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National Service Responds to the Hurricanes: Videos


In conjunction with the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the Corporation has developed several videos and public service announcements to illustrate the national service response to Katrina and to recruit members and volunteers for current opportunities in the Gulf.  AmeriCorps has more than 5,000 positions available over the next three years to help restore Gulf Coast communities.  Volunteers, particularly skilled volunteers, are needed by all national service programs as well as by nonprofit and faith groups working in the region.

National Service: Hope and Help in the Gulf

"National Service: Hope and Help in the Gulf" combines pictures of devastation with images of hope and recovery, while reminding us that much work remains to be done. The call to action is to direct viewers to  Running time: 3 minutes.

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AmeriCorps: Hope and Help in the Gulf

"AmeriCorps: Hope and Help in the Gulf" combines pictures of devastation with images of AmeriCorps members and teams helping in recovery efforts, while reminding us that much work remains to be done. The call to action is to drive viewers to  Running time: 3 minutes.

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AmeriCorps Service in the Gulf

AmeriCorps Service in the Gulf is a public service announcement that combines pictures of devastation with images of AmeriCorps members and teams helping in recovery efforts, while reminding us that much work remains to be done. The call to action is to direct viewers to  Running times:  60 seconds and 30 seconds.

View 60-second PSA by Connection:  High Speed  |  Dial Up
View 30-second PSA by Connection:  High Speed  |  Dial Up

For information about PSA distribution, please contact Jackie Aker at

Senior Corps: After the Storm

This seven-minute, documentary-style video highlights the contributions of Senior Corps volunteers in Hurricane Katrina relief efforts in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi.. The video shows how these “everyday heroes,” many of whom were facing their own losses, sprang to action through the  Foster Grandparent, RSVP, and Senior Companion  programs to help those in great need.

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