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This list provides a broad range of scientific publications of note in the chemical and materials sciences field, as selected by Bruce Garrett, Chemical & Materials Division Director. Many of the links on this page are provided through paid subscription services, so you many not be able to access these articles. Please contact your institution's library for assistance in obtaining these documents. A link to a DOI resolving site is provided, where a DOI was available.


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Appel AM, SJ Lee, JA Franz, DL DuBois, M Rakowski DuBois, JC Birnbaum, and B Twamley. 2008. "Formation and Reactivity of a Persistent Radical in a Dinuclear Molybdenum Complex." Journal of the American Chemical Society 130(28):8940-8951. doi:10.1021/ja078115r

Averkiev BB, S Call, AI Boldyrev, L Wang, W Huang, and LS Wang. 2008. "Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Ab Initio Study of the Structure and Bonding in A17N- and A17N." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112(09):1873-1879. doi:10.1021/jp7106236


Bachelor PP, JI McIntyre, JE Amonette, JC Hayes, BD Milbrath, and P Saripalli. 2008. "Potential Method for Measurement of CO2 Leakage from Underground Sequestration Fields Using Radioactive Tracers." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 277(1):85-89. doi:10.1007/s10967-008-0713-8

Badireddy AR, S Chellam, S Yanina, PL Gassman, and KM Rosso. 2008. "Bismuth Dimercaptopropanol (BisBAL) Inhibits the Expression of Extracellular Polysaccharides and Proteins by Brevundimonas diminuta: Implications for Membrane Microfiltration." Biotechnology and Bioengineering 99(3):634-643. doi:10.1002/bit.21615

Badireddy AR, BR Korpol, S Chellam, PL Gassman, MH Engelhard, AS Lea, and KM Rosso. 2008. "Spectroscopic Characterization of Extracellular Polymeric Substances from Escherichia coli and Serratia marcescens: Suppression Using Sub-Inhibitory Concentrations of Bismuth Thiols." Biomacromolecules 9(11):3079-3089. doi:10.1021/bm800600p

Bae IT, Y Zhang, WJ Weber, M Ishimaru, Y Hirotsu, and M Higuchi. 2008. "Ionization-Induced Effects in Amorphous Apatite at Elevated Temperatures." Journal of Materials Research 23(4):962-967. doi:10.1557/JMR.2008.0114

Bae IT, Y Zhang, WJ Weber, M Ishimaru, Y Hirotsu, and M Higuchi. 2008. "Temperature Dependence of Electron-Beam-Induced Effects in Amorphous Apatite." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 266(12-13):3037-3042. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2008.03.160

Baer M, G Mathias, IFW Kuo, DJ Tobias, CJ Mundy, and D Marx. 2008. "Spectral Signatures of the Pentagonal Water Cluster in Bacteriorhodopsin." Chemphyschem 9(18):2703-2707.

Baer DR, JE Amonette, MH Engelhard, DJ Gaspar, AS Karakoti, SVNT Kuchibhatla, P Nachimuthu, J Nurmi, Y Qiang, V Sarathy, S Seal, A Sharma, PG Tratnyek, and CM Wang. 2008. "Characterization Challenges for Nanomaterials." Surface and Interface Analysis 40(3-4):529-537. doi:10.1002/sia.2726

Bagus PS, R Broer, and ES Ilton. 2008. "Atomic Near-Degeneracy for Photoemission: Generality of 4f Excitations." Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 165(1-3):46-49. doi:10.1016/j.elspec.2008.07.008

Bagus PS, H Freund, H Kuhlenbeck, and ES Ilton. 2008. "A New Analysis of X-Ray Adsorption Branching Ratios: Use of Russell-Saunders Coupling." Chemical Physics Letters 455(4-6):331-334.

