 40, St. John's 45, International School of Brussels and British School of Brussels incomplete
Aviano 15, Vicenza 50
Lakenheath 15, Alconbury and Menwith Hill incomplete
Patch 15, Heidelberg 58, Frankurt International School 72, Wiesbaden 105, Black Forest Academy incomplete
AOSR 15, Milan and Sigonella incomplete
Incirlik 15, Ankara incomplete

Oct. 22
Naples 17, Aviano 44
Vilseck 15, Ansbach 40, Hohenfels incomplete
SHAPE 18, St. John's 47, Bitburg 146, Brussels incomplete
Wiesbaden 36, Ramstein 41, Frankfurt International School 60, Baumholder 99
Lakenheath 24, Alconbury 36, Menwith Hill incomplete
AOSR 25, Vicenza 71, Marymount International 86, Milan and Sigonella incomplete
Heidelberg 37, Kaiserslautern 39, Patch 47, Black Forest Academy 120
Naples 27, Aviano 32
Vilseck 15, Ansbach and Hohenfels incomplete
St. John's 38, SHAPE 38, Brussels 45, Bitburg  incomplete
Ramstein 26, Frankfurt International School 40, Wiesbaden 60, Baumholder incomplete
Lakenheath 15, Alconbury and Menwith Hill incomplete
AOSR 27, Marymount International 55, Vicenza 68, Milan and Sigonella incomplete
Patch 15, Heidelberg 46, Kaiserslautern 65, Black Forest Academy incomplete

Oct. 29
DODDS-Europe Cross Country Championships
Division I
Patch 38, Kaiserslautern 68, Wiesbaden 85, Heidelberg 107, Ramstein 109, Shape 131, Vilseck 149, Frankfurt International School 199, Lakenheath 264
Division II
Naples 51, American Overseas School of Rome 57, Baumholder 77, St. John’s 108, Aviano 154, Vicenza 158, Black Forest Academy 186, AFNORTH 220, Marymount International 234, Bahrain 243, Ansbach 294, Bitburg 315
Division III
Ankara 28, Alconbury 33, Sigonella 47, Lajes 59, Incirlik 66, Rota 70
Division I
Patch 20, Ramstein 83, Lakenheath 108, Frankfurt 122, Heidelberg 125, Kaiserslautern 149, SHAPE 169, Vilseck 175, Wiesbaden 212, International School of Brussels 267
Division II
Naples 51, Aviano 52, Marymount International 88, St. John’s 108, Bahrain 113, American Overseas School of Rome 125, AFNORTH 163, Vicenza 204, American School of Milan 242
Division III
Brussels 21, Incirlik 26, Alconbury 42, Sigonella 64, Rota 68 


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