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Risk Management Center (RMC)

The Risk Management Center (RMC) is a center of expertise under the Institute for Water Resources (IWR) for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  It was established in 2009 to improve management controls over infrastructure decisions, serve as an independent advisor to senior leadership, maintain and develop risk competencies, and ensure consistency in processes, application of criteria and decision-making.

The mission of the Risk Management Center is to support Civil Works by managing and assessing risks for dams and levee systems across the Corps, to support dam and levee safety activities throughout the Corps, and to develop policies, methods, tools, and systems to enhance those activities.

The Center will serve as a USACE-wide resource for risk-related tools, assessments, knowledge and methods. It is intended to offer a national perspective as well as support routine District and MSC dam and levee safety activities. The Center offers services to support dam safety; levee safety; and the Modeling, Mapping, and Consequence Center (MMCC).


About the Center

The Risk Management Center (RMC) is a center of expertise under the Institute for Water Resources (IWR) for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps).  It was established in 2009 to improve management controls over infrastructure decisions, serve as an independent advisor to senior leadership, maintain and develop risk competencies, and ensure consistency in processes, application of criteria, and decision-making.


The mission of the Risk Management Center is to support Civil Works by managing and assessing risks for dams and levee systems across the Corps, to support dam and levee safety activities throughout the Corps, and to develop policies, methods, tools, and systems to enhance those activities.


The goals of the Risk Management Center are to:

  1. Ensure that risks are managed corporately and reduced in the most efficient matter practicable;
  2. Lead efforts to support consistent risk-informed dam and levee decisions across the Corps;
  3. Ensure that consistent processes, policies, and methods are used across the Corps to evaluate risks; and
  4. Lead strategic planning efforts for risk management.


Roles of the Risk Management Center include:

  1. Serve as a Corps-wide resource for risk-related tools, assessments, knowledge, and methods;
  2. Serve as a technical center of expertise for infrastructure risk management and dam and levee engineering;
  3. Provide a national perspective while working with CoPs and Districts;
  4. Support routine district and MSC dam safety activities and support technical activities relating to dam and levee safety;
  5. For dam and levee safety activities, support and integrate the relevant Communities of Practice (CoP);
  6. Serve as a Corps-wide resource to interpret dam safety and levee safety policies;
  7. Enhance professionalism and technical competency by leading dam and levee training functions for HQ, MSC, and District forces;
  8. Coordinate and participate in independent peer reviews of district dam and levee safety activities;
  9. Ensure research and development objectives are consistent with future needs of the RMC;
  10. Integrate Asset Management, Dam Safety, and Levee Safety into comparable risk-informed processes across business lines; and
  11. Ensure dam and levee data is managed centrally.

Center of Expertise and Directory of Expertise

On November 20, 2008 the Institute was directed to establish the Risk Management Center as a Corps National Center of Expertise (CX) and Directory of Expertise (DX).  Designation Letter (pdf, 1.4 MB).


RMC Organization

The Risk Management Center (RMC) is under the organizational umbrella of the Institute for Water Resources. Similar to the other IWR centers, RMC activities span across many business lines and other units in the Corps.

Engineering and Construction Integration

The RMC is active within the Engineering and Construction Community of Practice (CoP) and within some of the major CoPs under Engineering and Construction. The three primary CoPs that the RMC works with are the Geotechnical CoP, the Structural CoP, and the H&H CoP. For these three CoPs, RMC management and staff work closely with the CoP leads and Subject Matter Experts (SME) within each CoP. The RMC also works with the Mechanical CoP and Construction CoP.

Major Subordinate Commands and Districts

Major Subordinate Command (MSC) staff, District staff, and RMC staff mutually support each other to accomplish the Corps’ overall dam and levee safety workload. The RMC leads activities to prioritize activities for all staff involved with these efforts. Led by an RMC facilitator, Districts field either partial cadres or full cadres to support risk assessments Corps-wide.


The RMC has working relationships with MSC Dam and Levee Safety Program Managers and Dam and Levee Safety Officers. The RMC works closely with the MSCs, particularly with Agency Technical Review and Independent External Peer Review activities.


