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Displaying 1 – 25 of 7280 Awards
Company: 21ST CENTURY SYSTEMS, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2003 / 2
Abstract: As we progress towards the network-centric environment envisioned by JV2010 and JV2020, our dependency upon space assets to meet our force enhancement (C4, weather, navigation, intelligence, surveillance, etc.) requirements is expected to growexponentially. This trend is not only for our forces,… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY SYSTEMS, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: There are major changes in today's business methods. Expensive and time consuming travel for gathering project personnel together will be replaced, in part, by network-centric technology. Management directives of large corporations are increasinglystipulating the use of a collaborative workspace… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY SYSTEMS, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / STTR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: Most of today's precision guided weapons use Global Positioning System (GPS) signals to gain improved accuracy. But, as Operation Iraqi Freedom recently showed, foreign militaries have equipment to locally jam GPS signals. Another effective method ofautonomous navigation is necessary to ensure… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY SYSTEMS, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOE / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: 72526S03-I Collaboration on experimental nuclear physics projects is international and requires hundreds of participants. Due to the sheer size and complexity of the experiments, a great deal of the experimental planning, equipment design, preparation, and assembly must be carried out prior to the… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY SYSTEMS, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: Agents, Agent Architectures and Agent-based applications have become a phenomena in recent years with seemingly everyone jumping on the bandwagon. However, as with any truly revolutionary breakthrough technology, Agents have lacked standards and rulingbodies to govern the direction of the bandwagon… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY SYSTEMS, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: As demonstrated with recent engagements, US forces will not go into combat alone. Multinational coalition forces will be the norm and our forces must flexibly adapt to the command and control (C2) environment with the newly formed team. Whether a neighboror long time ally with similar but… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY SYSTEMS, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: It is a global extent of terrorist networks, opposed to large powers, attacking the U.S Navy abroad, U.S. Embassies, and now in our homeland. Traditional methods are based on defending from what has happened in the past:
Company: 21ST CENTURY SYSTEMS, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: In response to SBIR solicitation OSD03-027, 21st Century Systems, Inc. (21CSI) is pleased to propose investigating and developing a software agent system organized in a hierarchically networked architecture that incorporates use of multiple existingsystems into a high-level information fusion system… more
Company: Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation proposes to use its Filtered Cathodic Arc Plasma Deposition (FCAPD) process to apply reflective high-energy laser coatings to complaint polyamide substrates for space-based mirrors. FCAPD coatings have better adhesionand are denser and more stable than coatings… more
Company: Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation will use its proprietary Coaxial Energetic Deposition process to deposit a linearly-graded ceramic coating on the inside of gun barrels. This coating will transition smoothly from a fully ceramic interior surface, whichis exposed to the harsh firing environment,… more
Company: Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: The purpose of this Phase I effort is to investigate the effectiveness of using coatings to extend the life of gun barrels. The coatings will be deposited using Alameda Applied Sciences' proprietary Coaxial Energetic Deposition (CED) process, which iscapable of depositing virtually any metal or… more
Company: Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2003 / 2
Abstract: The objective of this Phase-II proposal is to develop Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation's (AASC) Coaxial Energetic Deposition (CED) process to increase the life of gun barrels by depositing a protective refractory metal coating to the inside of thebarrel that can outperform and replace the… more
Company: Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NASA / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation proposes to develop a new type of electric propulsion device dubbed the Magnetically Enhanced Vacuum Arc Thruster (MVAT). This thruster is itself a variant on the Vacuum Arc Thruster that has been demonstrated via a recently concluded Phase I SBIR contracts from… more
Company: Aastrom Biosciences, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): As a result of growing evidence of their therapeutic potential in cancer, infectious diseases, and tissue repair, there is an enormous increase in the research and discovery of cell-based medical treatments that require cultured cells. A large unmet need exists… more
Company: Aastrom Biosciences, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: DESCRIPTION (provided by the applicant): Dendritic cells have been shown to initiate, regulate, and direct cytolytic T-cell-mediated immune responses against tumor antigens in human patients. Recent clincal trials have demonstrated induction of clinically significant immune responses against… more
Company: Aastrom Biosciences, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Adherent mesenchymal cell populations derived from bone marrow (BM) have the capability of differentiating into multiple cell lineages in vitro and in vivo. The potential use of these populations, referred to as marrow stromal cells (MSC), in clinical… more
Company: Aastrom Biosciences, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Due to morbidity and limited amounts of material, alternatives to autologous grafts for bone repair are desirable. Mixtures of marrow stromal cells (MSC) and carrier matrices are known to augment bone repair. Increasing the number of MSC through ex vivo… more
Company: Aastrom Biosciences, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Treatment of ischemia by administration of bone marrow (BM)-derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) or ex vivo expanded EPC populations has been shown to enhance vascular regeneration in animal models and in clinical trials. For cell therapy to be practical in… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: The objective of this Phase I effort is to apply concepts in social network analysis to support effects-based plan development at the strategic level for counter-terrorist operations. We will exploit Dr. John Lemmer's CAT (Causal Analysis Tool) tosupport plan assessment. Mr John Beyerle, an EBO… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: In this proposal 21st Century Technologies will (1) conceptually combine multiple social network patterns to provide greater visibility and a deeper understanding of anomalous and possibly terrorist behaviors to support force protection (2) implementthese combined constructs into an social… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: 21st Century Technologies and Mr. Valdis Krebs, a social network expert , will (1) combine multiple social network patterns to provide visibility and situational awareness of anomalous and potentially terrorist behaviors (2) implement these combinedpatterns into an social network pattern… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: GREAT, Graph-based Extraction and Analytical Tool will enable teams of subject matter experts (SMEs) to author knowledge bases directly and easily without knowledge engineers serving as intermediaries. 21st Century Technologies and BBN Technologies shalldemonstrate rapid knowledge formation of… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: We propose the Graph Matching Intrusion Detection (GMID) system, a novel approach to detecting insider and coordinated insider-outsider threats based on our algorithms for solving the subgraph isomorphism (graph matching) problem. GMID performs datafusion on information from dense sensor networks… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2003 / 1
Abstract: The Future Combat System is drawing from the Operation and Organization Plan and Operational Requirements Document a concept of having a 72 combat pulse, with rotation of the combat elements back to the MSS for resupply and rest before rotating back intoanother 72 pulse. During the combat pulse,… more
Company: 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2003 / 2
Abstract: The Graph Matching and Metrics Intrusion Detection System (GMIDS) is a novel approach to detecting insider and coordinated insider-outsider threats. GMIDS is based on our proven algorithms for graph-based pattern matching, social network analysis, linkanalysis, and statistical pattern recognition. … more
Displaying 1 – 25 of 7280 Awards
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