Baldwin BR, AD Peacock, MM Park, D Ogles, JD Istok, JP McKinley, CT Resch, and DC White. 2008. "Multilevel Samplers as Microcosms to Assess Microbial Response to Biostimulation." Ground Water 46(2):295-304. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2007.00411.x

Bateman AP, ML Walser, Y Dessiaterik, J Laskin, A Laskin, and S Nizkorodov. 2008. "The Effect of Solvent on the Analysis of Secondary Organic Aerosol Using Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry." Environmental Science & Technology 42(19):7341-7346. doi:10.1021/es801226w

Beck KM, AG Joly, O Diwald, S Stankic, PE Trevisanutto, PV Sushko, AL Shluger, and WP Hess. 2008. "Energy and Site Selectivity in O-Atom Photodesorption from Nanostructured MgO." Surface Science 602(11):1968-1973. doi:10.1016/j.susc.2008.03.046

Belai N, M Frisch, ES Ilton, B Ravel, and CL Cahill. 2008. "Pentavalent Uranium Oxide via Reduction of [UO2]2+ Under Hydrothermal Reaction Conditions." Inorganic Chemistry 47(21):10135-10140. doi:10.1021/ic801534m

Boily JF and AR Felmy. 2008. "On the Protonation of Oxo- and Hydroxo- Groups of the Goethite (a-FeOOH) Surface: A FTIR Spectroscopic Investigation of Surface O-H Stretching Vibrations." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72(14):3338-3357. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2008.04.022

Boily JF and ES Ilton. 2008. "An Independent Confirmation of the Correlation of Uf4 Primary Peaks and Satellite Structures of UVI, UV and UIV in Mixed Valence Uranium Oxides by Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy." Surface Science 602(24):3637-3646.

Borch T, AK Camper, JA Biederman, P Butterfield, R Gerlach, and JE Amonette. 2008. "Evaluation of Characterization Techniques for Iron Pipe Corrosion Products and Iron Oxide Thin Films." Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE) 134(10):835-844.

Buchko GW, BJ Tarasevich, JG Bekhazi, ML Snead, and WJ Shaw. 2008. "A Solution NMR Investigation into the Early Events of Amelogenin Nanosphere Self-Assembly Initiated with Sodium Chloride or Calcium Chloride." Biochemistry 47(50):13215-13222. doi:10.1021/bi8018288

Buchko GW, JG Bekhazi, JR Cort, NB Valentine, ML Snead, and WJ Shaw. 2008. "1H, 13C, and 15N Resonance Assignments of Murine Amelogenin, an Enamel Biomineralization Protein." Biomolecular NMR Assignments 2(1):89-91.

Bylaska EJ, M Dupuis, and PG Tratnyek. 2008. "One-Electron-Transfer Reactions of Polychlorinated Ethylenes: Concerted and Stepwise Cleavages." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112(16):3712-3721.


Chambers SA. 2008. "Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of Doped Oxide Semiconductors." Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20(26): Art. No. 264004.

Chang DT, GK Schenter, and BC Garrett. 2008. "Self-Consistent Polarization Neglect of Diatomic Differential Overlap: Application to Water Clusters." Journal of Chemical Physics 128(16):119-137 (Art. No. 164111). doi:10.1063/1.2905230

Chang TM and LX Dang. 2008. "Computational Studies of Liquid Water and Diluted Water in Carbon Tetrachloride." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112(8):1694-1700. doi:10.1021/jp711092v

Chen ZJ, HY Xiao, XT Zu, and F Gao. 2008. "First-Principles Calculation of Defect Formation Energies and Electronic Properties in Stannate Pyrochlores." Journal of Applied Physics 104(9): Art. No. 093702.

Chen ZJ, HY Xiao, X Zu, L Wang, F Gao, J Lian, and RC Ewing. 2008. "Structural and Bonding Properties of Stannate Pyrochlores: A Density Functional Theory Investigation." Computational Materials Science 42(4):653-658. doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2007.09.019

Cheng TY, DJ Szalda, JC Hanson, JT Muckerman, and RM Bullock. 2008. "Four-Electron Donor Hemilabile n3-PPh3 Ligand that Binds Through a C = C Bond Rather than an Agostic C-H Interaction, and Displacement of the C = C by Methyl Iodide or Water." Organometallics 27(15):3785-3795. doi:10.1021/om800401d

Cheng Y, J Hoard, C Lambert, JH Kwak, and CHF Peden. 2008. "NMR Studies of Cu/Zeolite SCR Catalysts Hydrothermally Aged with Urea." Catalysis Today 136(1-2):34-39. doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2008.01.019

