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BP Deepwater Horizon Budget: What Happened to the Oil?

Note that the current posted inventory of BP Deepwater Horizon documents in this repository is not all inclusive and should not be interpreted as such.


May 2010

05-01-2010...Tracking hours and cost (69KB PDF)

05-13-2010...FW-DEEPOIL - Notes from the 5-13-10 USGS OIL Spill Conference Call (738K PDF)

05-13-2010...Fw- DEEPOIL - Notes from the 5-13-10 USGS Oil Spill Team conference call 2 (141KB PDF)

05-17-2010...Images Provide Estimates of Sea-surface Oil from Deepwater Horizon Spill (143KB PDF)

05-17-2010...lot.sheen.thickness.a.tgif (7KB PDF)

05-19-2010...estimating volume of oil released (13KB PDF)

05-21-2010...Author list (23KB PDF)

05-21-2010...Re- Could you please provide a status of the OFR (21KB PDF)

05-22-2010...Re- co-authors- a viris oil volumes (17KB PDF)

05-24-2010...UPDATE 1 (310KB PDF)

05-24-2010...UPDATE 2 (178KB PDF)

05-24-2010...UPDATE 3 (180KB PDF)

05-24-2010...UPDATE 4 (266KB PDF) and small leak estimate (92KB PDF)

05-26-2010...area estimate maps 2 (228KB PDF)

05-26-2010...area estimate maps 3 (226KB PDF)

05-26-2010...area estimate maps (12KB PDF)

05-26-2010...intermittency (60KB PDF)

05-26-2010...NIST uncertainty estimate 2 (125KB PDF)

05-26-2010...NIST uncertainty estimate 3 (78KB PDF)

05-26-2010...PIV analysis movie of pipe kink jet on FTP 1 (50KB PDF)

05-26-2010...PIV analysis movie of pipe kink jet on FTP 2 (53KB PDF)

05-26-2010...Re CNN video of bent pipe leak this evening... (109KB PDF)

05-26-2010...RE- Kink plume estimated flow of 48 cm-s (38KB PDF)

05-27-2010...experts statements 1 (98KB PDF)

05-27-2010...experts statements 2 (88KB PDF)

05-27-2010...oil paper and a viris update (26KB PDF)

05-28-2010...Director's preliminary report (24KB PDF)

05-30-2010...Omer's Observations jets at pipe bend (13KB PDF)

05-30-2010...Talking Points and Summary Report (41KB PDF)

05-31-2010...Available for a short follow up conversation (137KB PDF)

05-31-2010...Do you have a few moments to discuss JAG concept (216KB PDF)

05-31-2010...Would like to talk re oil plume analysis (156KB PDF)

05-31-2010...Short term and long haul (52KB PDF)

June 2010

06-01-2010...USGS-subsea oil plume (292KB PDF)

06-01-2010...PIV analysis movie of pipe kink jet on FTP (3.67MB PDF)

06-01-2010...pressure-based flow calcs (2.34MB PDF)

06-02-2010...Conference this afternoon (1.54MB PDF)

06-02-2010...AVIRIS oil volume estimates (94KB PDF)

06-03-2010...FYI (47KB PDF)

06-03-2010...Oil volume estimates and table (28KB PDF)

06-04-2010...Submerged plume studies (643KB PDF)

06-04-2010...Submerged plume studies (658KB PDF)

06-04-2010...Deep water Horizon estimated (15KB PDF)

06-04-2010...Next few days (18KB PDF)

06-05-2010...Analysis team- Peper for Review (553KB PDF)

06-05-2010...RE-FW-Submerged plume studies (175KB PDF)

06-06-2010...RE- GOV CALL FOLLOW-UP (146KB PDF)

06-06-2010...pressure-based flow calcs (77KB PDF)

06-07-2010...JAG (164KB PDF)

06-07-2010...draft conclusions 1 (124KB PDF)

06-07-2010...draft conclusions 2 (52KB PDF) oil samples from BP yet (15KB PDF)

06-07-2010...sample conclusion template (44KB PDF)

06-08-2010...BP photo and First Light App Link (95KB PDF) riser video (22KB PDF)

06-08-2010...Pooling Expert Assessments (44KB PDF)

06-08-2010...Version 1.1 of oil volume USGS open file (25KB PDF)

06-09-2010...Problems viewing the tophat video in a Mac (35KB PDF)

06-10-2010...Final say so on JAG Report (147KB PDF)

06-10-2010...JAG Reporting Process (422KB PDF)

06-10-2010...NIST points for consideration (92KB PDF)

