Occupational Safety & Health Administration


Process: Rigging

U.S. Department of Labor

Hazard: Traumatic/Acute Injury

wire rope strandsRigging work presents numerous potential exposures for traumatic injuries including: pinching, lacerations, amputations, crushing and contusions to the face, foot, head, hand and other body parts. For example, hand and fingers can be pinched when chain or wire rope-lifting devices become taut and can also be lacerated from damaged wire rope strands or banding material used to hold loose materials in place.

Also, falling objects or debris from material being lifted or dropped loads can cause severe injury or death. An error in rigging, gear failure, or standing in the wrong place when a lift is in progress can result in a worker being struck by the load as it shifts or swings unpredictably. When mobile cranes are used, the potential hazard created by the movement of the cab and counterweight can result in a crushing injury.

struck by load falling object