Cheung SH, P Nachimuthu, MH Engelhard, CM Wang, and SA Chambers. 2008. "N Incorporation, Composition and Electronic Structure in N-Doped TiO2(001) Anatase Epitaxial Films Grown on LaAlO3(001)." Surface Science 602(1):133-141. doi:10.1016/j.susc.2007.09.061

Cho HM, WJ Shaw, VM Parvanov, GK Schenter, AJ Karkamkar, NJ Hess, CJ Mundy, SM Kathmann, JA Sears, AS Lipton, PD Ellis, and T Autrey. 2008. "Molecular Structure and Dynamics in the Low Temperature (Orthorhombic) Phase of NH3BH3." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112(18):4277-4283. doi:10.1021/jp711696

Clarke TA, T Holley, RS Hartshorne, JK Fredrickson, JM Zachara, L Shi, and D Richardson. 2008. "The Role of Multihaem Cytochromes in the Respiration of Nitrite in Escherichia coli and Fe(III) in Shewanella oneidensis." Biochemical Society: Transactions 36(Pt. 5):1005-1010. doi:10.1042/BST0361005

Craig NC and RL Sams. 2008. "An Investigation of the Rotamers of Butadiene by High-Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112(49):12637-12646. doi:10.1021/jp807677y

Cui L and LS Wang. 2008. "Stable Icosahedral Hollow Cage Clusters: Stannapherene (Sn12 2-) and Plumbaspherene (Pb12 2-)." International Reviews in Physical Chemistry 27(1):139-166.doi: 10.1080/01442350701791256


Daschbach JL, PK Thallapally, BP McGrail, and LX Dang. 2008. "Dynamics and Free Energies of CH4 and CO2 in the Molecular Solid of the p-tert-Butylcalix[4]arene." Chemical Physics Letters 453(4-6):123-128. doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2008.01.031

Devanathan R. 2008. "Recent Developments in Proton Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cells." Energy & Environmental Science 1(1):101-119. doi:10.1039/b808149m

Devanathan R and WJ Weber. 2008. "Dynamic Annealing of Defects in Irradiated Zirconia-Based Ceramics." Journal of Materials Research 23(3):593-597. doi:10.1557/JMR.2008.0104

Di Bernardo P, PL Zanonato, A Melchior, R Portanova, M Tolazzi, GR Choppin, and Z Wang. 2008. "Thermodynamic and Spectroscopic Studies of Lanthanides(III) Complexation with Polyamines in Dimethyl Sulfoxide." Inorganic Chemistry 47(3):1155-1164. doi:10.1021/ic701337u

Dietrich BL, KI Goldberg, DM Heinekey, T Autrey, and JC Linehan. 2008. "Iridium Catalyzed Dehydrogenation of Substituted Amine Boranes: Kinetics, Thermodynamics and Implications for Hydrogen Storage." Inorganic Chemistry 47(19):8583-8585. doi:10.1021/ic801161g

Disselkamp RS, BD Harris, JN Patel, TR Hart, and CHF Peden. 2008. "Propanal Synthesis from Aqueous Propylene Glycol/Hydrogen Peroxide on a Ru/Alumina Catalyst." Inorganic Chemistry Communications 11(5):561-563. doi:doi:10.1016/j.inoche.2008.01.024

Dohnalek Z, J Kim, and BD Kay. 2008. "Understanding How Surface Morphology and Hydrogen Dissolution Influence Ethylene Hydrogenation on Palladium." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112(40):15796-15801. doi:10.1021/jp803880x

Du S, JS Francisco, GK Schenter, and BC Garrett. 2008. "Many-Body Decomposition of the Binding Energies for OH•(H2O)2 and OH•(H2O)3 Complexes." Journal of Chemical Physics 128(8): Art. No. 084307. doi:10.1063/1.2828522

Du Y, Z Dohnalek, and I Lyubinetsky. 2008. "Transient Mobility of Oxygen Adatoms upon O2 Dissociation on Reduced TiO2 (110)." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112(7):2649-2653. doi:10.1021/jp077677u


