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Imagine the Unimaginable: Ending Genocide in the 21st Century

Imagine the Unimaginable: Ending Genocide in the 21st Century

Ending Genocide | Agenda | Bios | Poll Results | Video | Photos | Resources

A symposium presented by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in cooperation with the Council on Foreign Relations and CNN

Tuesday, July 24, 2012
9 a.m.–1 p.m.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Featuring a Keynote Address by
Hillary Rodham Clinton
US Secretary of State

Watch the keynote address.

About the Symposium

Sixty-seven years after the Holocaust, genocide and crimes against humanity continue as repressive regimes and cruel perpetrators target and kill innocent people around the world. In this symposium, today’s established and emerging leaders explored what can be done to prevent these atrocities in the future.

The Museum also released the findings of a new public poll by Penn Schoen Berland that sheds light on American attitudes toward and awareness of genocide and on what inspires people to take action against it.

Watch the symposium in full.

In the News

Read the New York Times article on the symposium, "Foreign Policy Experts Discuss Ways to Avert Genocide."

Learn more about the poll results in the Huffington Post article "A Public Ready to Act against Genocide, in Syria and Beyond."

On the Museum's Preventing Genocide Blog

Read more about the issues discussed at the symposium.