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Salaries and Career Advancement


Employee Collage Grade 15 and below positions

The year 2012 base and locality pay tables for the General Schedule exit icon which are used for GG-1 to GG-15 positions in the NRC.

The year 2012 special pay table for the Engineering and Scientific group PDF Icon which is used for GG-5 to GG-12 positions in the NRC.

The year 2012 pay table for the Resident Inspector Pay Schedule PDF Icon which is used for GG-11 to GG-14 Resident Inspector positions in the NRC.

The year 2012 Nuclear Safety Professional Development Program Pay Progression table.

Executive, Senior Technical and Judge positions

The year 2012 salary ranges for the Senior Executive Service Schedule PDF Icon positions in the NRC.

The year 2012 salary ranges for the Senior Level Service PDF Icon positions in the NRC.

The year 2012 salary ranges for the Administrative Judge PDF Icon and Administrative Law Judge PDF Icon positions in the NRC.

Career Advancement

Career advancement is based on merit without regard for race, gender, age, or national origin.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, April 11, 2012