Eggleston CM, J Voros, L Shi, BH Lower, T Droubay, and PJ Colberg. 2008. "Binding and Direct Electrochemistry of OmcA, an Outer-Membrane Cytochrome from an Iron Reducing Bacterium, with Oxide Electrodes: A Candidate Biofuel Cell System." Inorganica Chimica Acta 361(3):769-777. doi:10.1016/j.ica.2007.07.015

Ely JH, KK Anderson, DJ Bates, RT Kouzes, CA Lopresti, RC Runkle, ER Siciliano, and DR Weier. 2008. "The Use of Energy Information in Plastic Scintillator Material." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 276(3):743-748. doi:10.1007/s10967-008-0627-5

Epling WS, I Nova, and CHF Peden. 2008. "Preface." Catalysis Today 136(1-2):1-2. doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2008.03.008

Epling WS, CHF Peden, and J Szanyi. 2008. "Carbonate Formation and Stability on a Pt/BaO/γ-Al2O3 NOx Storage/Reduction Catalyst." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112(29):10952-10959. doi:10.1021/jp712180q

Eustis S, D Radisic, KH Bowen, RA Bachorz, M Haranczyk, GK Schenter, and MS Gutowski. 2008. "Electron-Driven Acid-Base Chemistry: Proton Transfer from Hydrogen Chloride to Ammonia." Science 319(5865):936-939. doi:10.1126/science.1151614


Fanourgakis GS and SS Xantheas. 2008. "Development of Transferable Interaction Potentials for Water: V. Extension of the Flexible, Polarizable, Thole-Type Model Potential (TTM3-F, v. 3.0) to Describe the Vibrational Spectra of Water Clusters and Liquid Water." Journal of Chemical Physics 128(7): Art. No. 074506.

Faybishenko B, TC Hazen, PE Long, EL Brodie, MS Conrad, S Hubbard, JN Christensen, D Joyner, S Borglin, R Chakraborty, KH Williams, JE Peterson, J Chen, ST Brown, TK Tokunaga, J Wan, M Firestone, DR Newcomer, CT Resch, KJ Cantrell, A Willett, and S Koenigsberg. 2008. "In Situ Long-Term Reductive Bioimmobilization of Cr(VI) in Groundwater Using Hydrogen Release Compound." Environmental Science & Technology 42(22):8478-8485. doi:10.1021/es801383r

Fernandez CA, RJ Wiacek, P Nachimuthu, GE Fryxell, AM Pierson, CL Warner, MG Warner, and RS Addleman. 2008. "A Simple Method for the Prevention of Non-Specific Adsorption by Nanocrystals onto Surfaces." Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8(11):5781-5786. doi:10.1166/jnn.2008.320

Fernandez CA, EM Hoppes, JG Bekhazi, CM Wang, RJ Wiacek, MG Warner, GE Fryxell, JT Bays, and RS Addleman. 2008. "Tuning and Quantifying the Dispersibility of Gold Nanocrystals in Liquid and Supercritical Solvents." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112(36):13947-13957. doi:10.1021/jp8038237

Fister TT, FD Vila, GT Seidler, L Svec, JC Linehan, and JO Cross. 2008. "The Local Electronic Structure of Dicarba-closo-dodecaboranes C2B10H12." Journal of the American Chemical Society 130(3):925-932. doi:10.1021/ja074794u

Fister TT, GT Siedler, EL Shirley, FD Vila, KP Nagle, JJ Rehr, JC Linehan, and JO Cross. 2008. "The Local Electronic Structure of α-Li3N ." Journal of Chemical Physics 129(4):345-352; Article No. 044702.

Fredrickson JK and JM Zachara. 2008. "Electron Transfer at the Microbe-Mineral Interface: A Grand Challenge in Biogeochemistry." Geobiology 6(3):245-253.

