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Displaying 1 – 25 of 420 Awards
Company: Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: Alameda Applied Sciences Corp proposes to develop a fast pulse, portable, fast neutron source to detect IED in the field. Our source offers a
Company: Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: Alameda Applied Sciences Corp proposes to develop a fast pulse, directed, fast neutron source to detect special nuclear materials at large stand off. Our source offers a
Company: Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DHS / SBIR / 2008 / 2
Abstract: Alameda Applied Sciences Corp proposes to develop a fast pulse, portable, fast neutron source to detect SNM in the field. Our source offers a less than 100ns neutron pulse with a repetition rate up to 100Hz. The goal is to develop a source with 1000hrs of continuous operation at greater than 1E8 n/s… more
Company: Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOE / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: Increasingly, superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) technology is replacing conventional copper radio frequency (RF) technology in new and upgraded particle accelerators. SRF cavities consume less power than conventional cavities to produce a given accelerating gradient, leading to smaller… more
Company: Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOE / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: Relative to conventional RF-based accelerators, Laser Wakefield Acceleration (LWFA) has demonstrated a quantum leap in electron beam acceleration over a given length. This technology is poised to bring high energy electron beams within reach of a host of new applications in research, industry, and… more
Company: 2LRESEARCH Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: This project develops a technology to automate the interpretation and understanding of complex trees of source code and related artifacts for conversion to run on newer hardware, operating systems and languages. The center of our proposed innovative approach is to map and parse a complex source… more
Company: Accacia International, LLC Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: Historically organophosphorus compounds such as insecticides and nerve agents have been susceptible to decomposition by proteinaceous enzymes. Organophosphate hydrolases (OPH) represent a practical method to deactivate such compounds peripherally and on surfaces. However, when such organophosphates… more
Company: ACCESS OPTICAL NETWORKS, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: AON proposal response to SBIR Phase I Navy 08-022 "Miniature Ultra-High Capacity Data Storage (MUHCS) in support of Strike and Mission Planning" will allow to accelerate AON 1000 development. The Phase I proposal baseline (6 months) would enable AON to complete the modeling and design to replace… more
Company: Acellent Technologies, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: Safety, reliability, and life-cycle cost are of great concern to the aging aircraft manufacturing and maintenance industries. Acellent Technologies proposes to develop an accurate, reliable integrated system for detection, prediction and mitigation of aging and manufacturing related hazards in… more
Company: Acellent Technologies, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: Swimmer delivery systems, externally mounted on submarines, are subject to hydrodynamic flow and irregular wave-slap loads. These result in unsteady, alternating impacts that can damage exposed surfaces. It is important to track the cumulative stresses imposed on the fairing panels to provide… more
Company: Acellent Technologies, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NASA / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: New engine fan blade containment structures are being manufactured with advanced composite structures such that they can withstand blade-out events. The use of advance composites requires the understanding of the possible effects of aging degradation on the performance of "hard wall" or "soft wall"… more
Company: Acellent Technologies, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NASA / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: Major concerns for implementing a practical built-in structural health monitoring system are prediction accuracy and data reliability. It is proposed to develop robust state-of-the-art structural health management (SHM) technologies to overcome these concerns. The proposed solution will be capable… more
Company: ADIABATICS, INC. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2008 / 2
Abstract: Viscosity and low temperature lubricant characteristics determine turbine engine starting capability, and lubricant motion with respect to the contact surfaces at low ambient temperature. Such low ambient temperatures influence the oil viscosity and also the variation of its curve shape versus the… more
Company: AdValue Photonics, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: We propose to develop a fiber-based, high power, narrow linewidth, and tunable THz source to implement a novel THz spectroscopy system by leveraging our proprietary fiber laser technology. This proposed high power fiber-based THz source will be generated by using a nonlinear crystal based on… more
Company: AdValue Photonics, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: In this proposal, we propose to demonstrate and build a widely tunable, low phase noise, narrow linewidth, single frequency fiber laser by developing an innovative Er/Yb-co-doped polarization maintaining (PM) single mode fiber. Such a fiber laser is needed for advanced fiber optical towed array… more
Company: AdValue Photonics, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOE / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: The Department of Energy has identified a need for a single-polarization, mode-locked, high-power, 2-micron fiber laser for an advanced laser electron accelerator. The 2-micron laser wavelength would allow for both larger accelerator dimensions and the acceleration of more charge, compared to the 0… more
Company: INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES AND SRVCS INTRNTL Agency/Program/Year/Phase: HHS / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Mammography is the benchmark for breast disease detection and diagnosis. However, it can miss 10-15% of early stage breast cancers, and it is unable to distinguish between benign and malignant lesions with certainty. Av ailability of an alternate method e.g.… more
Company: Advanced Dynamics, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: The objective of the proposed research aims to develop Reduced Order Models (ROMs) (i.e. POD, HB, combined POD and HB) based upon flight data to better predict the aircraft aeroelastic response at next flight condition, e.g. higher Mach number. By incorporating flight test data and using the… more
Company: Advanced Dynamics, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NASA / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: CFD modeling and simulation has been heavily invested in decades of manpower by a large community of researchers. However, the excessive numerical diffusion inherently caused by discretization errors plus the possibly largest/finest grid requirement for rotor wake modeling prevents CFD to be… more
Company: Advanced Dynamics, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: This SBIR aims at developing a high-fidelity, yet efficient and easy-to-use, composite rotor blade and wing section design environment to facilitate rapid and confident aeromechanics assessment during conceptual design stages. A well-known technical barrier for composite rotor blade and wing section… more
Company: Advanced Dynamics, Inc. Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NASA / SBIR / 2008 / 2
Abstract: The proposed research program aims at developing a variable-fidelity software tool set for aeroservothermoelastic-propulsive (ASTE-P) modeling that can be routinely applied to the design of aerospace vehicles. The toolset can be applied to conventional vehicle types as well as hypersonic vehicles.… more
Company: Advanced Engineering Research, LLC Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NSF / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will investigate the feasibility of developing autonomic-healing hot mix asphalt. A major objective of this proposed study is to develop self-healing hot mix asphalt (by means of phase-dispersion of healing agent) that would actively… more
Company: ADVANCED INTEGRATED SYSTEMS Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2008 / 2
Abstract: Advanced Integrated Systems (AIS) has developed a chock insert system to satisfy all Navy and AIS derived requirements. Laboratory and system testing has demonstrated exceptional performance of this system. The insert system consists of thin steel sections coated with a proprietary finish and… more
Company: Advanced Powder Solutions Agency/Program/Year/Phase: DOD / SBIR / 2008 / 1
Abstract: Refractory carbide materials posses the erosion resistance and high temperature strength required for the severe environments experienced by cutting tools, well bore equipment, and rocket nozzles. Refractory carbides (e.g. WC, TaC, and TiC) are usually formed by press and sinter techniques with an… more
Company: Advanced Powder Solutions Agency/Program/Year/Phase: NASA / STTR / 2008 / 2
Abstract: During the phase I program Northwestern and APS, Inc., have manufactured several different materials systems that are lighter than Beryllium and stiffer than Aluminum. These high specific strength materials are also easily fabricated into larger shapes or even net shape processed. The mechanical… more
Displaying 1 – 25 of 420 Awards
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