Services in Supportive Housing

The Services in Supportive Housing (SSH) program was created to help prevent or reduce chronic homelessness by funding services for individuals and families experiencing homelessness living with a mental and/or substance use disorder. The SSH program addresses the need for treatment and support service provision to individuals and families. The SSH program focuses its attention on the provision of services in a participants’ housing facility (as opposed to within various community-level settings). In this regard, special attention is paid to the type, quantity and quality of services provided that seek to enhance the level of functioning and extended housing stability of program participants. To ensure the provision of supportive services that have been shown to be effective, SSH grantees are required to implement evidence based practices.  SSH grantees are also required to have the permanent housing components in place and funded by other resources (HUD or comparable funding source). Permanent supportive housing models for SSH participants include scattered-site and congregate-site housing.

Services supported under the SSH funding include, but are not limited to, outreach and engagement, intensive case management, mental health and substance abuse treatment, and assistance in obtaining benefits.

View the Recovery Support Strategic Initiative

Learn more about how to access technical assistance

Eligible Applicants:

Community-based public or nonprofit entities that provide substance abuse and mental health treatment to homeless individuals. Grants are awarded to organizations that administer residential treatment facilities but they are not awarded to fund housing without a treatment component.

Eligible Beneficiaries:

Individuals who are experiencing chronic homelessness and mental health and substance abuse disorders.

Funding Mechanism:

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) administers grants that are awarded competitively for up to five years to community-based public or nonprofit entities.