Furuhama A, M Dupuis, and K Hirao. 2008. "Application of a Kinetic Energy Partitioning Scheme for Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics to Reactions Associated with Ionization in Water Tetramers." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10(15):2033-2042. doi:10.1039/b713456h


Gallagher NB, PL Gassman, and TA Blake. 2008. "Detection of Low Volatility Organic Analytes on Soils Using Infrared Reflection Spectroscopy." Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 16(3):179-187. doi:10.1255/jnirs.776

Gallagher NB, PL Gassman, and TA Blake. 2008. "Strategies for Detecting Organic Liquids on Soils Using Mid-Infrared Reflection Spectroscopy." Environmental Science & Technology 42(15):5700-5705. doi:10.1021/es8005404

Gao F, Y Zhang, M Posselt, and WJ Weber. 2008. "Computational Study of Anisotropic Epitaxial Recrystallization in 4H-SiC." Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20(12): Art. No. 125203. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/20/12/125203

Gao F, LW Campbell, YL Xie, R Devanathan, AJ Peurrung, and WJ Weber. 2008. "Electron-Hole Pairs Created by Photons and Intrinsic Properties in Detector Materials." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 55(3):1079-1085. doi:10.1109/TNS.2007.908917

Garrett BC. 2008. "Vista: A Quantum Chemical and Molecular Dynamics Study of the Coordination of Cm(III) in Water." Journal of the American Chemical Society 129(46):14136-14137.

Gibbs GV, RT Downs, DF Cox, NL Ross, MB Boisen, Jr, and KM Rosso. 2008. "Shared and Closed-Shell O-O Interactions in Silicates." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112(16):3693-3699.

Gibbs GV, RT Downs, DF Cox, NL Ross, CT Prewitt, KM Rosso, T Lippmann, and A Kirfel. 2008. "Bonded Interactions and the Crystal Chemistry of Minerals: A Review." Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 223(1-2):1-40. doi:10.1524/zkri.2008.0002

Gibbs GV, RT Downs, DF Cox, KM Rosso, NL Ross, A Kirfel, T Lippmann, W Morgenroth, and TD Crawford. 2008. "Experimental Bond Critical Point and Local Energy Density Properties Determined for Mn-O, Fe-O and Co-O Bonded Interactions for Tephroite, Mn2SiO4, fayalite, Fe2SiO4 and Co2SiO4 Olivine and Selected Organic Metal Complexes: Comparison with Properties Calculated for Non-Transition and Transition Metal M-O Bonded Interactions for Silicates and Oxides." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112(37):8811-8823. doi:10.1021/jp804280j

Ginovska B, DM Camaioni, and M Dupuis. 2008. "The H2O2+OH → HO2+H2O Reaction in Aqueous Solution from a Charge-Dependent Continuum Model of Solvation." Journal of Chemical Physics 129(1): Art. No. 014506.

Ginovska B, DM Camaioni, M Dupuis, CA Schwerdtfeger, and Q Gilcrease. 2008. "Charge-Dependent Cavity Radii for an Accurate Dielectric Continuum Model of Solvation with Emphasis on Ions: Aqueous Solutes with Oxo, Hydroxo, Amino, Methyl, Chloro, Bromo and Fluoro Functionalities." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112(42):10604-10613. doi:10.1021/jp804092v

Gorby YA, JS McLean, AA Korenevsky, KM Rosso, MY El-Naggar, and TJ Beveridge. 2008. "Redox-Reactive Membrane Vesicles produced by Shewanella." Geobiology 6(3):232-241. doi:10.1111/j.1472-4669.2008.00158.x

Grate JW. 2008. "Hydrogen-Bond Acidic Polymers for Chemical Vapor Sensing." Chemical Reviews 108(2):726-745. doi:10.1021/cr068109y

Grate JW, OB Egorov, MJ O'Hara, and TA Devol. 2008. "Radionuclide Sensors for Environmental Monitoring: From Flow Injection Solid-Phase Absorptiometry to Equilibration-Based Preconcentrating Minicolumn Sensors with Radiometric Detection." Chemical Reviews 108(2):543-562. doi:10.1021/cr068115u

Grieves GA, NG Petrik, J Herring-Captain, B Olanrewaju, A Aleksandrov, RG Tonkyn, SE Barlow, GA Kimmel, and TM Orlando. 2008. "Photoionization of Sodium Salt Solutions in a Liquid Jet." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112(22):8359-8364. doi:10.1021/jp7102534


Hayes JA, DM Schubert, JE Amonette, P Nachimuthu, and RS Disselkamp. 2008. "Ultraviolet Stimulation of Hydrogen Peroxide Production Using Aminoindazole, Diaminopyridine, and Phenylenediamine Solid Polymer Complexes of Zn(II)." Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A, Chemistry 197(2-3):245-252. doi:10.1016/j.jphotochem.2007.12.031

Heldebrant DJ, AJ Karkamkar, JC Linehan, and T Autrey. 2008. "Synthesis of Ammonia Borane for Hydrogen Storage Applications." Energy & Environmental Science 1(1):156-160.

