
2010-11 DODDS-Europe boys basketball schedule and standings

Standings and recent results

Jump ahead to full season, day-by-day schedule

(Through games reported as of Feb. 19; x-non-regional game)


Region I

  Region Overall
ISB 7 1 7 1
AFNORTH 8 2 11 3
SHAPE 3 5 3 11
Brussels 4 7 4 11
Alconbury 2 4 5 9
Lakenheath 2 4 2 11
Menwith Hill 2 5 3 10

Wednesday’s game
x-Alconbury at The American School in London, unavalable
Thursday’s result
AFNORTH 59, Brussels 38
Friday’s result
x-Alconbury at Lakenheath JV, unavailable
Saturday’s result
x-AFNORTH 74, Bitburg 64

End of regular season

Region II

  Region Overall
Kaiserslautern 9 1 13 2
Ramstein 8 2 11 3
Wiesbaden 5 5 9 5
Mannheim 5 5 5 10
Bitburg 2 8 4 10
Baumholder 1 9 3 11

Thursday’s result
Mannheim 57, Bitburg 53
Friday’s results
Ramstein 66, Kaiserslautern 27
Mannheim 55, Wiesbaden 33
Saturday’s result
x-AFNORTH 74, Bitburg 64

End of regular season

Region III

  Region Overall
Heidelberg 10 2 12 2
Patch 9 3 9 5
Bamberg 8 4 10 4
Hohenfels 7 5 9 5
Black Forest 3 9 4 9
Vilseck 3 9 3 11
Ansbach 2 9 3 10

Friday’s results
Heidelberg 77, Ansbach 30
Hohenfels 53, Bamberg 44
Vilseck 43, Black Forest Academy 40
Saturday’s results
Heidelberg 55, Ansbach 37
Hohenfels 53, Bamberg 44
Vilseck 51, Black Forest Academy 50

End of regular season  

Region IV

  Region Overall
Naples 13 1 13 1
Sigonella 12 2 12 2
AOSR 10 4 10 4
Aviano 8 6 8 6
Vicenza 7 7 7 7
Marymount 3 11 3 11
Milan 3 11 3 11
Florence 0 14 0 14

End of regular season

Day-by-day season schedule

Dec. 3
Vicenza 64, Milan 35
Sigonella 61, Marymount 12
Naples 61, Ameircan Overseas School of Rome 47
Aviano 54, Florence 2
Brussels 28, Alconbury 13
Heidelberg 89, Kaiserslautern 70
Ramstein 66, Patch 56
Wiesbaden 59, SHAPE 29
Black Forest Academy 61, Ansbach 31
Bamberg 43, Mannheim 38
Baumholder 52, AFNORTH 49

Dec. 4
Vicenza 61, Milan 22
Sigonella 53, Marymount 29
Naples 69, American Overseas School of Rome 59
Aviano 42, Florence 13
Brussels 40, Alconbury 21
Kaiserslautern 51, Patch 48
Heidelberg 59, Ramstein 45
Wiesbaden 67, SHAPE 26
Black Forest Academy 44, Ansbach 41
AFNORTH 73, Baumholder 67
Ankara 72, Incirlik 34

Dec. 10
Bamberg at Ansbach, ppd.
Heidelberg 67, Vilseck 14
Hohenfels at Patch, ppd.
Aviano 59, Marymount 9
AOSR 47, Vicenza 46
Sigonella 52, Milan 12
Naples 51, Florence 11
Brussels 41, Menwith Hill 38
Bitburg 54, SHAPE 42
Wiesbaden at Baumholder, ppd.
Lakenheath at Ramstein, ppd.

Dec. 11
Heidelberg 48, Vilseck 9
Hohenfels at Patch, ppd.
Aviano 37, Marymount 14
AOSR 66, Vicenza 44
Sigonella 59, Milan 20
Naples 59, Florence 19
Brussels 31, Menwith Hill 28
Bitburg 61, SHAPE 58
Wiesbaden 79, Baumholder 57
Lakenheath at Kaiserslautern, ppd.
BFA 39, Mannheim 32

Dec. 14
ISB 49, Brussels 16

Dec. 15
Bamberg 71, Ansbach 41
American School in London 60, Lakenheath 37

Jan. 7
Kaiserslautern 52, Lakenheath 26
ACS Hillingdon 36, Menwith Hill 20
Baumholder 79, Ansbach 72
Hohenfels 49, Mannheim 43

Jan. 8
Menwith Hill 66, ACS Hillingdon 40
Ramstein 64, Lakenheath 35
Kaiserslautern 57, SHAPE 33
AFNORTH 67, Bitburg 56
Ansbach 62, Baumholder 53
Hohenfels 67, Mannheim 55
Patch 59, Vilseck 40

Jan. 11

Vilseck 64, Hohenfels 60 (OT)
Ramstein 80, Bitburg 41

Jan. 12
ACS-Cobham 65, Lakenheath 47

Jan. 14
Bamberg 58, Patch 49
Heidelberg 70, Hohenfels 51
AOSR 66, Aviano 49
Sigonella 69, Vicenza 62
Naples 61, Milan 27
Marymount International 44, Florence 15
AFNORTH 53, Brussels 42
ISB 56, SHAPE 44
Wiesbaden 77, Bitburg 60
Mannheim 63, Baumholder 39
ACS-Cobham 48, Lakenheath 28

