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Most Wanted Terrorists

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    Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to Terrorists; Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to a Foreign Terrorist Organization; Providing Material Support to a Foreign Terrorist Organization

    Jehad Mostafa is being sought for his alleged terrorist activities and acting as an operating member of al-Shabaab, a Somalia-based terrorist organization.

    On October 9, 2009, a federal arrest warrant was issued for Jehad Serwan Mostafa in the United States District Court, Southern District of California. Mostafa was charged with the following crimes: conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists; conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization; and providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization.

    Mostafa speaks English, Arabic, and Somali. He may have or is likely to visit the following areas: Somalia, Yemen, Ethiopia, Kenya, and other African countries. Additionally, Mostafa graduated from a university in California with a bachelor's degree in economics.

    Mostafa is left-handed. He wears a full beard and glasses.

    • Emir Anwar
    • Ahmed Gurey
    • Anwar al-Amriki
    • "Ahmed" (moniker)
    • "Anwar" (moniker)
    Date(s) of Birth Used: December 28, 1981; November 11, 1986 Hair: Brown
    Place of Birth: Waukesha, Wisconsin Eyes: Blue
    Height: 6'1" Complexion: Light
    Weight: 170 pounds Sex: Male
    Build: Tall, thin
    Citizenship: American


The alleged terrorists on this list have been indicted by sitting Federal Grand Juries in various jurisdictions in the United States for the crimes reflected on their wanted posters. Evidence was gathered and presented to the Grand Juries, which led to their being charged. The indictments currently listed on the posters allow them to be arrested and brought to justice. Future indictments may be handed down as various investigations proceed in connection to other terrorist incidents, for example, the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

The Rewards for Justice program, administered by the United States Department of State's Bureau of Diplomatic Security, offers rewards for information leading to the arrest of many of these terrorists.

It is also important to note that these individuals will remain wanted in connection with their alleged crimes until such time as the charges are dropped or when credible physical evidence is obtained, which proves with 100% accuracy, that they are deceased.