Network Services




The Organizational Messaging service provides a range of assured services to the customer community that includes the military services, DoD agencies, Combatant Commanders (COCOMs), non-DoD U.S. government activities and the Intelligence Community (IC). These services include the ability to exchange official information between military organizations and to support interoperability with allied nations, non-DoD activities and the IC operating in both the strategic/fixed-base and the tactical/deployed environments.



  • Guaranteed Message Delivery — All recipients of a message either receive the message or the service returns a non-delivery notification to the message originator giving the reason for each unsuccessful delivery attempt.
  • Priority Transmission — Allows users to specify the precedence of each message they originate subject to controls that limit the precedence levels at which each user is authorized to originate message.
  • Message Confidentiality, Integrity, and Non-Repudiation — Provides National Security Agency (NSA) approved message cryptography and link encryption with audit mechanisms that support non-repudiation.
  • Security Access Control — Applies these protections to messages based on the message security label and the authorizations assigned to organizations and specific users within those organizations.
  • Interoperability — Supported between DoD organizations, non-DoD organizations, and allied nations.
  • Automated Message Handling — Operated by the user community to implement message dissemination, storage, search and retrieval.
  • High Service Availability — Provides a high level of service availability based on equipment, communication redundancy path, Continuity of Operations (COOP) sites and alternate routing designs.
  • High Security Assurance — Provides a high degree of security assurance based on strict compliance with security policies and directives, as well as on the use of the NSA approved and supported cryptographic suite.

Service Offering Organizational Messaging Service (formerly known as DMS)
Service Lifecycle Status Capped
Security Classification Up to and including Top Secret/Collateral (TS/C)
Value to Our Mission Partners Organizational Messaging supports the assured secure delivery of organizational messages within strict service parameters. This includes delivery times of three minutes or less for high precedence (flash and above) messages across the DISA-provided infrastructure.  Additionally, information confidentiality and integrity are guaranteed through the use of NSA-approved Fortezza-based encryption and signature between the Automated Message Handling Systems (AMHSs) operated/maintained by the Services/agencies/COCOMs.
Service Performance

Service performance is measured, monitored, and reported as defined in the Telecommunications Service Level Agreement, which can be found on the DISA Direct Home page at

Service Rates Service rate information can be found on the DISA Direct Home page at under Inventory and Billing.
Related Links DMS Asset Distribution System (DADS)