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Solar Decathlon Blog - Affordability

Below you will find Solar Decathlon news from the Affordability archive, sorted by date.

Correction Alters Affordability Contest Results

Friday, September 30, 2011

By Joe Simon

U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon organizers have corrected the Affordability Contest results after discovering a minor error in the scoring spreadsheet calculations.

Although they do not change overall competition standings, the corrected numbers have changed the outcome of the Affordability Contest, including:

  • With its E-Cube now correctly valued at $249,568.09, Team Belgium (Ghent University) moved into the tie for first place with Parsons the New School for Design and Stevens University (which includes Milano School of International Affairs, Management, and Urban Policy at The New School). The cost estimation of Parsons NS Stevens did not have change.
  • Unfortunately, Purdue University has moved from first into second place; the value of INhome is now estimated at $257,853.70 instead of $249,568.09.

The Southern California Institute of Architecture and California Institute of Technology cost estimate remained unchanged, and the team retained its third-place position with CHIP, valued at $262,495.11.

“The Solar Decathlon organizers want, above all, to ensure the integrity of our competition and contest results,” said Richard King, director of the Solar Decathlon. “We regret that some of the teams have been affected by this error but, in the end, feel teams can be reassured that our processes are fair.”

See the updated contest results for more information.

Joe Simon is the competition manager of the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon.

Teams Prove Solar Houses Can Be Affordable

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

By Carol Anna

Note: Corrections to the Affordability Contest results were announced Sept. 30, 2011.

Proving that the cost of “going green” is decreasing, two teams tied for first place in the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2011 Affordability Contest. Parsons The New School for Design and Stevens Institute of Technology (which includes Milano School of International Affairs, Management, and Urban Policy at The New School) built Empowerhouse for less than $230,000. Purdue University’s INhome came in at just less than $250,000. These teams earned 100 points for achieving a target construction cost of $250,000 or less, as evaluated by a professional cost estimator.

Results of the Affordability Contest were announced today in the solar village. Team Belgium (Ghent University) received second place in the contest, with its E-Cube, which was priced at $251,147. In third place was The Southern California Institute of Architecture and California Institute of Technology’s CHIP, which was estimated to cost $262,495.

“These 2011 teams have shown that solar houses can be affordable while still being innovative,” said Matt Hansen, Affordability Contest juror.

The Affordability Contest has had an impact on the design of Solar Decathlon competition houses. Compared to Solar Decathlon 2009 houses, the Solar Decathlon 2011 houses are estimated to cost 33% less. 

Carol Anna is the communications manager of the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon.

Affordability Contest Adds New Dimension to Solar Decathlon 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Alexis Powers

The big buzz word in Washington, D.C., these days is budget. In the solar village at West Potomac Park, cost savings are top of mind for the decathletes as well.

This year, the Affordability Contest was added as one of the 10 contests that make up the Solar Decathlon. It replaced the Lighting Design Contest, which is now evaluated as part of other contests.

Teams can earn the 100 possible points in the Affordability Contest by achieving an estimated construction cost of $250,000 or less. A sliding point scale is applied to houses that cost between $250,000 and $600,000. Houses that receive a cost estimate of more than $600,000 receive zero points.

Photo of a student decathlete reviewing construction documents and online data with Matt Hansen.

Matt Hansen reviews each team’s design drawings and construction specifications to estimate the total construction cost of its house. (Credit: Alexis Powers/U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon)

Matt Hansen, a professional cost estimator (affectionately known as “The Costimator” around the village), has been working with teams since March 2010 to put a price on every nut, bolt, fixture, and appliance used in the houses. Matt and his team used RSMeans to find exact or close matches to the materials and methods indicated by the teams’ construction documents. The final cost estimate includes labor as well as any heavy equipment—such as cranes, lifts, or loaders—used to build the houses on the competition site.

Tomorrow, the results of the Affordability Contest will be announced in the main tent at 2:30 p.m. Have the 2011 teams risen to the challenge? Stay tuned to find out.

Alexis Powers is a member of the Solar Decathlon communications team.