The RMC has working relationships with District Dam and Levee Safety Program Managers and Dam and Levee Safety Officers. The RMC works closely with the districts on routine dam safety activities, Issue Evaluation Studies, and Dam Safety Modification Studies.


Center Location

The RMC will have its primary facilities in Denver, Colorado. The location of a second office is yet to be determined, but likely to be located in the eastern U.S., with the two locations to provide mutual support. The eastern and western locations will allow easier recruitment of employees, allow closer coordination with the agencies that have the most in common (Bureau of Reclamation and FERC), provide easy access Corps-wide for training facilities, allow easy access to all of USACE's assets, and allows greater coverage for RMC risk assessment activities. Employees will also be located in the Pittsburgh, Louisville, Omaha and Tulsa Districts, and the Hydrologic Engineering Center.



The Risk Management Center performs services relating to dam Safety; levee Safety; and the Modeling, Mapping, and Consequence Center (MMCC).

Dam Safety

The RMC has leadership or oversight to interpret dam safety policies, supporting Headquarters activities, managing dams in the USACE inventory, managing dam-related data, advising districts regarding routine dam safety activities, developing tools and methods to evaluate risks, leading dam safety training activities, participating in Periodic Assessments, leading Issue Evaluation Studies, participating in Dam Safety Modification Studies, and managing independent peer review for dam-related studies.


The RMC leads efforts initiated by USACE Headquarters (HQUSACE) to review, evaluate, and modify policies related to dams and dam safety.  The center supports HQUSACE policy reviews as requested by Civil Works.

HQ Support

Special requests occasionally are made by HQUSACE to review dam-related reports, requests for information, and other types of miscellaneous work to support HQUSACE.  The center supports these activities either internally or using MSC and District resources.

  • The RMC reviews Interim Risk Reduction Measure Plans (IRRMPs) for HQ and provides comments and recommendations.
  • The RMC reviews Project Management Plans (PMP) and makes recommendations to HQ.
  • The RMC reviews Issue Evaluation Studies submitted for approval and makes recommendations to HQ.
  • The RMC reviews Dam Safety Modification Studies submitted for approval and makes recommendations to HQ.

Program Management

The RMC leads Corps activities to manage the portfolio of structures with the goal of reducing risks in the most efficient manner possible in accordance with Chapter 6 of ER-1110-2-1156.  To do this, the RMC leads efforts to evaluate structures where risks are potentially unacceptable and manage the portfolio from a national perspective.  The RMC, in consultation with the Senior Oversight Group and HQUSACE, manages resource queues for Periodic Assessments, Issue Evaluations, and Dam Safety Modification Studies, and approved projects awaiting design and construction funds.

This RMC also develops and maintains a 5-, 10-, and 30-year plan to reduce risks across the USACE portfolio of dams.

Data Management

The RMC leads activities to centrally manage dam safety-related electronic data for dams in USACE.  RMC stores and organizes data related to Dam Safety Project Management Tool, RADS (Risk Assessment for Dam Safety) II, DAM Risk Analysis Engine (DAMRAE), and National Inventory of Dams.  The RMC is responsible to ensure adequate communication between the various dam-safety related data sets in USACE.  The National Inventory of Dams is functionally part of the RMC, and is funded by HQ through the RMC.  The RMC also leads efforts to unify real-time seismic monitoring systems for Corps facilities in seismically active areas.

Routine Dam Safety Activities

The RMC manages and evaluates data related to ER-1110-2-1156, Appendix J: Dam Safety Project Management Tools.  The RMC supports HQUSACE efforts to improve Dam Safety Scorecard results for individual districts.

Tools and Methods

The RMC leads the development of risk-related tools and risk methodology for USACE.  The center develops these tools and methods internally and with district, MSC, and external support.

The RMC also leads efforts to coordinate technical competency and technology development for scientific and engineering analyses of dams and levees.


The RMC leads and coordinates risk-related training for USACE staff.  The RMC works with USACE CoP leads to develop new training courses and encourages participation by members of the respective CoPs.  Training sessions are primarily led by RMC staff, but are supplemented by District, MSC, and external subject matter experts.

