U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division
Technologies | Contaminants | Issues | Stategies & Initiatives | Vendors & Developers | Training & Events | Additional Resources
Providing information about innovative treatment and site characterization technologies while acting as a forum for all waste remediation stakeholders
Providing information about innovative treatment and site characterization technologies while acting as a forum for all waste remediation stakeholders


Open Solicitation

FY 2014 SERDP Solicitations
The Department of Defense's Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) is seeking environmental research and development proposals for funding beginning in Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 in response to the Core and SERDP Exploratory Development (SEED) solic...
Details for Both Federal and Non-Federal Submissions


Open Position with EPA's Environmental Response Team in Las Vegas, Nevada
The Environmental Response Team (ERT) specializes in field support and technical expertise for EPA responses to oil spills, hazardous emergencies, potentially hazardous scenarios, environmental disasters and long-term remedial activities as well as detection and analyti...
More Information

National Strategy

Strategy to Expand Superfund Optimization Practices from Site Assessment to Site Completion
The purpose of this National Strategy (Strategy) is to expand and formalize optimization practices from site assessment to site completion as an operating business model for the Superfund Remedial Program (Remedial Program). This Strategy fulfills Action 10 of the Offic...
Download (337KB/19pp/PDF)


FY2013 Proposal Guidelines for Brownfields Area-Wide Planning Grants
These grants may be used by communities to facilitate community involvement in developing an area-wide plan for brownfields assessment, cleanup and subsequent reuse on a catalyst site and other high-priority brownfield sites. Each grant is funded up to $200,000 for two ...
Grant Guidelines & Frequently Asked Questions