Heldebrant DJ, CR Yonker, PG Jessop, and L Phan. 2008. "Organic Liquid CO2 Capture Agents with High Gravimetric CO2 Capacity." Energy & Environmental Science 1(4):487-493.

Heldebrant DJ, AJ Karkamkar, NJ Hess, ME Bowden, SD Rassat, F Zheng, KG Rappe, and T Autrey. 2008. "The Effects of Chemical Additives on the Induction Phase in Solid-State Thermal Decomposition of Ammonia Borane." Chemistry of Materials 20(16):5332-5336. doi:10.1021/cm801253u

Henderson MA. 2008. "Effect of Coadsorbed Water on the Photodecomposition of Acetone on TiO2(110)." Journal of Catalysis 256(2):287-292. doi:10.1016/j.jcat.2008.03.020

Henderson MA. 2008. "Ethyl Radical Ejection During Photodecomposition of Butanone on TiO2(110)." Surface Science 602(20):3188-3193. doi:10.1016/j.susc.2007.06.079

Henderson MA. 2008. "Relationship of O2 Photodesorption in Photooxidation of Acetone on TiO2." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112(30):11433-11440. doi:10.1021/jp802551x

Herrera JE, JH Kwak, JZ Hu, Y Wang, and CHF Peden. 2008. "Effects of Novel Supports on the Physical and Catalytic Properties of Tungstophosphoric Acid for Alcohol Dehydration Reactions." Topics in Catalysis 49(3-4):259-267. doi:10.1007/s11244-008-9081-4

Hess NJ, O Qafoku, Y Xia, DA Moore, and AR Felmy. 2008. "Thermodynamic Model for Solubility of TcO2•xH2O in Aqueous Oxalate System." Journal of Solution Chemistry 37(11):1471-1487. doi:10.1007/s10953-008-9328-5

Hess NJ, ME Bowden, VM Parvanov, CJ Mundy, SM Kathmann, GK Schenter, and T Autrey. 2008. "Spectroscopic Studies of the Phase Transition in Ammonia Borane: Raman Spectroscopy of Single-Crystal NH3BH3 as a Function of Temperature from 88 to 330 K." Journal of Chemical Physics 128(3): Art. No. 034508. doi:10.1063/1.2820768

Hess NJ, MR Hartman, C Brown, E Mamontov, AJ Karkamkar, DJ Heldebrant, LL Daemen, and T Autrey. 2008. "Quasielastic Neutron Scattering of -NH3 and -BH3 Rotational Dynamics in Orthorhombic Ammonia Borane." Chemical Physics Letters 459(1-6):85-88. doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2008.04.130

Hu D, Z Tian, W Wu, W Wan, and AD Li. 2008. "Photoswitchable Nanoparticles Enable High-Resolution Cell Imaging: PULSAR Microscopy." Journal of the American Chemical Society 130(46):15279-15281. doi:10.1021/ja805948u

Hu JZ, JH Kwak, Z Yang, W Osborn, T Markmaitree, and LL Shaw. 2008. "Investigation of Mechanical Activation on Li-N-H Systems Using 6Li Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance at Ultra-High Field." Journal of Power Sources 182(1):278-283.

Hu JZ, JH Kwak, Z Yang, W Osborn, T Markmaitree, and LL Shaw. 2008. "Probing the Reaction Pathway of Dehydrogenation of the LiNH2 + LiH Mixture Using In Situ 1H NMR Spectroscopy." Journal of Power Sources 181(1):116-119.