Interim Risk Reduction Measures

The RMC reviews and makes recommendations to HQ concerning concurrence with Interim Risk Reduction Measure Plans.

Periodic Assessments

The RMC manages resources to support risk assessments completed as part of Periodic Assessments.  The RMC also performs QA/QC on PA risk-related products and manages Agency Technical Review and other reviews to ensure consistency.

Issue Evaluation Studies

The RMC:

  • Leads teams that evaluate risks as part of Issue Evaluation Studies.
  • Provides facilitators and subject matter experts to support Issue Evaluation activities.
  • Manages resources, primarily composed of regional or district cadres, to support Issue Evaluation activities.
  • Performs QA/QC on Issue Evaluation Study risk-related products and manages Agency Technical Review (ATR) and other reviews to ensure consistency.

Dam Safety Modification Studies

The RMC:

  • Leads teams that evaluate risks as part of Dam Safety Modification Studies (DSMS).
  • Provides facilitators and subject matter experts to support Dam Safety Modification activities.
  • Manages resources, primarily composed of regional or district cadres, to support Dam Safety Modification activities.
  • Manages quality assurance and control activities related to DSMS studies including Agency Technical Review and Independent External Peer Review Type I/II.
  • The RMC periodically evaluates accomplishment and construction activities for dam safety modifications.

Dam Safety Modifications

For dams that are being modified, the RMC ensures:

  • Risks are being reduced in a manner consistent with the DSMS and final design documents.
  • Adequate quality assurance and control practices are being used and construction work is adequately documented.
  • Adequate communication exists between the RMC, district designers, and district construction forces.

Independent Peer Review

The RMC performs quality assurance and control on dam and levee products and manages Agency Technical Review, Independent External Peer Review Type I/II, and other reviews to ensure consistency and adherence to policy.

Levee Safety

The RMC has leadership or oversight to interpret levee safety policies, supporting HQ activities, managing dams in the USACE inventory, managing levee-related data, advising districts regarding routine levee safety activities, developing tools and methods to evaluate risks, leading levee safety training activities, participating in levee screening activities, leading Issue Evaluation Studies, participating in Levee Safety Modification Studies, and managing independent peer review for dam-related studies.


The RMC leads efforts initiated by HQUSACE to review, evaluate, and modify policies related to levees and levee safety.  The center supports HQUSACE policy reviews as requested by Civil Works.

HQ Support

Special requests occasionally are made by HQUSACE to review levee-related reports, requests for information, and other types of miscellaneous work to support HQUSACE.  The center supports these activities either internally or using MSC and District resources.

Program Management

The RMC leads Corps activities to manage the portfolio of structures with the goal of reducing risks in the most efficient manner possible in accordance with levee safety policy.  To do this, the RMC leads efforts to evaluate structures where risks are potentially unacceptable and manage the portfolio from a national perspective.  The RMC, in consultation with the Senior Oversight Group and HQUSACE, manages resource queues for Issue Evaluations and Levee Safety Modification Studies, and approved projects awaiting design and construction funds.
This RMC also develops and maintains a 5-, 10-, and 30-year plan to reduce risks across the USACE portfolio of levees.

Data Management

The RMC leads activities to centrally manage levee safety-related electronic data for dams in USACE.  RMC stores and organizes data related to Levee Screening Tool and National Levee Database.  The RMC is responsible to ensure adequate communication between the various levee-safety related data sets in USACE.

Tools and Methods

The RMC leads the development of risk-related tools and risk methodology for USACE.  The center develops these tools and methods internally and with district, MSC, and external support.


The RMC leads and coordinates risk-related training for USACE staff.  The RMC works with USACE CoP leads to develop new training courses and encourages participation by members of the respective CoPs.  Training sessions are primarily led by RMC staff, but are supplemented by District, MSC, and external subject matter experts.

Vegetation Variances

The RMC is responsible to approve or reject proposed vegetation variances for levees and levee systems.  The RMC supports these activities either internally or using MSC and District resources.  The RMC also performs quality assurance and control on vegetation variances and manages reviews to ensure consistency.  The RMC works with the respective CoP leads to staff and manage Agency Technical Review and other reviews.

