Healthcare for Homeless Veterans

The primary mission of the Healthcare for Homeless Veterans Program (HCHV) is to connect Veterans experiencing homelessness to needed health care and social service programs via extensive outreach. HCHV outreach is conducted by clinical teams at 135 VA Medical Centers, making it possible for Veterans to enter the network of VA-funded health care and social service programs with the end goal of eliminating homelessness. HCHV also provides residential treatment for mental health and substance abuse problems through contracts with community service providers, as well as long-term case management through the HCHV-Supported Housing program.

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Eligible Applicants:

Most program activities are operated directly by VA centers but some service providers are also eligible to receive funding.

Eligible Beneficiaries:

Veterans experiencing homelessness who are unsheltered are the primary beneficiaries for outreach services.

Funding Mechanism:

The HCHV program is funded through the Department of Veterans affairs budget, and eligible treatment facilities contract with the VA directly for provision of services.