06-11-2010...Analysis of Brooks McCall_JAG_Final0001 (2.54MB PDF)

06-11-2010...Charter for the NIC-IASG (227KB PDF)

06-12-2010...Available to talk about USGS and JAG (254KB PDF)

06-13-2010...Independent PEER Review of JAG Products (782KB PDF)

06-16-2010...Reviewers 2 (220KB PDF)

06-16-2010...Reviewers (220KB PDF)

06-18-2010...FYI- Mass Balance info (56KB PDF)

06-18-2010...AVIRIS flight request draft for oil spill (15KB PDF)

06-18-2010...AVIRIS update-Todd ocean plan (33KB PDF)

06-18-2010...Mapping Oil sheen with AVIRIS (12KB PDF)

06-18-2010...Re- pictures of the plume 1 (74KB PDF)

06-18-2010...Re- pictures of the plume 2 (820KB PDF)

06-19-2010...IQA Compliance for JAG Data (275KB PDF)

06-19-2010...RE-Two potential USGS reviewrs for current JAG report (226KB PDF)

06-19-2010...Time for an FSP question relative to a multi-agency oil spill team (123KB PDF)

06-19-2010...URL for public DWH data web site (154KB PDF) of the plume (27KB PDF)

06-22-2010...RE- question (105KB PDF)

06-23-2010...calculation methodology to account compressibility of oil (87KB PDF)

06-24-2010...Mass_balance_101_.pdf (8.67MB PDF)

06-24-2010...FW- TODAY- Mass Balance Presentation, June 24th, 1 - 2 pm (95KB PDF)

06-24-2010...Mass Balance briefing (30KB PDF)

06-24-2010...MEMO (89KB PDF)

July 2010 were curious about Ira's latest plans (11KB PDF) (13KB PDF)

07-07-2010...TechnicalPlan_Draft4.2.010001 (18.53MB PDF)

07-12-2010...FRTG presentation for Dispersant Meeting (9.92MB PDF)

07-13-2010...Letter from Rep Markey to ADM Allen - Flash response requested -2 (1.13MB PDF)

07-20-2010...Meeting with Admiral Allen this morning (55KB PDF)

07-20-2010...Fw Answers to Admiral Allen questions re flow rate estimates (93KB PDF)

07-20-2010...Fw- update on AVIRIS Data Collection and Analysi s for the NRT (267KB PDF)

07-21-2010...Deepwater Horizon Oil Budget background (3.68MB PDF)


07-21-2010...AP survey for Gulf of Mexico R (179KB PDF)


07-22-2010...Deepwater Horizon Oil Budget (34KB PDF)

07-22-2010...DeepwaterHorizon oil buget tool briefing (291KB PDF)

07-22-2010...FW- AVRIS esimates talking points (159KB PDF)

07-22-2010...Fw- Daily oil budget briefing final documents (21KB PDF)

07-22-2010...FW- Script for NRT Briefing; Update on AVRIS Data Collection and Alanlysis (358KB PDF)

07-22-2010...Fw- Updated AVRIS briefing for (571KB)

07-22-2010...FW- USGS Oil Budget Tool Write-up..FINAL (216KB)

07-22-2010...FW-Oil Budget Tool gets high praise ACTION by 3.30PM today DRAFT (1.0MB PDF)

07-22-2010...FW-Oil Budget Tool gets high praise ACTION by 3.30PM today (438KB PDF)

07-22-2010...Oil Budget Schematic 2 (140KB PDF)

07-22-2010...Oil Budget Schematic (93KB PDF)

07-22-2010...Re- Oil Budget Tool gets high praise - ACTION by 3.30PM today email (25KB PDF)

07-22-2010...Re- Oil Budget Tool gets high praise - ACTION by 3.30PM today (31KB PDF)

07-22-2010...Re-Write (34KB PDF)

07-22-2010....Re- Oil Budget Tool gets high praise - ACTION by 3-30PM today 1 (24KB PDF)

07-22-2010...Re- Oil Budget Tool gets high praise - ACTION by 3-30PM today 2 (36KB PDF)

07-22-2010...Re- Oil Budget Tool gets high praise - ACTION by 3-30PM today 3 (36KB PDF)

07-22-2010...Fw- AVIRIS estimates talking points (149KB PDF)

07-22-2010...Fw- Final version of daily oil budget tool (49KB PDF)

07-22-2010...Fw- script for NRT Briefing- update on AVIRIS Data collection and Analysis (419KB PDF)

07-22-2010...Fw- updated AVIRIS briefing for (157KB PDF)

