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Archive for October, 2010

Where Are the Past Solar Decathlon Houses Today?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Since the first U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon in 2002, 72 houses have competed for the honor of victory on the National Mall. When the competitions ended, the collegiate teams packed up and returned to campus. But what happened to their houses?

The past Solar Decathlon houses have been put to a variety of uses. For example:

  • Twenty-four continue to contribute to university research and outreach on their campuses.
  • Fifteen now host the public as educational exhibits extolling the benefits of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
  • Seven are used for business and meeting space.
  • Seventeen serve as private residences for lucky families and students.

And if living in a Solar Decathlon house is appealing to you, you’re in luck. Four houses are now for sale.

Learn more about the second lives of all 72 past Solar Decathlon houses by exploring our new feature, Where Are the Houses Now? and then let us know what you think. Where is your favorite house today? Is there a Solar Decathlon house in your town? Your neighborhood?