Issue Evaluation Studies

For Issue Evaluations, the RMC:

  • Leads teams that evaluate risks as part of Issue Evaluation Studies.
  • Provides facilitators and subject matter experts to support Issue Evaluation activities.
  • Manages resources, primarily composed of regional or district cadres, to support Issue Evaluation activities.
  • Performs quality assurance and control on Issue Evaluation Study risk-related products and manages Agency Technical Review and other reviews to ensure consistency. The RMC works with the respective CoP leads to staff and manage Agency Technical Review and other reviews.

Levee Safety Modification Studies

The RMC:

  • Leads teams that evaluate risks as part of Levee Safety Modification Studies (LSMS).
  • Provides facilitators and subject matter experts to support Levee Safety Modification activities.
  • Manages resources, primarily composed of regional or district cadres, to support Levee Safety Modification activities.
  • Manages quality assurance and control activities related to LSMS studies including Agency Technical Review and Independent External Peer Review Type I/II.

Levee Safety Modifications
For levees that are being modified, the RMC ensures:

  • Risks are being reduced in a manner consistent with the LSMS and final design documents.
  • Adequate quality assurance and control communication exists between the RMC, district designers, and district construction forces.

Independent Peer Review

The RMC serves as the Review Management Organization for Agency Technical Review, Independent External Peer Review Type I, and Independent External Peer Review Type II, and coordinates its activities with the Planning Center of Expertise. It performs quality assurance and control on dam and levee products and manages Agency Technical Review, Independent External Peer Review Type I/II, and other reviews to ensure consistency and adherence to policy.

Modeling, Mapping, and Consequence Center (MMCC)

One of the primary functions of the RMC is to support inundation mapping and consequence assessments Corps-wide for a variety of applications.  The MMCC is a virtual organization currently managed from the Vicksburg District and serves a wide group of interests across the Corps.  Most of those interests include a dam safety and levee safety component, so the RMC is intimately involved in the activities of the MMCC.  The Director of the RMC chairs the MMCC steering committee, which guides the means, methods, products, and schedules of the MMCC.



Government Agencies

Bureau of Reclamation

The RMC maintains a close working relationship with Bureau of Reclamation’s Dam Safety Office and Technical Service Center as part of the charter between the two organizations. Bureau of Reclamation and the Corps work under their charter to:

  • Develop professional and technical competencies;
  • Develop joint methods, policies, and procedures;
  • Develop comparable risk management strategies; and
  • Work jointly with professional organizations, academic institutions, and private industry to incorporate risk management into the water resources industry.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

The RMC maintains a working relationship with the Dam Safety division of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).  Specifically, the RMC works closely with the FERC to help achieve its strategic objectives to incorporate risk-informed decision-making into its dam safety program by 2014 by:

  • Supporting its activities to complete a portfolio evaluation of its inventory;
  • Supporting its activities to finalize policies and technical guidelines; and
  • Supporting its activities to fully incorporate risk-informed decision-making into its dam safety program.

RMC staff review documents, policies, methods and other products produced by FERC.  RMC also works closely with FERC staff to develop joint methods, policies, and procedures related to dam safety.

Rijkswaterstaat (the Netherlands)

The RMC is developing a close working relationship with Rijkswaterstaat (RWS), primarily related to levee safety and levee risk.  RWS has experience evaluating levee system risks and is currently developing a risk assessment system at a level similar to an Issue Evaluation.  Sharing resources and knowledge will help both agencies greatly.

Professional Organizations

Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO)

The RMC and its staff attend ASDSO functions and interact with ASDSO regularly.

U.S. Society of Dams (USSD)

The RMC and its staff attend USSD functions, serve on USSD committees related to their specialty, and interact with USSD regularly.

Association of Engineering Geologists (AEG)

The RMC and its staff regularly interact with the Association of Engineering Geologists.

Academic Institutions

The RMC will lead activities to incorporate academic institutions into methodology development, training, and research activities.

Private Consultants

The RMC will work with its two Federal partners to develop a training, education and communications plan for private consultants who will be doing work to support USACE, Bureau of Reclamation, and FERC dam and levee safety activities.


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