Jan. 15
Bamberg 44, Patch 42
Heidelberg 73, Hohenfels 32
Aviano 48, AOSR 46
Sigonella 59, Vicenza 45
Naples 61, Milan 26
Marymount International 50, Florence 18
SHAPE 38, ISB 34
Alconbury at ACS-Cobham
TASIS 67, Lakenheath 28
Menwith Hill 106, Danum 48
Wiesbaden 62, Bitburg 45
Mannheim 54, Baumholder 47

Jan. 18
Wiesbaden 67, Ramstein 62

Jan. 19
Kaiserslautern 52, Mannheim 48

Jan. 21
Bamberg 60, Ansbach 37
Heidelberg 60, BFA 31
Vilseck at Patch
Sigonella 80, Aviano 68
Naples 68, Vicenza 47
Marymount 43, Milan 42
AOSR 47, Florence 7
St. John's 78, Brussels 28
ISB 53, Lakenheath 42
Alconbury 29, Ely 26
Baumholder 60, Bitburg 48
Kaiserslautern 71, Mannheim 56
Ramstein 77, Wiesbaden 55

Jan. 22
Heidelberg 62, BFA 33
Patch 49, Hohenfels 34
Bamberg 55, Mannheim 33
Sigonella 59, Aviano 56
Naples 68, Vicenza 38
Milan 46, Marymount 33
AOSR 51, Florence 11
Alconbury 64, ACS-Hillingdon 38
St. John’s 55, Brussels 15
ISB 44, Lakenheath 31
Baumholder 60, Bitburg 48

Jan. 27
Rota 82, Menwith Hill 46
Alconbury 43, Menwith Hill 33
Rota 56, Menwith Hill 36

Jan. 28
Lakenheath 52, SHAPE 36
Alconbury 64, Menwith Hill 51
Rota 71, Brussels 41
Rota 56, Menwith Hill 26
Ramstein 69, Bitburg 37
Kaiserslautern 70, Baumholder 52
Wiesbaden 62, Vilseck 58
Patch 43, Ansbach 40
Bamberg 56, Heidelberg 46
Hohenfels 55, Black Forest Academy 45
Aviano 60, Milan 15
Vicenza 59, Florence 19
American Overseas School of Rome 71, Sigonella 70
Naples 59, Marymount international School of Rome 19

Jan. 29
Lakenheath 44, SHAPE 31
Alconbury 51, Brussels 30
Rota 65, Brussels 32
Rota 65, Brussels 33
Wiesbaden 47, Vilseck 40
Patch 51, Ansbach 41
Heidelberg 67, Bamberg 47
Hohenfels 66, Black Forest Academy 32
Aviano 63, Milan 29
Vicenza 62, Florence 22
Sigonella 69, American Overseas School of Rome 62
Naples 57, Marymount International School of Rome 17

Feb. 1
International School of Brussels 52, Brussels 13
Kaiserslautern 73, Baumholder 56
Ramstein 70, Mannheim 42

Feb. 4
AFNORTH 60, Menwith Hill 40
Alconbury at TASIS-England
Kaiserslautern 76, Bitburg 45
Ramstein 82, Mannheim 53
Bamberg 55, Vilseck 51
Patch 53, Black Forest Academy 33
Hohenfels 64, Ansbach 41
Naples 42, Aviano 28
Sigonella 65, International School of Florence 16
American Overseas School of Rome 63, American School of Milan 12
Vicenza 57, Marymount International School of Rome 10

Feb. 5

AFNORTH 57, Menwith Hill 52
Ramstein 60, SHAPE 27
TASIS-England 48, Lakenheath 43
Kaiserslautern 59, Bitburg 47
Mannheim 48, Wiesbaden 46
Hohenfels 65, Ansbach 44
Bamberg 53, Vilseck 25
Patch 37, Black Forest Academy 30
Naples 61, Aviano 34
Sigonella 56, International School of Florence 12
American Overseas School of Rome 64, American School of Milan 23
Vicenza 56, Marymount International School of Rome 25

Feb. 8
Kaiserslautern 66, Wiesbaden 59

Feb. 9
Ramstein 80, Baumholder 64

Feb. 10
Kaiserslautern 67, Wiesbaden 48

Feb. 11

Menwith Hill 69, Alconbury 40
AFNORTH 57, Lakenheath 32
SHAPE 39, Brussels 34
Bitburg 47, Mannheim 42
Ramstein 76, Baumholder 44
Bamberg 49, Black Forest Academy 45
Heidelberg 58, Patch 41
Ansbach 53, Vilseck 49
Naples 72, Sigonella 39
American Overseas School of Rome 63, Marymount International School of Rome 23
American School of Milan 50, International School of Florence 41

Feb. 12
Menwith Hill 74, Alconbury 61
AFNORTH 57, Lakenheath 36
SHAPE 39, Brussels 32
Black Forest Academy 59, Bamberg 57 (OT)
Patch 75, Heidelberg 73 (OT)
Ansbach 48, Vilseck 45
Vicenza 60, Aviano 48
Sigonella 75, Naples 64
American Overseas School of Rome 59, Marymount International School of Rome 28
American School of Milan 51, International School of Florence 19

Feb. 15
Kaiserslautern 75, Ramstein 69

Feb. 16
Alconbury at ASL

Feb. 17
Mannheim 57, Bitburg 53
AFNORTH 59, Brussels 38

Feb. 18
Heidelberg 77, Ansbach 30
Hohenfels 53, Bamberg 44
Vilseck 43, Black Forest Academy 40
Ramstein 66, Kaiserslautern 27
Mannheim 55, Wiesbaden 33

Feb. 19
Heidelberg 55, Ansbach 37
Hohenfels 53, Bamberg 44
Vilseck 51, Black Forest Academy 50
AFNORTH 74, Bitburg 64

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