07-22-2010...pdf (22KB PDF)

07-23-2010...RE- Interview Request for Dr. McNutt-Re- spill measurements techniques R (140KB PDF)

07-23-2010...spill measurements techniques R (132KB PDF)

07-23-2010...FYI- NOAA press release re newest JAG report on subsurface oil (38KB PDF)

07-23-2010...NOAA Second Federal Analysis (1.36MB PDF)

07-28-2010...flow rate estimate R (117KB PDF)

07-29-2010...Fw- Advice Appreciated on Bloomberg News Request-Fw- new flow rate estimate R (101KB PDF)

07-30-2010...oil budget and plume team (39KB PDF)

07-30-2010...videos of flow out stacking cap (175KB PDF)

August 2010

08-01-2010...FW- New Consensus Flow Rate Developed (356KB PDF)

08-02-2010...Deepwater Horizon Oil Budget (424KB PDF)

08-02-2010...USGS DWH Geospatial Support Briefing (991KB PDF)

08-02-2010...Flow rate PR R (146KB PDF)

08-03-2010...Oil Budget description FINAL (140KB PDF)

08-04-2010...FINAL TPs and Q&A on Oil Budget 9PM (316KB PDF)

08-04-2010...FW- FINAL Tps and Q&A on Oil Budget (689KB PDF)

08-04-2010...Fw- report (27KB PDF)

08-04-2010...Can Seth get Marcia McNutt today as soon as possible (53KB PDF)

08-04-2010...Can you call Seth borenstein at AP as soon as possible about (67KB PDF)

08-04-2010...Fw- Calculation Data (60KB PDF)

08-04-2010...Can you call Seth borenstein at AP as soon as possible about NOAA (90KB PDF)

08-04-2010...Contacted by CNN re fate of oil (oil budget) report R (103KB PDF)

08-04-2010...Contacted by CNN re fate of oil (oil budget) report-R (115KB PDF)

08-04-2010...Fw- BP given approval to cement the well tomorrow (30KB PDF)

08-04-2010...Fw- Can Seth get Marcia McNutt today as soon as possible (102KB PDF)

08-04-2010...Fw- Contacted by CNN re fate of oil (oil budget) report R (99KB PDF)

08-04-2010...Fw- report_2 (26KB PDF)

08-04-2010...Re- FOLLOW-UP-Kendra is coordinating and we chatted (95KB PDF)

08-05-2010...Cementing projected to start at 0730 hrs (Central) (28KB PDF)

08-05-2010...Follow-up Question 2 (45KB PDF)

08-05-2010...Follow-up Question 3 (257KB PDF)

08-05-2010...Follow-up Question 4 (233KB PDF)

08-05-2010...Follow-up Question (99KB PDF)

08-05-2010...Re- Message to John Ohly (123KB PDF)

08-05-2010...RE- USGS Liaison for Oil Spill Media Calls-USGS HQ PA for Earthquake (37KB PDF)

08-05-2010...DeepwaterHorizonOilBudget20100801 (60KB PDF)

08-06-2010...Fw- Wrap up from Oil spill (61KB PDF)

08-06-2010...Post-cementing pressure test passed (27KB PDF)

08-06-2010...Fw- Wrap up from Oil spill 2 (100KB PDF)

08-06-2010...Fw- Wrap up from Oil spill 3 (143KB PDF)

08-09-2010...Fw- Questions from the reporter about -technical communications- (210KB PDF)

08-09-2010...Fw- thanks for your response! And welcome back! (183KB PDF)

08-09-2010...Deepwater Horizon MC252 Gulf Incident Oil Budget Calculator inquiry (281KB PDF)

08-10-2010...reporter asks who authored the National Incident (71KB PDF)

08-13-2010...Fw- 3.00 congressional call on Wednesday (111KB PDF)

08-13-2010...volume estimates for the Macondo well oil spill (55KB PDF)

08-13-2010...3.00 congressional call on Wednesday (35KB PDF)

08-13-2010...Fw- 3.00 congressional call on Wednesday_2 (35KB PDF)

08-13-2010...Fw- Oil Spill [Presidential] Commission meeting (101KB PDF)

08-13-2010...Oil Spill Commission meeting R (193KB PDF)

08-16-2010...COMMERCE Oversight Testimony 8-19-10 R (56KB PDF)

08-17-2010...University of Georgia Oil Budget (52KB PDF)

08-17-2010...Please call me when you get a chance R (126KB PDF)

08-18-2010...Update on Gulf AVIRIS Data Acquisition, Sampling, and (59KB PDF)


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