Icenhower JP, BP McGrail, WJ Shaw, EM Pierce, P Nachimuthu, DK Shuh, EA Rodriguez, and JL Steele. 2008. "Experimentally Determined Dissolution Kinetics of Na-Rich Borosilicate Glass at Far from Equilibrium Conditions: Implications for Transition State Theory." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72(12):2767-2788. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2008.02.026

Ilton ES and PS Bagus. 2008. "Ligand Field Effects on the Multiplet Structure of the U4f XPS of UO2." Surface Science 602(5):1114-1121. doi:10.1016/j.susc.2008.01.010

Ilton ES, N Qafoku, C Liu, DA Moore, and JM Zachara. 2008. "Advective Removal of Intraparticle Uranium from Contaminated Vadose Zone Sediments, Hanford, USA." Environmental Science & Technology 42(5):1565-1571. doi:10.1021/es071113m

Ishimaru M, A Hirata, M Naito, IT Bae, Y Zhang, and WJ Weber. 2008. "Direct Observations of Thermally Induced Structural Changes in Amorphous Silicon Carbide." Journal of Applied Physics 104(3):033503, 1-5. doi:10.1063/1.2960342


Jacobsen GM, JY Yang, B Twamley, A Wilson, RM Bullock, M Rakowski DuBois, and DL DuBois. 2008. "Hydrogen Production Using Cobalt-Based Molecular Catalysts Containing a Proton Relay in the Second Coordination Sphere." Energy & Environmental Science 1(1):167-174. doi:10.1039/b805309j

Jaisi DP, C Liu, H Dong, RE Blake, and JB Fein. 2008. "Fe2+ Sorption onto Nontronite (NAu-2)." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72(22):5361-5371. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2008.08.022

Joly AG, KM Beck, and WP Hess. 2008. "Electronic Energy Transfer on CaO Surfaces." Journal of Chemical Physics 129(12):124704. doi:10.1063/1.2980049

Jordan DV, AS Renholds, JE Jaffe, KK Anderson, LR Corrales, and AJ Peurrung. 2008. "Simple Classical Model for Fano Statistics in Radiation Detectors." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 585(3):146-154. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2007.009


Kaspar TC, T Droubay, SM Heald, MH Engelhard, P Nachimuthu, and SA Chambers. 2008. "Hidden Ferromagnetic Secondary Phases in Cobalt-Doped ZnO Epitaxial Thin Films." Physical Review B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77(20):201303. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.77.201303

Kaspar TC, T Droubay, SM Heald, P Nachimuthu, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, CA Johnson, DR Gamelin, and SA Chambers. 2008. "Lack of Ferromagnetism in n-Type Cobalt-Doped ZnO Epitaxial Thin Films." New Journal of Physics 10: Art. No. 055010. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/10/5/055010

Kathmann SM, IFW Kuo, and C Mundy. 2008. "Electronic Effects on the Surface Potential at the Vapor-Liquid Interface of Water." Journal of the American Chemical Society 130(49):16556-16561. doi:10.1021/ja802851w

Kathmann SM, GK Schenter, and BC Garrett. 2008. "The Impact of Molecular Interactions on Atmospheric Aerosol Radiative Forcing." Advances in Quantum Chemistry 55:429-447. doi:10.1016/S0065-3276(07)00220-1

Kathmann SM, GK Schenter, and SS Xantheas. 2008. "On the Determination of Monomer Dissociation Energies of Small Water Clusters from Photoionization Experiments." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112(9):1851-1853. doi:10.1021/jp710624r

Kathmann SM, BJ Palmer, GK Schenter, and BC Garrett. 2008. "Activation Energies and Potentials of Mean Force for Water Cluster Evaporation." Journal of Chemical Physics 128(6): Art. No. 064306. doi:10.1063/1.2837282

Kelly JF, A Maki, TA Blake, and RL Sams. 2008. "Supersonic Free-Jet Quantum Cascade Laser Measurements of v4 for CF335Cl and CF337Cl and FTS Measurements from 400 to 1260 cm-1." Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 252(1):81-89. doi:10.1016/j.jms.2008.07.001

Kerisit SN, C Liu, and ES Ilton. 2008. "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Orthoclase (001)- and (010)-Water Interfaces." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72(6):1481-1497.

Kerisit SN, KM Rosso, and BD Cannon. 2008. "Kinetic Monte Carlo Model of Scintillation Mechanisms in CsI and CsI(Tl)." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 55(3 Pt. 2):1251-1258. doi:10.1109/TNS.2008.922830

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