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Updates / Revisions


An update is a comprehensive, systematic review of the content and format of a GeneReview to ensure its currency and continuing relevance to diagnosis, patient care, and genetic counseling. Authors are asked to work with GeneReviews editorial staff on an update of their GeneReview every two to three years.

Editorial staff responsibilities

  • Update style and formatting in GeneReview to match current GeneReviews standard.
  • Survey labs to confirm molecular genetic test availability, test methods, and mutation detection rate
  • Provide queries and suggestions for update.
  • Provide assistance at author's request in updating or modifying grapihic figures and illustrations.

Author responsibilities

  • Evaluate the GeneReview for currency and accuracy.
  • Respond to queries posed by the editorial staff.
  • Add relevant new information.
  • Update references, preferably removing those that are more than ten years old.
  • As needed, obtain permission to use copyrighted material (e.g., diagrams, photographs, illustrations, tables), including signed consent forms for 'recognizable' photographs.

Direct queries to:



Revisions are time-critical edits to a GeneReview not in update that are initiated by staff or authors when a clinically significant change (e.g., to test availability) occurs. Revisions are typically confined to one or two sections of the GeneReview.

Staff initiated

  • The GeneTests Laboratory Directory provides information about changes in test availability and is the main trigger for staff-initiated revisions.

  • Other triggers for revision:

    • Identification of causative mutations in a gene
    • Changes in testing methods
    • Advances in treatment

  • GeneReviews staff edit only the section(s) to which the new information pertains; the author reviews proposed revisions and may suggest further changes or approve as is.

Author initiated

  • Authors may initiate a revision at any time by contacting Cynthia Dolan, MS, CGC.
  • Authors may either:
    • Provide language for the GeneReviews editorial staff to review and incorporate OR
    • Provide an article(s) pertaining to the new information and have GeneReviews staff provide the language.
  • As needed, a draft incorporating the changes is sent to the author for review prior to public posting.

Direct queries to:

Cynthia Dolan, MS, CGC

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GeneTests, GeneReview, and GeneReviews are trademarks of the University of Washington, Seattle.       Revised 3-22-12.

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University of Washington, Seattle, WA
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University of Washington
Seattle, WA