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Displaying 1 – 25 of 428 Awards
Company: Technology Systems Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DHS / SBIR / 2012 / 2
Abstract: The ability to track small vessels is critical to national security, but not easily accomplished due to the sheer volume of craft and the range of environments which they operate within. The introduction of smart-phones with location, orientation, camera, and Internet capabilities is… more
Company: Wizbe Innovations LLC Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DHS / SBIR / 2012 / 1
Abstract: When responding to an incident, first responders often do not know what environments they will encounter at the incident scene. Although the garments that they are wearing may provide protection in their normal working environment, it may not be suited for unexpected conditions they encounter when… more
Company: Ocean Approved, LLC Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOC / SBIR / 2011 / 2
Abstract: This Phase II research expands Phase I research on Saccharina latissima and is to design and develop “seed” nursery methodologies for the development of commercial-scale production of juvenile kelp plants including Alaria esculenta and Laminaria digitata. The project objectives include: 1… more
Company: FHC, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Malignancies of the brain are among the most devastating diseases known. Glioblastoma multiform (GBM) in particular are known for their rapid, uncontrolled, and aggressive growth. Very little progress has been made in the treatment of GBM over the past 25 years.… more
Company: COLLINGE AND ASSOCIATES Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Palliative care represents one of the most rapidly expanding sectors of health care. Its rapid growth has been accompanied by widespread needs for training of multidisciplinary personnel to work with the unique set of health issues specific to its population of… more
Company: Fiber Materials, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NASA / SBIR / 2011 / 2
Abstract: During this program, Fiber Materials, Inc. (FMI) will develop practical methods for preparing Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA) materials for joining thermal protection system segments and penetrations of the heat shield assembly. Current and future mission flight environments and designs,… more
Company: Fiber Materials, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NASA / SBIR / 2011 / 2
Abstract: This proposed Phase II program builds on the Phase I effort addressing NASA's future mission requirements by: 1) developing higher performing TPS materials capable of meeting the demands of multiple severe mission trajectories; and 2) integrating TPS materials with the sub-structure to improve… more
Company: Fiber Materials, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NASA / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: FMI currently manufactures Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA) material for Thermal Protection Systems (TPS) systems, such as the Stardust Sample Return Capsule and the Mars Science Laboratory Aeroshell. FMI plans to further develop TPS in support of future sample return missions such as… more
Company: Fiber Materials, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NASA / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: During this program Fiber Materials, Inc. (FMI) will develop innovative yet practical methods for preparing Phenolic Impregnated Felt (PIF) materials for thermal protection system (TPS) segments and heat shield assemblies. Future mission flight environments and designs, such as those anticipated for… more
Company: Fiber Materials, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NASA / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: NASA has defined a need for higher performance ablative Thermal Protection System (TPS) materials for future exploration of our solar system's inner and outer planets than is currently available. Of particular interest are: 1) Materials with performance analogous to fully dense, heritage… more
Company: ORONO SPECTRAL SOLUTIONS, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / STTR / 2011 / 2
Abstract: The overall goal of this Phase II project is to develop a prototype micro-fluidic sampling system that will lead to a field-deployable detection system capable of detecting low ppb levels of chemical warfare agents (CWAs) and explosive precursors in water. The proposed work will capitalize on Phase… more
Company: ORONO SPECTRAL SOLUTIONS, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / STTR / 2011 / 2
Abstract: The overall goal of this Phase II project is to develop a prototype micro-fluidic sampling system that will lead to a field-deployable detection system capable of detecting low ppb levels of chemical warfare agents (CWAs) and explosive precursors in water. The proposed work will capitalize on Phase… more
Company: Tethys Research, Llc Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NSF / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project helps unlock the potential of forests to provide sustainable, carbon-neutral raw material for much of the nation?s energy needs. Tethys will search for enzymes specific for ether bonds between lignin and the hardwood hemicellulose, xylan… more
Company: Maine Manufacturing LLC Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NSF / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project proposes to construct a new microarray platform with high protein binding capacity that allows for enhanced fluorescence detection. Limitations of existing microarray surfaces include platform-based optical interferences and limited or… more
Company: SeaChange Group LLC Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NSF / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will develop ?BunkerGreen?, a drop-in replacement fuel blend for use in medium and low speed marine diesel engines.~ The pending 200-mile EPA Emissions Control Area off U.S./Canada coastlines will require vessels transiting or operating… more
Company: SENSOR RESEARCH/DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Elevated levels of flammable, explosive and toxic gases in underground mines are well-documented causative factors in the fatalities and injuries associated with mining activities. Sensor Research and Development (SRD)Corporation will advance the current… more
Company: Pika Energy Llc Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOE / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: Establishing a secure domestic supply of clean energy has emerged as an existential challenge facing the US, given geopolitical threats to global energy supplies and serious risks arising from climate change. Utility-scale wind turbine technology has grown rapidly to supply 2% of US electricity… more
Company: AXAT Agency/Program/Year/Phase: USDA / SBIR / 2011 / 1
Abstract: Since wild fish stocks began their drastic decline in the early 1990s, the aquaculture sector is the fastest growing food sector in the world. Production from U.S. marine aquaculture accounts for only 1.5 percent of the domestic seafood supply, leaving an enormous growth potential for the production… more
Company: Ocean Renewable Power Company Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOE / STTR / 2010 / 1
Abstract: Founded in 2004 for the purpose of generating emission-free electricity from ocean currents, Ocean Renewable Power Company (
Company: Ocean Renewable Power Company Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOE / STTR / 2010 / 2
Abstract: Though the hydrokinetic industry shows tremendous promise as a means of helping reduce the United States
Company: Activas Diagnostics Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2010 / 1
Abstract: Early detection of positive mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) status is difficult in the post-trauma period and efficient, noninvasive screening methods are needed. Brain injury from trauma and other neurological conditions frequently escapes detection using current imaging technology such as… more
Company: Ocean Approved, LLC Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOC / SBIR / 2010 / 1
Abstract: This Phase I research effort is to design and develop “seed” nursery methodologies for development of commercial-scale production of young kelp plants, specifically Saccharina latissima (Phase I), Alaria esculenta and Laminaria digitata (Phase… more
Company: Breus, Sergei Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOC / SBIR / 2010 / 1
Abstract: Maine Blue Stream Power proposes to construct a field scale (2m diameter) prototype of a hydrokinetic energy conversion device, the Breus Rotor (patent pending), and perform in-stream tidal testing. The problem that Main Blue Stream Power addresses in this… more
Company: FHC, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2010 / 1
Abstract: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is effective treatment of Parkinson disease. Because the STN is small (9 X 7 X 4 mm) and it is not well visible using conventional imaging techniques, microe lectrode recordings (MER) is used to ensure… more
Company: Tex Tech Industries Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2010 / 1
Abstract: Currently the air beam/arc shelters have no protection from mortar fragmentation or other indirect fire. In many cases, customary methods of ballistic protection such as sandbag walls and/or concrete barriers may require more logistical support than is available leaving the military personal… more
Displaying 1 – 25 of 428 Awards
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